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Midwife : Good morning students,in this occasion l’d like to explain you how to give

newborn care.Sherly,did you remember when l showed you how l gave

newborn care to Mrs Hannah baby yesterday?

Sherly : Yes Mam,you showed me how you cut the umbilical cord,cleaned and wiped

the baby after being delivered,then you warned the baby,gave the baby to

this mother to have early initiation of breastfeeding,and then after around

6-8 hours the baby could be bathed

Midwife : Why do you think that l dried and wiped the baby’s skin after he has been


Sherly : l think because we have to minimize the heat is impossible to bath the

baby because the baby is just leaving the uterine environment which is

warmer than the condition outside his mother’sbody,hyporthermia can

happen if we directly bath the baby and it is really dangerous.

Midwife : Yes and the baby was trying to adapt with the new environment outside the

uterine or his mother’s body.The baby is transported to warm contentment

of the uterine environment to the outside world.The baby must be able to

make this sharp transition swiftly.We have to accomodate this adaptive

situation.We give immediate care for the baby at birth.We provide an

ambient temperature in the range 21-25 degree celcious.Now after l cut and

clamped the umbilical cord.What did l do?

Sherly : You,put the baby on the top of the body’smother to crawl and find the

nipple for breastfeeding and we call that early initiation of breastfeeding.

Midwife : Yes that’s right,and it happens usually around 30-60 minutes and after that

we give him two shots or injections of hepatitis B Immunization and Vitamin K

after that we can take the baby and swaddle him with the blanket.

Student : When can we bath the baby?

Midwife : After 6-8 hours.

Student : How do we make an assesment that the baby’s general condition to

recognize whether he’s a healthy baby after he’s been born.

Midwife : Good question dear,The baby can be considered a healthy baby if he has

reddish or completely pink skin,cough or sneeze when we give him a

stimulus for response,he cries loudly and his hearth rate is more than 100


Student: l remember those are stated in Apgar Score that is used to score the general

condition of the baby in 1-5 minutes assessment.

Midwife : Alright l see that you have understood that haven’t you?We’ll continue our

discussion tomorrow alright?

Student : Ok Mam.Thank you.

Task 1

After reading the dialogue above,Here l list the new vocabularies then discuss the
meaning of those words.

No Vocabulary Meaning
1 Clinical practice
2 Umbilical cord
3 Heat loss
4 Uterine
5 Adapt
6 Transition
7 Ambient
8 Clamp
9 Shots
10 Swaddle
11 Recognize
12 Sneeze
13 Cough
14 Stimulate
15 Stimulus
16 Heart rate
17 B.p.m
18 Hyportermia
19 Environment
20 Contentment


Nappy changing. There are two types of nappies, reusable and disposable.
Reusable nappy is usually made of toweling or cloth. Disposable nappy is the one that is
made to be used once only.

Nappies should be changed as soon as possible following soiling with either

urine or faces. The skin should be cleaned at this time with either warm water or a baby
wipe to minimize the risk of the skin becoming either excoriated or nappy rash
occurring. This is likely happen when urine remains in contact with the skin, particulary
if fecal organisme are also present which cause urea to be broken down to ammonia,
one causes of nappy rash commonly occurring after the first month. The midwife should
demonstrate how to change the babay’s nappy using one of methods.
Cleaning the eyes. Eyes should not be cleaned unless discharging, to minimize
the risk of trauma and infection occurring. Sticky eyes are commonly due to blocked
tear ducts and are usually neither infected nor inflamed. The discharge is a yellowish
color and may be seen as crusting on the eyelid. A profuse or offensive or discharge of a
different color is most likely due infection and may be accompanied by both erythema
and localized edema of the eye. If infection is suspected, a swab may be taken, referral
made and antibiotics commenced. Both left eye and right eye are cleaned separately,
the cotton wool ball is used to wipe the eye once, then disposed of and the eye should be
wiped from the inner part outwards. Either sterile water or cooled boiled water can be
used. The midwife should demonstrate this procedure to the parents.

Cord care. The umbilical cord is clamped and cut at birth, leaving 2-5 cm of
umbilical cord that has no further function. The cord separates over the next 5 to 16
days by a process of dry gangrene. The clamp is removed on the third or fourth day,
once hemostasis is secure. Cleaning the cord with either a spirit-based substance or the
application of powder delay the separation time of the cord and may increase the risk of
infection. Current management for the baby not a high risk of infection centers on both
keeping the cord clean and using water when either bathing or nappy changing.

Task 2

A.Rewrite about the following activities using the following points as a guide.

1.Nappy changing

Frequency :

Medium :

Rational :

2.Cleaning the eyes

When to clean :

When not to clean :

Medium :
How to clean :

3.Cleaning the umbilical cord

The use of spirit –based substance and :

How to clean


Nappy = popokbayi

Reusable = dapatdigunakankembali

Disposable = sekalipakai

To dispose = membuangmenyingkirkan

Due to = disebabkankarena……

To soil = mengotori

Toweling =kain (berbahandasarhanduk yang


To occur = terjadi

Likely = sepertinya…………,kemungkinan…………

Sticky = lengket

To crust = mengeras (dipermukaanya)

To wipe = mengusap

Profuse = hal yang berlebihan

Offensive = serangan

Whilst / while = sementara

To suffice = mencukupi

To clamp = menjepit
Spirit-based substance = zat berbahan dasar spiritus (dengankadar alcohol yang

To commence = memulai

Cotton wool ball = pembersih (telinga, berupakapas yang dibantuk bulat


Dapat juga untuk membersihkan kotoran diujung mata bayi)

Modesty = ketertutupan dalam berpakaian.

Erythema = warnakemerahanpadakulit.

Edema =sembab, Nampak membesarpadabagiantubuhtertentu.

Rash = ruam. (nappy rash : ruam-ruamkemerahan yang


Feces = tinja, kotoranb.a.b (fecal : adj.)

Discharge = aliranzatatausubtansitertentudaridalamtubuh (eye


= kotorancairandarimata)

Swab = menyeka

Referral = lengkapnyaditulis (referral latter) suratrujukan.

Antibiotics =antibiotic.Obat untuk menahan laju perkembangan


Didalam tubuh.

Umbilical cord = talipusat.

Gangrene =kematian jaringan, jaringan yang mati pada daerah yang


maupun pada tempat tertentu.

Excoriate = lecet (bagian permukaan kulit yang mengelupas)

Hemostatis = penghentian pendarahan.

Duck = pipa atau saluran untuk mengalirkan secret kelenjar.

Secretion = secret, substansi yang di produksi oleh kelenjar,

UTI = Urinary Tranct Infection : ISK InfeksisaluranKencing

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