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Lesson 1 - Activity 1.1

Category Exemplary (5pts)

Details of the drawing captures the

Creativity (Use of important information about the topic. All
Graphics, Colors, graphics are unique and related to the
Organization, Layout, topic. It is well organized and also captures
and Design) audience's attention through colors and

Explanation have no grammatical, spelling

Mechanics (Use of
or punctuations errors. It can be easily
understand and is well written.
Lesson 1 - Activity 1.1

Proficient (4pts) Acceptable (3pts)

Details of the drawing includes the

Details of the drawing relates to the topic
important information about the topic but
but are too general or incomplete. The
the audience may need some information
audience need more information to fully
to fully understand the graphics. It also
understand the graphics. Drawings have
captures audience's attention but most of
no color and disorganized.
the drawing have no colors.

A few grammatical, spelling, and

Almost no grammatical, spelling, or
punctuation errors. Explanation are short
punctuations errors. However, explanation
and needs more information to understand
needs some understanding of the idea.
the idea.

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