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BE HUBM Mined 6090) Sep 08 MINI READING (20°) 4 Weather recasting in India, pest icin pee the Garbbean severe weather events to nowsfieacins inst weky, Ye ish might Stay cela, the county is sl govern by the weal sno ight Say aoe cea RET, te sun 2 govtned by he wate 8 pout with rain the Mt peal ners iy he wears even Ese the averting pamoa he weer ch Reread? tn ewer anene be ioacey rt ny gm at cane 2 9 “Powver companies need to Panies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather, farmers pian their harvests around the forecast and food manufactur sound food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather i= So who or wa gists - weather forecasters as they are more commonly known - rely on when it comes to pg traced Rent pat cl Wisma eg from weather satelite, the frst of which was launched into a ars ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting. Up until then, forecasters had eied o> Puman cheers o pode tae of dang woes 'AS a resui, many parts ofthe world where there were fe humans around, especially the eceans, were information: free weather ar 2 na nwa ae So neck eas. Today. however, satelites can watch weath In Se Uk Theteorologists have also relied on releasing four weather balloons a day from eight fixed sites, These balloons treasure wind, temperature and humidity as they rise upwards toa height of about 26.000 metres. Some commercial aircraft can also be fited with a range of forecasting instruments atthough this system has conan seEtvcnawes, For example, ican provide a great dea of information about he weather on populer route, sueh as London 12 Now York, but litle about the weather on more out-oFthe way routes. rags er tn an eo og re wet as importa cata on wav he Cay. Sram eee mens fay fed but ey ean inde whch cto en coming fom, how low Re cows a Syren idea of when the weather sytem wil each ln ae nactr wn nas mae ana fo himeel ba man cad Pars Corb, who bases Ne recat AONE ne forest wo as ate ul or ony 10 cays aheod, but Corby frcasts av fy TY Mone, Sess Moe fracas Ogre no eric Bas rh wor, Cot forza ate ue by revance companies Wo ertto plan montsinadvance. ae 4, The weather system affects people's lives in Britain Benspe bon ary reste because ts aeays ring 8 seehune tins changesble Seeste beng sees at ove he wer ean bye pres tes ihm one Mop? ‘peop nf srr ‘oot are fo ton home 4 Poole re toby tron eplreworeptee redeem rier nso many eet usesesin paar 2 scant lamps torinr gece es ae SE ne reert fe othe bad weator Be owtne exe othe waters lnuace Go Sean how people manages bas weather v scone tat weather satelite described 2 27min revauton? Se . It provided extra forecasts nna tea oes Se " en ccna ee pone B. not expensive quite new * @yrotidest eat dos reo? Resingbalaors 2 using eats ©esis seat army orecaso ang he Suna conscted Buses ord ursoenile uly ee \eiparatsrerserm eit meng using ships BTAUBAE Reig (6-90-05 MINI READING © They call Jamaica the island in the Sun’. and that is my memory of. Of sunshine, warmth and/abundant fot grower everywhere, and of love. | was born on 2 Api 1960 in St Andrews in Kingston. There were two sisters ahead of me 1S family, and though of course I dit know ft there was excited tak of possibly to Canada but more usually {9 England, the land of opportunity. 1 gues that plans were alteady being made when | was born, for a year or so later my Nad lef for London. Two years after that, when he had saved enough money, my Mum went a8 well and my site Terrie care of my grandmother | stayed wih her, in her house near the centre of Kingston unt | was Seven years old. My ‘grandmother, therefore, shaped my Ife, and | believe | am athe better fo i. This was alifaty roma. Erigratingto beter yourself was a cceam for most Jamaicans. s dream many Were oer {unl Fanilies were close andvgrancmothe's were an important part of Tamly We so, when the mass erigraions Pegar. & Seemed perfectly ght and natural for them to take over the running of the familes let ns afore ey haa the experence 2 tat is the way it was with mine. She ran the ferily Temember fal we didnt have a tap in the hou Grandmothers are often strict, but they usually also spol you. At least in cur garden Every morning, before we went to school, we rom the communal tap tothe barrels until theyvere fll. In the Ike ‘operation: each of us, no matter how young, ha but us Tap from which we had to fil two. al had to take a fate to our size and run a Beginning, when Tas two or tee. couldnt reach the barrel - but | stil had to join in. My sisters had to Sweep the yard Tee ee eet dcvar woud gue order ote ea and theve were passed down - 08 | got oer | Fe oa annayegh Bulan el you,naconeavoded Ve kes ‘My Dad mae England to see how we were getting on. | hadn't known him when he had left for Britain, but when 1 By ad came ove om Engr ee er ie faked to us abou te new cour, about snow, aout the huge sam hi seh Ane at a ake, He aso ld me a now had @ younger Boer, which made me ae we al wares fo nw mor, ae aa Mgnt know tate tre, But he hod come fa prepare vs for he move fo foo exces ang wonder wat ar ad me at nas gang on my parents and tht she, 0, was grating a a ree tenn ete Sheers at, fem that had own Bete, ae tre begining of 8 Mew and exc London was strange and dissppoining. There was no gold onthe pavement, as the stores in Jamaica had incited. Back London was rang and depp Peon nel) and aa Helo when you pessed by onthe set in Kingston you home i had always been Wat Evie t wasnt he tat. The Toads ware bun, the bulings were grey and dul wh kr evenyody ee) 1 yank Jaraia te houses al smal ad packed dose together. hm eancmoiers ra ae eet noe nado share Alt ape was a geal dseppartrent ros to come; because there folowed avery col wine, and had never fl cold mn my ie before. Then came the ee A ae fates care out of te ny and Dad smd, pated and sid. That's sow! rushed ouside, biggest shock, snow. Whe fakes care ates drop The snow aeted on my tongue and twas co cod tal | ed. My Seger ety, noah pimary ste! a me ater waa lowe to ea ng Touts a my a. Te ee a erum pe out pay ine playoound and | ened in wih alte Sraund in tne snow, rowing leacners made us 0 OU 0 yaya ny ances and sexs got soalng wel and oven here came an excruciating and! coed wrth te erty of Gat know what was Rapping te 4, The walter says that when he was very young. @ his parents had decided to leave ‘A. he was upset because his parents left ‘his parents changed their plans B. he Was very keen to go to England 2. According tothe writer, many people fom Jamaica at that time ‘Wanted to be free from responsibilty Caries to improve their standard of iving i hhad ambitions that were unrealistic isiked the country they came from 3. The wer says tat when he ved with his grandmother “Ata was vette Pe oa cn Ce ed to avoid doing certain duties Marte tobe ike the oherchidren © he found tome oer tales svange 4 Whig does this inparagorah 3 referto? eng tld what to by his sisters Gatsiata do tes ein fet having io seep the yard before school Gpeeing veneers by his grancmother ‘5. Whathappened when the write’ father came? ate i ot liv he had cme G. He ether thi things tht were untrue Heid no knowhow wor to i fier Heft erfous about what ther 118 6. Wn te wnter rat went o London he wes disappointed Deauze 2 "hes onal han nad pected he had to spend aft of time on Ns own honed boon pen ates prescin of nono sawn ipuaned hee 1. Woon we spy about ero? 7 He wacrtsarchow te oact when he saw toile raph ak Ht By He tegrated coming cota with Liewssqteniene ae 8. Which of the following would be the best tile for this passage? ‘A. Too Many Changes Hard Times B.A Strange Childhood From Sun To Snow. 1 Ar. HU BNE iene 06.0800.08 We Would keto interview you THE INTERVIEW. psychometic i Joyful words forthe osychometrictest* More than 70 por oor 1 NOW forthe jobseeker, but my leer caried a warning: “You wil ber er cent of com ing. "You wil be required to take 9 zi ce cena ate pesarpanes no ese hace tor ltl hey are meant to give On the day of my interview for the jy af aoe at may res om fo poscul pions Tearesta ‘opinions of interview atthe ect wae done chee stant canpany Puli alton crs, my nes were de wre by fesig =Botocainmeal dmc ger clay Uap) etoetos, Lh a etre a bere 0 Bats Keepin it re aNd Sanco ae mt woe choos eet as! He EUS faeces mang whch ns and whieh a aa my ee of ya "Eh paespcneeyegl ewer al wont pres a et ae et nt i Swed Peach Confirmation of this arived a woek é Bi wh Sis ecrmei coy otna bad *SieAaan-oenssaccfa ce ee 7 Ae Plt ats Pet ‘inaccuracy and its judgemental tone were harder to accept than the fact that ! had Pieter Hisel sepa dent tt been tune down fre. spar, Vv no ee deta aml 8 re nul wholes tern deta am ted by tnanci Pay fr good Ing The wns impaent ese’ ond sone lo care up. ‘A porate an ambos, pound orang ew ts jer am ene ne rie Ses Sen gb eat "oon mae «cise aay EEE a a rae fe Pht Cae, 129 oworerazed pron. What wou, word. ht tak aoa te nor ond sat panonay eran) oa3” seit canny aoe dsayeenet wtb Pris pus rb Ene Hear nae aT Tees. Had my emond stat rin nae rout unt had aan Stato fd eo cone ta ont atts Sint of mn wi ave 7 mpac’ sys Shane Petey, an oecatonl pajcoegs. en he whe sec wi be rave sir appea at tes aetna of orate By ww eg geet of rf os le that parca Taranged to st anor paychometc tes. This one tok much longer an was mae taough: tho Fre a ia move seta andaccutt-t showed yey Stl an he at ha have prose meetng Sess. Bata pein rests ar fo clenge wihout oering angbe fo ate ccs snp ot accept te etise fake atest SSD ens conacate seems mcsopee ara exconne Tre teen, wih ts euro pearl eng, ahr to ay. B81 cnfectve tng Fe ee anything ogo by, th od canéate shoud be susicious cf 1-nne estshatesutin generate ane poesiby wildly inaccurate - judgements. 1 ‘accept that It would be cosly Yo arrange Yer Yace-toface discussions of Test results with all job ‘Candidates. but telephone call would be preferable to simply receiving a wien ‘profie' through the post and having no opportunity to. eas ts crionts, SE Seo te writer ook ne tat, he A fextat ene wes unity foo vey wel (Bhaievea nat sch ois wre at canes ace sre et She was mertly preparer. Sd sone renceren iets cht in > at dane wore wen etek he ts? ‘AY Se cousrtunerstand vom one qustons he et hat she had ne ne tery We 5 Shesauns at here wos enaogh neta dot She sesea tt woul ator aye9 “3. What does the witer mean by judgementa inthe fith paragraph? Ao prtical B. impatient. -C. impersonal D. thoughtful ie: received the Personal Profile Analysis, she 4 en Re aut orarewes.ragteg some news she had gn nee on aH) co ra ee Breed tal er peranaly w0snetrve see rai wary te? [US ity she te agate bre Cielo show haste wo cae beings etre pon & incates iat she might have voublegetinga jn awe 0 {ells her tunge about hersof that she had net noticed before sn aren tar taing be ot he 8? 6, ha foong haba aes romance A. Te asa om rors eal eaten sat Pope ca es re unio ote pee es G Wate een an este ets ses papee ree bette ean 9 poss tak south soy Canis sods erent rn payee wa Eneloers shou m1 ceed aoa akg pena st 2 Canadas er cag carsdsen take occ errenyie newletter nn ee torees tare est many SMe FECES yl of errant cir coca can ea C. itis an example of how dffeut ican be for someone to get job. G ShBeeTEtainchow ameter asa iene BE-UBNMaireading 6 09-NOO. MINI READING Once on the pianet, it seems | was intent on making my mark from the very start. Soon after | was bor, the family moved 19 land. and it was there tat showed tho fret sign ofthe adventurous side of my nature. Mum recals how she left me siting a box of toys inside a playpen in the living ream while she was working in the kichen. A few minutes Iter she was surprised {ind me erawing around her fet. Puzzed, she carried me back tothe playoan and convinced hersall hat. parhens, ate? 21, ve hadn't put me Insist the frst place, When | appeared in the kitchen for the third time, she realized something was Up and decided to keep an eye on me through the crackin the door. She couldn't believe her eyes. 1 was liing the edge of tho Paypen onto the toy BOX. crewing out under the gap and then pulling the playpen down to the floor again, leaving everything ne ight place. Everything that is. except me. was going o stop me 26! (Once | had found a way out of my confinement, that was the start of my adventures, Nothing much was going to ‘ound a varety of ways o get out and about and to cause parental anxetes If was lef outside n my pram, brake or no brake. | sme fairly impressive ‘would bounce it up and down until eventually succeeded in getigg the thing moving. Lmanaged to cover some fairly impres istances but luckily, everyone knew who | was and where to return me. By the tme my sister was bor. | was 15 months ols, Sse I these were the first signs ofthe free spirit thet was later to shape my life, my competitvenass tock only slightly longer to show | lselt After 18 months in Iretand, we returned to England. During a toddlers’ 20-metre race, | hit upon a novel method of dealing | with the opposition. This involved me knocking into the other runners, leaving them on their backsides, and consequent finding ‘myself about as far ahead as you can get in a 20-metre race. Surprised, | stopped to look where the rest of the runners were, only to find ther all back on their feet and streaming past me. ‘Years later_a certain tactical inexperience led to ancther sporting disaster. As one of the team captains on the school sports dey, [had asked for volunteers to compete in the mile race. No one volunteered so | had to run. | decided that | was going to win or die trying. When they carried me off, | was about a lap ahead - it was just a pty that there were stil another two laps to go, 1. The wnters mother was astonished because A. she couldn't find out how he was getting out of the playpen. 'B. he could ind his own way ftom the playpen tothe kitchen. (C) he left no sign of how he had got out ofthe playpen. NB’ she nad made sure tht he couldn't gt ou of he playpen. 2. Why was the witer fortunate in his adventures? ® Wo harm came to him ©. Nobody noticed he had gone. B. He alvays knew where to go. ©)Someone always went with him. 3. What does that refer to? ‘A. the wrter' habit of escaping BL the birth of the writers sister 4, What does the witer say about the fence inthe garden? ‘A. He hurt himsel trying to get overt © He immecately wanted o prove he could climb it 5. nthe 20-mete race, the witer tried to win by cheating. “B. didn't know where the fish was. 6. What does the writer say about the mie race? He dint run tina sensible way. ©)te didnt know how many laps it involved. B. He was expecting to win it easily D. He was glad to take part in it. 7. Which characteristic does the writer emphasize in the extract? { petcemess ”BiMaserecttunouC nacatmness _(Qhiternnanon © witers ait to wae D. the age ofthe we at hat ime “6. He was annoyed tht his parents put it up. D. His parents watched him climbing it C. accidentally caused a problem. didn't understand the rules. BEMUBNNinircading (06:09)-NovO8 Since ang i the tint FELICIA’S JOURNEY Dak na Scoent tht emrTg Feta has discovered that oflen she cannt understand what people say because ney 35 to gue up She hag autem to her. Even when they epeat her stalemens there a ily, and as on 88 Tot re She mares haere as Deen fldthat he est lace to find whet she i looking ors the industal area and so she goes ete cee ees 8 bung thal sels ofice requirements ng cabinets and evolving chars at wel a pape! nba and fotes of envelopes an fasteners and tansprent tape, everyting ple up uni, not sn a shop. Half of what he gs is ren tsapa acy snows it doesn {matter because the gil keeps shaking her head, denying in His Way nnewiedge he ngustil areas an endless repetition of unremarkable commercial butings each wi 2 forecourt fr parking is concrete ‘pads ave long ang straight Nobody casualy walks them forte pleasure of doing so, No dogs mest other dogs, Business isp Ht ecions, bung ai wating, cent fx ca 1 he Pala neal 40 howe fd Petts ‘Garden Supplies ) AN electric machine you'r thinking of, is it? the salesman nswer to her Sn s ce is ‘sles machine yute tinting of responds in answer to her query, and she asks if the place is @ (We rave cur wedanops co fe premises fe oer care. The amu saue we eerarand, gh entirely up to you. You'd 12 going for electric, would you?” ''m locking fora friend. He works in the stores of a gardening equipment factory.” ‘The man's manner changas, He can't help her, he states flatly, disappointment emplying his tone of expression. ‘Someone | met said you might be able to tell me where a factory was.” ‘Our machines are manufactured in works all over the county. 'm sorry. | believe someone else requires my attention. A couple are measuring garden furniture with a dressmaking tape. They want something for their conservatory, Felicia hears them informing the salesman as she goes away Aman in a car showroom is patient with her but doesn't know of a gardening equipment factors’ in the vicinity, Then an cherthought sirkes him as she's leaving and he mentions the name of a town that he says is twenty-five or six miles off. When i ig to nim that she's puzzled by what he's saying he writes the name down on the edge of a brochure. ‘Not very bright is ‘something her father often says about people. She wonders ifthe man is thinking that. No one e'se can help her. She walks through the industrial area, investigating every read, enquiring at a builders’ frm and in Ehitannia Computers. In OK Carpets Limited a woman draws a map for her, but when she follows the arrows on it she finds horse at a pant supply warehouse that is closed. She returns to Pritchard's Garden Supplies in the hope thatthe salesman isn't busy now. More annoyed than before, he ignores her. She walks wearily back to the town, on the grass verge beside a wide main road. An endless chain of lorries and cars passes Close, the noise of therr engines a roar that every few moments rises to a crescendo, their headlights on because it has become fogey. The grass she walks on is grey, in places black, decorated by the liter that is scattered all around her - crushed cigarette pockets, paste bags, cans end botles, crumpled sheets from newspapers, and cartons. In the middle of the moming she had ¢ ip of tea and a piece of fruit cake; she hasn't had anything since and she doesn't feel hungry But she knows that as soon 2s SE Strves back inthe town she will have to find somewhere to stay. Her arms ache from the weight of the two carrer-bags, her fest are sore. blisters in two different places, one of her heels skinned. She knew it wouldn't be easy; even before she set out ‘he knew it wouldn't be, she didn't expect anything else. What has happened is her own fauit, due to her own foolishness in not raking certain she had an address. She can't blame anyone else. 4. When Felicia goes to the building selling office requirements, J” (B) she does not need to understand everything the gil says to her. B. the girl cannot remember the way to the garden equipment factory C._ she's surprised by the disorganized state ofthe place. . the gir gets annoyed that Felicia cannot understand her. 2. What do we learn about Felicia in the first paragraph? ‘She keeps trying to understand what she is tol. CC. She has diffculy in expressing herself B) She is in a place that she does not know. 1D. She feels that people treat her badly. 3, ‘What does the writer say about the industrial area? “There are not usually many people there. (Ciltis not an attractive place to look at CB) itis typical of al industrial areas, 'D. There is a long distance between the buildings there. {4 What happens win Feliz fst goes o Prichard? A) The suieeman supposes that she has come to buy something. C, The salesman pretends that he has someting else to do. © She misunderstangs something thatthe salesman says to her. D. She fais to make clear tothe Salesman what she wants 5 What happens when she goes into other bullings inte industrial area? CA ers get mse (ono doesnot beleve what shes She does not expect useful information. (©) she makes no progress. 6. When she is waking along the main road, Feil realizes that 1A she should have somethng fo eat . the trafic is heavier than she is used to. YB) the place i der than she expected Gisho sblinas further difeuties to face 7. What happens to Felicia in the extract? > A Preyone shemect currency towards, (Q\Nabody se mets can give hein formation she neds 5. She Keeps being sent to the wrong places She keeps being given the wrong information oon he azctas ove? Sea ate ee cederemengrenC She'sapaon who Feary mea sas 1 eer atthe dine. 6, shes oman) mcoengwh pe une MINI READING RUDINING A BUSINESS IN THE COUNTRYSIDE , Five women tek about their experiences setting up a business inthe countryside, 4, My cusomars a en saya CHRISTINE OGAN. ho rn a compute doxgn business wih a nove foe, £20000 ea and four fume employes. ‘My usb ant moved auf London nth nur when or cen wae Sal and! ware wo cou go hae. ha tes wn opus eres arid omy haba Gc setup a computer aides desig busines, needed a huge amount of mone) an tings wee sifeutin he begin: Bt fare been ry cre mtn cat ib Dank age wx ty reper aa we re 208 sing, mca cry on worn ne eva war, a rained asa mens, ary vedere B. enjoy being independent, says MAGGY SASANOW, who works from home as a designer of greetings i aoe er nee eter uien aon nts ene Soueyce, wore re wet that sort of work. So | decided to set up my own business and | produce a range of 60 greetings cards which I sell to museums lwerk in a big room upstar. The disadvantage of working from home is that here is always something that needs Going tke mowing the awn My Busnes comes gape by ward of mouth | dat eerten a al Pecle eed wort own from London 2s | am cheaper than other arias Working alone, | dont get to exchenge ideas wth otver people any ore, but generally there are more advantages than disadvantages. ©. tthas been hard at mes’ says DELIA TURNER, whose curtain-meking business has seen good timos and bad, etarted Gy besiness eight yeare ago. Then this type of business was expanding, and in two years my turnover went from £24,000 0 [ao.000 reece to manage six ful-time curtain-makers. But had to sack them because ofthe deci inthe economy, which sine painful because ts not easy to find other jobs in his area. Tam ight back almost to where | started, making the Curtains Seeeae col, wth my husband's hep, and using women who werk fom their homes, | have to De prepared to ut my prices when it's necessary and to look at different opportunities. eC) D. TESSA STRICKLAND runs the edtofal and production side of bay Ramhouse. | moved to the countryside three years ago for two reasors."The fist was financial, because London was se reanave, and tw second was because | love te coun. enjoy being able to work when | want o, Ent par Sent OL PY expense one rom deals with Australia, the Fer East end North America, so have to take cals at odd nous. 70 aor oe is that it requires dlscpine to ht the ofc dor. publish cikre’s books from cuties sound te wor, serena wah authors ad ass. Al my professional experience Nad been in London, 0 use to fee very lone tt E. MEG RIVERS runs a cakes-by-post bu some parttime. {started ten years ago at ) hildren’s Book publishing business from her ssiness end a shop with a turnover of £250,000 a year and employs six people, home. lam very interested in health, so | started making fruit cakes, using good Stain four and eggs Then | sated geting requets fom fiends and relates, and soon | was sending ae all over the seat Raven yes apo | rented a small uidng and overting fs made tere - we Rave a bake) and sesstany and a ‘Poon cook at al now, 28 | un the commercial sigé. My greatest problem has heen the financia side professional cake-icer. 1 do allno he comm eee rcnces,wnleh has been df imply because we dnt have an enocrous emount of mony eset uP wi 6) Which woman or women 7. has international contacts? 7a 23 don't employ anyone? FMW este 8 ON 4-5 were intially short of money? 4 BA 6s Gaal 6, needs o be availabe ouside office hours? Bn I 7. has found @ seperate workplace? 7 LE 8. has suffered selbacks in her business? 8. b..0. 9:40 have changed their roles in their companies? 9, Bn. 10 a Gand 14-12 charge less to be able to compete more eas? 11.8. le 13. depend only on personal recommendation? 13, 8 +14, has had to make an unpleasant decision? 14. Gad 15, produces work most for local people? 15... SPX 4 BP HURL 14316.090)-Dee0s BAL TAP S86 143 + coplet 8 eéc edu sau, strung tir cho trees The colision didnt damage my car mach Nota great Jeet tnrargs Ns d8approva ofthe benaviour of some of his supporters Helett ; $iskihnkng about his face st that moment makes never The very {ony is very charming but | woulant metas Charming He Said that he haa won as a result of aca ick He atrovted This area depends largely on tours fore income, Without Why are you against inviting vache tothe sere ‘What's your ebjection He's very good at tennis and he i also 8 gop% totbaler. Notonly ‘She won her first match easily and then she eame a champion ‘She won her first match easily and she went The new rood was due io bp complete ast yer but they ae Sl bukasest “The new ood should it _Chon ep an thich hep'aé hoa thanh mdi ché tréng trong doen van sau: n 1685, a Frenchman, Char gated what later became France's most succesful fim studies. By 1907, the company had studos in France, Briain, Germany, Haly, Sain and USA. What soar surpreeey ore tk ‘oly the fim {ie wor, area, channel! is that a French compare “(estabished, et, founded, placed)’ itseit so well in the USA Pathe was one of the main flm companies there at that (date, hase, age, time)®, hiring out its studios to other file making COMPANIES... sessn i addition, together, as well as, also} distnbuing its own Tims However, (se, whether, despite, i) * Pathe was big in the USA, it was a giant in Europe. in 1912, the year before 1e First World War (burst out, broke out, set off, went off)®, Pathe made ‘no fewer than three hundred films. But he war affected the company (badly, extremely, largely, highly)’. Shortage of stalf and equipment led to big (chops, slips, cuts, dips)* in production, and by 1918 output had store. (descended, ‘Shortened, fallen, subtracted)” to sixty-three films. From then ‘on, Pathe ...(thought, engaged, occupied, concentrated) "® on making fewer films of . (further, greater, higher, bigger) ** length and better quality. ea ite eaombany 0 Ut out regular news fim, which started doing in 1803. Each fim lasted fteen minutes ana (consisted, featured, included, composed) * of six news items. From. -.(S00N, firstly, early, initially) "° on, Pathe’s news: ined ao, eacghe ncaa ver Eyrope and ater lover the wr By the ieros, TW news hed commit ate res turned into, caught on, taken over) “ the role of cinema News films and so the company stopped making them. Today, Pathe is. chiefly ....involved, connected, linked, tied)"* in TV, cinema and new video ‘technology. ills Tim mgt de thick hop dé'hoan thanh méi nhém ba edu sau: 1. Alte bit oF Meds woutiatse pleasant change from my boss's continual carping. 4/127 trig Unfortunately, your test result came out ..... ‘again, $© you will have to take another course of antibiotics, ‘You need to attach that wire to the ... ole of the battery. tuk Ai ida 2. General Santiago. oS... power following a largely bloodless coup-detat. 7 Since he was wearing a uniform I. he was the doorman and gave him @ generous tip. AS she caught sight ot her son, er face... an expresion of sheer detghe 3. [think she is now working ina restaurant in the Ghingse «nn ype cel You ae lucky to heve such a bg office; mine ie about “the size of yours. ‘The companys result ae expected to improve inthe ral of this year. 4. My boss lays particular. on accurate typing and the correct use of English In some languages geting the \wrong ean completely change the meaning of a word, My uncle had a nervous breakdown ac result of s.and overwork. 5. he isresponsible for buying. and equipment for his company's factories Anew hydro-electric power isto be but in tha next vale. Apot may Not be an orignal gif, but most people are usvally quite pleased to receive one. © Boonie fant Caras been Sold on its safety moe than f=. Bal he ney Se esa fst as ‘anything else in ts ciass on the road today. ‘The company’ poor. this year has been blamed on rising fuel costs. | saw an interesting,..... of ‘Aida’ at the Edinburgh Festival last: ‘year. IV. Sia IB sal trong céc céu sau néu cin: . Whowants to know wiat we are having for dinner tonight 1 2. Who's Jane Wilson? pu te woman who has us started working for our company. 3. twas she whe tol you, nt my brother Its clear that she plays tennis much beter than | very glad my sister has had baby! But | dont know whetherit is @ she ora he, For we can't afford it we rarely stay at hotels 4204 happen to remember exactly what shops you did get these, just tell me. Sorry, there was so much noise here, couldnt hear what was gels They often dig up the roads without being necessary. The baby suddenly began shouting without there being no reason al BT-HUBNEI 1206-090) -Dve0 «spelt tee cau sau, sip eng tr eho trace: ae Apel deed for the competition is next Tuesday, ENTRY id Lives coud ne celta her Key, even though | keep reminding her to take it with her. OFTEN No The only neve, cndangered ifthe safety procedures are not folowed strcly, RISK To ensure that no one | | yee 'y Person that can explain this situation to us is Paul LIGHT ac nl tobe) Noone adit eareyfund Picked up speed. the chikiren's ShvldKs grew évan nore piercing. SPAN The faster ‘arcatint rained so heavily, the garden party would have been a success DOWNPOUR as pevetgy x8 Years were to pass before she saw her brother again. GONE icy ries CNOL idents said they didn't learn anything because they found their lessons boring, FAILURE Several students blamed Chon dap an thich hgp dé hoan thanh mdi ché tréng trong dogn van sau: | Somat boettical Yo moan’ moum about the damage’ injury? being done to our environment ynjess we are prepared to do i to cut the grass in the garden for me yesterday. ' cut at that expensive hairdressers in town last Saturday. iam going the plumber to fx that leaking tap now IV. Sia 10 18i sai trong doan vin sau: aAtang quer F Thank you very much for sending me the magazines. Since they arived the other day Ive been 0 busy reading them that ve hardly had na tie to watch TV, which is highly unusual! One of the best things about them is that they are Very great for teaming English, particularly the ones that have articles on subjects What'T know something about. | find those easy to read, because thst some ofthe words are ike words in my first language, and Tan usually to work out the meanings of any new ones without having to look them up in dictionary. | should have been started doing this long time ago, and | wish | had mentioned it to you sooner Anyway, while | was reading one of them [came across an advertisement for en international edition, so ve cided that Im going to wit of and have tbe delvered here every month. Infact think i'd It ght now, in case I wl miss this month's ection. Anyway t's time | have started my homewerk so 'é better close, \V-__Dinng cae tt va cum tt cho truée 4é hodn thanh doan Something about it. Every one of us has a duty to kaep Out county bay. Instead of tearing INGE Letteas asa scone wo shoule Put itn titerbins. it requires hardly any effort, yet it makes an appreciable’ appreciative? difference -Meccover we should be made conscientious/ conscious* of the way the countryside is being spoilt and how it will af ‘our future. We should {elu £0 accept’ except the assumption’ presumption’ thatthe process/ procession is ita Words on, their own are || i jorhiess"” Positive action/ activity” is required to overcomo/ overtake” inconsiderable/ inconsiderate” attudes an to bng about cnange By curng/ eating our sunoundings more respeclabhy seagectels oe ar ae oes to tne te sts ¢ curreot'® state of affairs. AS far_as/ As long as” I'm concemed, the situation is int intolerant” and it is 3B featetabie Mat so many poopie cose ther eyes fo The problem ‘One of Ie mincpal nineise Samet opty, te 2 consequences’ sequences” of which could be disastrous, Gh he hang & —llk___-Hoain than ede edu sau str dung HAVE hoe GOT cho thich hop: ® wt atthe local garage yestrcay Be 2. Wwenever stop me for speeding before. 7 3 wont aiving my new ea. u 2 We ailthe chigren asking for chips it we walk past te burger bar now! u a1 Broken no lat night. 6 ; 8 7A much ikea sporismaich |G. by improving a sudent' revision | jskwhon Wars moi |B Sct-contdence and setvesteem | H. bu an oppotunty MM. but areal doore |. byinereasingsettcontcence.”” || those netmaterig so much NN while knowledge and examination Delving en my experience alone | J. drawng on my teeching experience | tcenngues E toa scents ovsion Sand sports poychlogy ole ©. despite the need for sustained F tet i they boost a students FK. but ager and more hportant efor (2 steer knowtedge P._the cher being coping strategies Every teacher knows that not al students are good examinees. Some are too tense, become over-anxious or too stressed and then periorm below their expectations. La (ty, Teachers try to help by compensating, believing ...F..3bu.(2) they will cure his fear of exams So, last year, +/..(3), | completely rewrote the Business Studies Revision Course at this secondary school, The Central idea of the course isto treat the examination as an event, a challenge, a performance, (4), a drama production, or perhaps a major music concert, .....8e......(6) and very defintely on the public tage. The idea's 1s cry that the exam isnot a test... ....¥..(6) fo show how good the candidete is. {The objective is to improve students’ final performance ............(7) contol and abllty to cope. The theme of ‘total Preparation for performance: teaches them that ............(8) are obviously important, they are only two of the five skills required, 4..(8), mental skils and management skils. These addtions give a new dimension Mn (10), ‘AuRHEng enorme an motraten. They wien a suet crus and help © ezine same of he les Cone stan that there are many ways in which they can actively contribute towards ther oat), ATH MB 141/06.090)-Dseos : BALT. - Tim ti di véi cae cap ba cdu sau: : ng 1. Helen rubbed nero iin —é Im aad Net catpet 2s hard 2s she could bu the San sil wouldnt ... of the iceberg. An increasing ssws(amount, quantity, number, proportion)"* of people sulfer from seasonal affective ‘disorder (SAD), a form of depression that can be (triggered, developed, created, launched)"* By iving in artificial corditions. SAD can be serious, and sufferers may even need to take antidepressant drugs. IV. Viét lal ce c€u sau, sir dyng dang gian tiép thich hop: “Let's goto the cinema,’ said Ann. “Yes, let's, | said ‘The Prime Minister said, ‘Let us show the nation that we are worthy of their confidence,’ Let me stay up a litle longer tonight, mother,’ begged the chidl ‘Let's eat out tonight, said Ann, Too expensive,’ objected Tom. ‘Why don't we go home and have scrambled eggs ?” The officer said, ‘Let's leave the wrecked car here for a bit It may remind other drivers to be more careful The neighbour will object!’ said Ann. — ‘Let them’ said Tom. Let's go on a diet,’ said Ann “Allright, said Mary reluctantly “Tom made this mess. Let him clear it up,’ said his father. A@FFOFS, BEHUBNE HNO. 090)-NowOs 1 inmate tenropsto sume at TAP SO 140 saiercghs Stem ree resus of research into ageing has be f o geing has been to BHR the signitcance ofshert term memory. Ths facuty (1) easily disturbed. as ageing advances, Whatctn yn (2) to hopes Meee ton ‘ <:.(3) by the brain, which scans it for meaning in order to decode. son acl sapacy of he sno tcmm mena sae ena to cacl alne uare snenda manne ia capac ofthe mige too much wth age. and @ man inns CI EMeS ps be.(6) both be able to remember ard repeat an average of eight numbers (Aebed Bee en Cy at Shane enange i hat 0... (8) the older the man's asked to remember soemthing ce Between helm he fst yen the mumibors to memorize and the te he i. clas..(8) 10 fepeat them, he wil be much esol. (10) Rely member the K.....u(1) numbers than the young Man, .J-h--(12) fe Because te seanning stage le more eaoty disrupted by other activities in... CLC )0%6.u.(13) people. in (14) lving one experiences this as a fay mi (15) a tt inor 2 telephone number forgotten while one last tum lets! and ‘turn rights’ have infers? j.50-..(18) remembering the ial decane. n more fosha Babting, ‘owever, the decay of short term memo ~. (48) than just @ mid socal embarrassment. I can 68-3 serious bar (20) further learning, or indeed'o any progress at all = I Vidt lal cdc cau sau, siv dung ticho trinbe: One of the most im 1. She was so popular that everyone voted for her. Such 2 Luckiy it wasn't necessary for Jim to take the exam again Luckily Jim aide 3. She is such a charming woman that everyone who meets her likes her. So charming a 4 If Sue stays long in Canada, she is less likely to go back to England, ‘The longer 5. The guests didnt finally leave until after midnight, > tewas 6. Paul smashed the window and damaged the television too. dap v3 22.44 ererhNot only. 7. By law, all Tear-seat passengers are obiged to wear seatbelts, By law, seat-bets 8 fKmay seem strange but | ke stale apples Strange 8. There is nothing better to do, $0 go home. You may as 410, Aste general election will Be better for the Government. The later “hon aa i thich hop nhdt 48 hoan thanh cde chd tréng: aha én pha fads 4. Inthe (requirement, interests, demands, assistance) of secury, personnel must weer thelr identity badges at al tmes 2. The shike was. (cated of, bcken up, sei back, put down) owing fo @ last-minute agreement withthe management. 3. Lindsay's excuses for being late are beginning to... (gef, rn, wear, go) rather thin. 4 (By and large, Alogether, To a degree, Virtualy), the people who come to this cub ae in their twenties and thries. 5. My cousin was nervous about being interviewed on television, but she rose to the (event, performance, incident, eccasion) wonderful 6. Isan inexperienced civil Servant .........n..(Capable, skilled, eligible, suited) to the task of running the company? 7. John's got very (puzzled, jumbled, mixed, muddle) feelings about taking on more responsibility at the moment. 8. The deceptively simple decoration on this kind of pottery gives the layperson no real... (idea, indication, clue, ey) tis tue value ae gan 5, Dctunge won 9, ‘The winters usually ml, although we sometimes get &cod....(speh term, Interval wave) atthe beginning ofthe yea. 40. Although the counell had expected opposition to the scheme, the local residents proved only too (anxious, Concerned, hasty, cautious) to help. — TM. Dung dang ing eimcte cho wuss Mange hip Sq RIO stress The term ‘stress’ is frequently oes Bi explain)" for a range of minor complaints and conditions “.-(esul} from the fale pace 8tmosem lg. A work colleague's bad temper, fo or our ow spitting wai ig CN a Oa ema A wok come shed inne. A= RNs arises from our ....(able) to cope with that pressure and can have arm)" consequences for Gur health. Researchers have identiied a number of symploms (see below) which often occur belore more setious stess- related linesses take over pum chur ‘Some physical symptoms: _ 7 ook of egg, A © cP : : Fret tin Sager, hing mera + Insomnia, ‘Dou ues ‘ oA (tend)? to seat fr no reason. SMe se (behavion symptoms: > Itabilty Cow Eta ; + Difficulty sven (oonecnttatey * Loss of sense of humour + Constant (tired duen mie . ; mr UHN1813906.060.Ne08 - BAL TAP $6 139 '6ng tin sau rdi hoan the Boe cae th ay nga Once pana ee cb ting & bre dw dus day bing me Node ha tien op __ khong ai Jane AS promised he ere are one or two comments from teacher: | later it mght be tein the hat Note to head teacher ~ f 3 about our trip last week to Pocklington Children’s Zoo. In your nN idea to ing them s be peut start off by teling them that the children had a wonderful time- to help make things better for other schoo! tri ure. ie pene ve, ie wemecee Good idea to have resource i cee were a bit too hard. They ou ‘Their brochure says that wh acs ogo with the interactive eduaton session, but we fet some ofthe actly sh at ior jects ignomeke en abl ase, ana wat aus econ pg in sae mae pets ai users con get a the aferet se i i See the reptle house or the owl zone because here was no ramp ori. kt Mo ow Seabed pups couldnt They ave 20% off for groupe of more than 25, but hee was rae tveeleaches: perhaps hey coud nvoauce something ft sets Tater 6260 Dear siror Madam | am writing. (1) to the recent visit of a group of pupils from our: ur Sursihg like to say that the children very much .. SG) the noon wei fee lina juced rate at all for us and we had twenty pupiis and ‘groups, i wouls ‘65h (3) thelt day at Pocklington and the. -tlc-s.09 (4) comments fom teachers are "sr "2. (6) at helping you to make lange ones) Vour sence or ne vaneth ot hak eer The etource poke 17) the nteracve education sessions were apprecate,athoug smo ote ac aera sc sete tier re store hy | (10) of photographs as well. Salle 10 | In addition, although your brochure states that all parts of the zoo are (11) wheelchair users, two of our | pois (12) to visit the reptile house or the owt zone owing tothe ic... (13) appropiate facies. Finally, whilst we understand that the 20%... .:li.0.9..r2......(14) applies to parties of over 25 people, we feal that a similar {offer might be made 2.1... (18) to smaller groups such as ours, which comprised twenty pupils and three teachers Ie Sira Idi sai trong ede cfu sau: 1 ‘A man found guilty of stealing antiquities from Egyptian tombs and smuggling them out of the country has been Jailed for those five years. 2. ‘Scorpions are carnivorous, feeding mainly on small insects, which they catch:yg with their ctaws and then paralyse with their poisonous sting. 3. She was clearly vey gited as a chid and her teachers predicted that she would already go on to achieve great things in later life 4, He was not the brightest student in the class but whenhe studied hard and did all his homework, which was all his parents expected of him. 5. she could not help feeling a sense of shame at her behaviour and her eyes were now full of a pty for the men she had just rejected 6. We have long known that the population is geting taller, but recently studies may have shown quite leary that this is almost entirely due to longer legs. 7. Like his sister he had always lived in rented accommodation, and when she put down a deposit on a house, he decided he should buy other one himself. Ie Vidt igi ce c€u sau, sir dung tir cho true: 1. As-she grows up, your daughters becoming increasingly beauttul (older) 2. He kept on playing and got more and more tired. (longer) 3. you fnish typing that report quickly you may go home early. (sooner) & When I start eating chocolate Bsculls | find | want more and more. (more) 5. He becomes clumsier and clumsier when he gets very ted. (more ted) 6. | like Sam les and less each time | see him. (more often) IV. Vidtlgi cc cau sau, sir dung cau gidn tiép thich hep: 1. "You have been leaking inf in to thé Press,’ said his colleagues. “No, | haven't,’ he said ete ee eet ike to work on Sundays because we get double pay’, explained the builders. 1 mec anya sae ogi ac 0. “it's tim sn training for our next match,’ the coach said. . 2 i eae ok tmorro he el‘ now | Gon rk wil be able abenggnennmen ae on ; BAL TAP SO 138 = Pearl 1G 'on dap an thich hyp nhdt d@ hoan thanh céc cu sau day: wide, deep, good, rough, light, fast, soundly, sleepless | The kids are staying over at their cousins’ so we should get a ..-.cj-k¥1.......night’ sleep. ‘The passengers slept... .in their cabins, unaware of the coming storm. The doctor gave him a sedative adhe felinioa cS seep. Don't worry, you won't wake her up- she is. vale, asleep. ‘Over 2,000 homeless people are forced to sleep.....0ki} this city Its midnight and Yee! ‘awoke, shouldnt have had that coee ‘My baby daughter's teething, so we've had a few ...2 Lc. nights recently. Ie alwaye been 3 ee looper, | wakeup atthe sightert sound | Vidt ede cau sau, sir dung théng tin & cau trén nhung khdng duge lip la tir da 66 (chi sir dung t6i da hai ti cho méi ché tréng): 1. ts ages before get gets completly well again, Itwilbe asic ter before he makes a. CAEN. 2. Neputoff the meeting for another two weeks The meeting has Sielora » sick s04 3. Younave to filin the form as soon as you get here The form must immethatly on your 4, Thanks also for being so patent in ° we Would ke to express our nnfr your patence. 5, Weir ita Good ides to spend at least $80 ona new OVD player we paying 3 5380 for anew BV payer 6. Gute’ ist of people have writen in othe show asking about the muse quiz we have every year. Wehave received qute a filters ftom steers requesting detals of ou. lle Chon dap an thich hgp 4é hoan thanh méi ché tréng trong dogn van sau: iw surprise ‘When work project (provided, offered, enabled, presented)’ me the opportunity to return to New Zealand, | spent several weeks (regaining, recapturing, refemiiarising, rediscovering)? a country | had left in my early twenties. I'd forgotten about the petro! stations where men in a (polite, great, smash, courteous)” uniforms (assist, attend, supply, serve)’ to you. They fill your tank, ...(eontrol, measure, check, calculate)” your oil and still ...{¢harge, ask, demand, require) you ess than of third of the British price for fuel. And the peopla: fash to your (sed, hep, assstance, comfort? i they see you orlponting. coubing, ciamouring. puzzling)’ over @ map. Or the blissful oe. “(absence, shortage, removal, neglect)” of tips. Locals simply cannot understand why anybody should (2ccept insist, expect, respond)"° to pay extra for friendly efficient service. Gwen that New Zealand has bout 3000 Klometres of coast, it should come 35 no. (wonder, surprise, amazement, news)" that social life revolves around the sea. When Auckland office workers leave their desks at the end of the ‘working day, they don't. "move, aim, head, divert)'? home. Instead they. coses(have, do, get, make)" a Nee oe oe se and gpand the evering uncer salon the Hauraki Guf, There are more yochis in AucKand than in any cae ine tne word-ro wonder is called The iy of Sais. Even those Who cant afd @ or (¥ehe, Mul vessel, receptace)" of thei own wil alas know someone wo has one, or at the oe fsimple, single, hardly, very)" least, ill windsurf the offshore breezes at speeds that make the commuter’ ‘ferries appear to stand still. IV. Sirdyng dang ding cia cfc ti cho rude: music quiz. 4. Iwas thought that the lawyer had (lead) the jury into believing the accused had been in trouble with the police on a pervious occasion. 2. This type of (shatter) windscreen enables the driver to have a clear view even when itis smashed. 3. The mangers (popular) can be put down to his people skil. 4. Andrews... (boy) was idyilie, a8 he was brought up in a tight-knit family with three sisters, a doting mother and caring fatter. 5. I can't eat this steak, i's. (do). | don't ke seeing the bioed init. 6. A great deal of work has been done to (claim) land from the sea in order to build a new airport 7. Thatwas @ “son(hear) remark to make. 'm sure you've hurt Susanna’s feelings. V-_Viét ial ede cau sau, sir dung cau gidn tiép thich hep: ‘Allright, Iwill wait a week,’ she said. “Many happy retuins of your birthday!’ we said “Thanks, said the boy “Your door is the shabbiest in the street, said the neighbour ‘iis, said ‘Cigarette?” "Thanks,"I said ‘Til sell the TV set if you keep quarreling about the program, said their mother. "No, don't do that, we won't ‘quarrel any more,’ said the children. ‘Twill give you $500 to keep your mouth shut,’ he said to me. ‘will wait for you, | promise,’ he said to me. \'m sorry I'm tate,” she said, ‘The bus broke down, BI HUAN 8 137106-090) Noss BAL TAP SO 137 Chuyén cée edu sau sang dang cau ian tip: ‘Come in and look round. Tere‘ no abigaion to buy, said he shopkeeper. au dont pay the ransom, wel kl the boy, sid the kidnappers won't answer any question, slate eresied man. : He expects a at of work fr very Ite money, complained one ofthe typi. "Yes, he does,” agreed the cthor wish would ran: she sod , You pressed the worg button. sid the mechan. "Don't dot again, You might have a nasly accident Yourweht aa gore pat exciamad” "ad tan’ she sisal nope you wil have a good journey, he sad. Dont forge fo send ecard when you ave, Horan e passed the fst exam he exclamed “Congratilations | aid, and ood tuck wth the second Ie Bidn met tirthich hop vao 6 tring: Top ofthe world Olver Burr went back to schoo! last week with a story to. (1) about his holidays. (2) 13, he hag (3) a new world record as the youngest Briton (4) t0 climd the Matterhorn, a giant 4.478m ice-capped mountain n the Swiss Alps. He was three years younger than the usual minimum age 28) ‘even attempting the cid The clmb was very hard work, says Olver. ‘Several times | (©) tke giving up. We started walking up the mountain at 4 a.m. was totally dark for an hour (Gi was quite scared, but then the sun enB) Up, and that was fantastic. For the last 200m we --(8) t0 put on special equipment to climb the ice face. It (10) 2 long time but liked that best’ When we (31) the top, we. svete (12) $888 ine other mountains. It was amazing \When he came back down again, he was (13) tke a hero,’ says his father, who .. sevenee(44) the climb with him. His Mum stayed ‘at home and wasnt quite eso ( 15) enthusiastic, "I didnt really want him to do, (36); she says. "felt very nervous and was glad when he got back home. It was... 7) dangerous mountain to climb- perhaps he could (18) tried something smaller. (18) @ chance. Next year, Oliveri going to try an (20) bigger cio: the 4 807m Mont Blanc. Ill. Chon dép an thich hop nhat dé hoan thanh ede céu sau: 4. Cant (have, pick, mind, use) your brains for a moment? I can't do this crossword by myself 2. There was an open day at the fie (centre, station, offices, quarters) when the public could see how the fre brigade operated 3 (Opposite to, Against, Contrary to, Opposing) what most people say about him, he has a very good sense of humour. 4 ifimake a foo of myself in front of my fiends, i never ~-(let, give, sel, lve) it down, 5. You haven't heard all the facts so don't (4ash, jump, spring, fy) to conclusions 6 (Since when, Just as, Now that, Just now) she's got a job that she likes, she i alot happier 7. don't want lots of excuses, | juts want to near the... (clear, plain, pure, ight) truth. 8. it want to discuss the mattr-but he insisted on bringing it... (up, out, about, over). 8 No (matter, surprise, wonder, probiem) you are hungry if you haventt eaten since yesterday. 10. his change of ob ha... (introduced, inated, presented, led) him with a new challenge in ie WV. Viét lai cde edu sau, sir dung tir cho truée: 4. She described the events ofthat day in deta. DETAILED She 2. &s soon as Ihave any more news, Ill phone you. MOMENT. Hiigive 3. This train should have let 20 minutes ago. MEANT “This train 4 {lost his phone number so I couldn't contact him before. TOUCH Icouldn't 5. We had a long ciscussion about the problem but we couldn't solve it LENGTH We discussed 8. We could choose trom three main courses for dinner. CHOICE We 7. She really didn’ want to upset him so she kept quiet. AVOID. ‘She was anxious 8. We've arranged a tip around Europe next year. ARRANGEMENTS ve 8. When | was younger, this record was one of my favorites. FAVOURITE This record 10, He seems not io care about anything. MATTERS, He acts V- Hoan thanh cic cau sau véi cée cum tiv di v6i luck: with any luck, the luck of the draw, take pot luck, be out of luck, inner's luck, push your luck, no such luck, by a stroke of luck 1. Did you manage to fix your car? Its a complete write-off. 2. You shouldn't. «You haven't been caught speeding yet but you might be! 3. You may win the lttery- you may not. I's quite simply 7 4. The only problem with this cheap package holiday I've arranged is you cant choose your accommodation: & You . . I'm afraid. I've just sold the last copy of that particular book. nveg Faitere 6. Ive just realized ive forgotten my house key, but sss wie might be at home 7. Jane missed the last bus but rs a friend was passing and gave her a lift. 8 Robert won his frst professional tennis match but modestly said it was just... '

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