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The second reason why the book seems to me im-
portant is because of the methodology of its major
SCIENCE, METAPHYSICS AND BLOOD portion, which deals with the experimental details re-
H~VING been assigned by the editor the pleasant garding the physiology of the blood. The essential
duty of reviewing for SCIENCEProfessor Lawrence J. point of this methodology is what may be character-
Henderson's new book, embodying his Silliman Lec- ized as the multiple free variable experimental tech-.
tures on "Blood. A Study in General Phy~iology,"~ nique. It has long been a working canon of investi-
and being just on the point of starting to write the gation in biology that what the experimenter should
review when SCIENCEof January 11, 1929, reached endeavor to do is to keep all possible other variables,
my desk, I read with great interest Professor Yandell internal and external, constant while he observed what
Henderson's article in that issue entitled "Is this happened relative to just one. In actual fact, owing
Science or Metaphysics?" At the bottom of page primarily to the enormous intercorrelate'd complexity
39 I concluded that my job had been done for me, of the living organism, as we11 as to the extraordinary
and that for once Providence, this time oddly dis- practical difficulty of keeping constant even the most
guised as a Yale professor, had subtracted from simple and basic of the elements in the purely phys-
the obligations of an already overburdened life, ical environment, this ideal is practically impossible of
rather than, as usual, adding to them. As I read achievement experimentally, if one is thinking o r
on through pages 40 and 41, however, it seemed ap- working in terms of quantitative precision of any-
parent that this was a too hasty conclusion. Some- thing like the same order a s those in which the physi-
thing now needed to be said about Yande112 as well cist or chemist works. Furthermore, experience in the
as about L a ~ r e n c e . ~Life almost always turns out other sciences, particularly physics, has demonstrated
that way. that it is a relatively sterile and unfruitful methodo-
Let me begin by stating that what follows is in no logical ideal a t best. Nature in general and organisms
sense to be regarded a s a defense of the book under in particular, are organked. Event A is one thing
discussion against the attack which has been made when B,, C,, Dl ... N , are happening, and quite
upon it. Many years ago there was revealed to me the another when B,, C,, D2... N, are happening,
simple but profound truth that the final and conclu- B, C, p, etc., being events which vary as indicated
sive evaluation of all scientific work is determined by by the subscripts. As W,hitehead3 says, even "an elec-
the intrinsic merits or demerits of the work itself, tron within a living body is different from an electron
and not a t all by what anybody says about it, either outside it, by reason of the plan of the body." Now
for or against. There appears no present reason to the traditional methodological canon says that the best
suppose that this law of human biology will not thing to do in making experiments is first to keep
operate in this instance. B,, C,, Dl. .. N, constant and see what A looks like ;
.. .
The purposes of this note are, first, to discuss some then to hold C,, Dl, N , constant, and let B change
aspects of the book which, a s it seems to me, were from B, to B,, and see what happens to A. But
overlooked or neglected in the article referred to; and, above all, keep everything else possible in the system
second, to present another point of view regarding except A and B under constraint while the investiga-
some general questions of scientific methodology which tion of their interrelationship is in hand. What this
were raised in that article. "Blood" seems to me to methodological scheme deliberately neglects (though of
be a more important book than it does to Professor course no intelligent investigator overlooks it) is that
Yandell Henderson, and this for three reasons. The when C, D, ... N are put under constraint A is also
first is that the opening chapter of the book impresses and by virtue o f that fact put under constraint. And
me as, on the whole, the most sound, penetrating and it is the behavior of A over its whole range of pos-
illuminating statement that has yet been made of the sible behavior that, by hypothesis, we want to find
present status and the ideational development of biol- out about.
ogy as a science, on the one hand, and of the essen- There is perhaps no better example to be found of
tial problem of that science-its basic Fragestellung- the relative sterility of this methodology in biology
on the other hand. I n the passage of time this as compared with the fruitfulness of the multiple free
chapter will come to be regarded a classic of bio- variable technique than is afforded by the history of
logical literature, unless my judgment is greatly a t Mendelism. Before Bateson and Punnett in England
fault, quite apart from any consideration a s to what and Morgan in this country got started upon the in-
the ultimate evaluation of the rest of the book may vestigation of dihybrid and trihybrid ratios, out of
prove to be. which came the whole present-day conception of the
relations of genes and the mechanism of heredity,
1 Yale University Press, 1928. 3A. N. Whitehead, "Science and the Modern World,"
2 Henderson. p. 111. 1925.

Mendelism was already being said to have exhausted men were never further apart in literary style than
itself. All that was exhausted was a single con- these. That the readers of SCIENCEmay judge the
strained variable methodology. point f o r themselves let me quote a few sentences
The essential point in the methodology of Lawrence from the introduction to an English translation of
Henderson's experimental study of the physiology of Paracelsus) "Nine Books on the Nature of Things,"
the blood is that he has, in effect, observed and quan- published in 1650, which happens to be on my table
titatively measured simultarceow&y, a t suitably sepa- as I write. H e is speaking of sophisters and scoffers
rated intervals of time and space, the state a t that
instant of a whole series of freely varying physical, who contemn all things, which are not agreeable to
ohemical, physicochemical and physiological elemen- them, and indeed detract from them: These are pleased
tary variables connected with the blood. The result onely with what is their own, as indeed all fooles are
of this technique has been to reach a wholly different wont to be, whom their owne toyes onely please, not any-
thing which is anothers, hating all kinds of wisdome.
order of understanding of the physiology of the regu-
Wherefore they account wisdom as folly: because nothl-
lation of the internal environment of the organism ing doth them any good they know the use of nothing.
(to use Claude Bernard's phrase) than we have ever As one workman cannot use the instruments of another,
had before. It is not intended to imply that Lawrence so a foole can use no weapons better than his owne sticke,
Henderson is the first or the only investigator4 who or boughes; and there is no sound pleasanter to him than
has applied this methodological technique in biology. the ringing of his own bell.
What he has done, however, is to use it more con-
sistently, intelligently and effectively f o r the solution Now would any one maintain that Lawrence J.
of a definite, particular problem than has any one Henderson ever did, or could, or would, write like
hitherto, so f a r as I am aware. that?
The third respect in which the book seems to me Regarding the metaphysical disability I confess my-
to be important is in that it achieves, within modest self to be in doubt, because nowhere does Professor
but by comparison considerable limits, a real synthesis Yandell Henderson define precisely what he under-
of a previously scattered and only very partially inte- stands by metaphysics. He just calls it "that most
grated set of biological observations. Books which insidious disease of scientific thought." But, as he
even attempt true synthesis are extremely rare in biol- complains about the book, this is not informative.
ogy; those that achieve i t in any degree are still From the context of the article a s a whole, one:
rarer. reader, at least, gets the impression that he regards
So much for my opinions about the book; now just everything in science which is not the purest naive
a few words about Professor Yandell Henderson's. empiricism as metaphysics. But Professor E. A.
H e appears to object to it on three main grounds: he BurttY6who certainly has a clear notion of what meta-
doesn't like the style in which it is written; he thinks physics is, says (p. 137) : "Of course Newton's con-
i t is metaphysics and not science, and finally he thinks scious reaction to metaphysics was one of vigorous
that its author has not been sufficiently polite to other opposition, as to a - collection of quite unverifiable
workers on the physiology of the blood. Regarding 'hypotheses,' but since no one can avoid ultimate
the first of these points there seems little chance of assumptions of some sort he was, like most scientists,
doing anything. It is probable almost to certainty a metaphysician against his will." Perhaps, in this
that Professor Lawrence Renderson will not change respect, Professor Yandell Henderson is like Newton.
his manner of expression. I n fact it is inconceivable. But again perhaps he isn't. There seems to be no
Nor, on the other hand, can any of Professor Yandell way to resolve this second difficulty until he defines
Henderson's friends suppose that he is going to alter his conception of metaphysics more precisely than as
his literary tastes. I n emotional matters he is known an "insidious disease."
not to be an altering kind of person. Plainly there is Regarding the third point of objection to the book;
no hope on this first point. There is, however, one my statistical iistincts come to the fore and suggest
specific matter here to which exception must be taken. an objective inquiry. With the help of the excellent
A few sentences are quoted and it is said that this index, plus a patient reading of pages where the lazy
statement might have emanated from Paracelsus. But '
f" makes it necessary, the following table has been
has Professor Yandell Henderson ever read Para- constructed, showing the number of different pages on
oelsus, or has he just read about him? For surely two which the leading investigators of the physiology of
4 In a very modest way the present writer has en- 5 E. A, Burtt, "The Contemporary Significance of
deavored to use thie mekhodology in his investigations Newton's Metaphysics,," in "Isaac Newton, 16424727.
on durakion of life described in '' The Rate of Living. " A Memorial Volume." London (G. Bell and Sons, Ltd.).
New York (Knopf). 1928. 1927.
8, 19291 SCIENCE 163
the blood (other than Professor Lawrence Henderson's Henderson, as an example of insufficient appreciation,
own students and associates) are specifically mentioned quotes a paragraph from the lectures which ends with
or their work is discussed or both. The names are ar- the statement, "This conclusion escaped us all, and it
ranged in descending order of frequency of mention. remained for Christiansen, Douglas and Haldane to
discover by experiment that the carbon dioxide dis-
sociation curves of oxygenatized and reduced blood
Number of dserent are different." This statement is, it appears to the
pages on which in-
Name vestigator and his writer, a sportsmanlike acknowledgement of a debt
work are named or due Haldane and his collaborators for solution of a
discussed problem whicJi, despite its outstanding importance,
had eluded bther investigators.
The charge of being metaphysical appears absurd
against a work which contains 225 diagrams and 86
tables, presenting chiefly quantitative experimental re-
sults obtained in Lawrence Henderson's laboratory,
together with an appendix on laboratory technique.
The lectures, aside from their value in affording
Surely the facts disclosed by this table give no mathematical approaches to hitherto insoluble rela-
ground for the grievance that predecessors and con- tionships, constitute a most useful compendium of
temporaries do not receive adequate recognition. Or concrete facts and figures to any worker in the field:
do they l so much so that the copy in our laboratory is seldom
RAYMOND PEARL in its place on the shelf. I n the introduction, it is


true, Lawrence Henderson presents a view-point con-
cerning the historical development of general biology
THE 1928 SILLIMAN LECTURES and concerning modes of attack on its problems; and
the concluding chapter is of a broadly reflective na-
THE last Silliman Lectures a t Yale were delivered ture: both, to the writer, afford stimulating and
by Professor L. J. Henderson on a field of physiology profitable reading. I n between are eleven chapters
to which he has devoted himself during the past packed with concrete quantitative observations and
twenty years, via., the relations between the different calculations based upon them.
electrolytes, gases and proteins in the blood, and the DONALDD. VAN SLYKE
alterations in those relations that occur during normal ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL

and pathological metabolism. The publication of these RESEARCH,

lectures in book form has drawn from Professor Yan- NEW YO=, N. 9.

dell Henderson the savage criticism which appeared

in SGIEWCEof January 11. Independent opinions con- THE APPORTIONMENT SITUATION IN

cerning the relative value of the studies presented CONGRESS

and of the criticism against them can be formed only THE apportionment problem will probably be con-
by the few who are themselves engaged in the intricate sidered again by the House of Representatives during
field of research covered. Hence it appears that, in the present session of Congress. Because of that fact
fairness to those readers of SCIENCEwho lack the con- and because my attitude towards it is not adequately
crete knowledge, Yandell Henderson's remarks should stated in Professor Huntington's article in SCIENCE
be reviewed by another student in the field who has for December 14 (pages 579-582), I am glad to out-
formed quite a different opinion. line briefly the situation as I see it.
Essentially Yandell Henderson's criticisms may be Neither the bill defeated last May nor the similar
condensed to two: (1) that Lawrence Henderson has bill introduced at this session is a real apportionment
failed to give due credit to Haldane's magnificent bill. It is a bill authorizing a future apportionment
work, and (2) that the lectures are metaphysical. by the secretary of commerce after the results of the
The first criticism can be met by any one who refers census of 1930 or of any subsequent census have been
to the several places where Haldane's work is men- announced and Congress has failed to pass an appor-
tioned in the lectures. I n the writer's opinion there tionment bill in the following session. Thus, if the
is no basis for complaint. The lectures are in their field work on the next census should start in Novem-
nature a review of Lawrence Henderson's personal ber, 1929, the population of the. several states would
work, and where i t is based upon Haldane's previous doubtless be announced before Congress assembled in
discoveries that fact is acknowledged. Yandell December, 1930. If no bill on apportionment should

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