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Hello, my name is Juanita Marquez and today I'm going to talk about the book that I decide to read

The name of it is "polar scientist"

Well at first the book talk about the climate change, and I like that people talk about this topic
because is very important to show the reality to the persons, I mean there is a lot of people that
know that this problem exist but they continue doing all things as normal, in this part of the book
they explain that Antarctica is one of the most important place in the world, and is because it
helps earth to get a little cold, also the book show the real why the humans did the climate change
get a very big problem, well when we use oil, gas and coal we hurt the earth.

Then the book explains about the climate prediction, it means how the scientist know the climate
of the days, for my surprise they use a lot of mathematics, but is not easy as people think, for
example she told us about a balloon that has a sensor which work is measure temperature .

Curios think in this book is that all the book is in first person, so I thought that the author of it is a
scientist working at Antarctica.

There is a fact that I think a lot of people get confused with Antarctica and Arctic and in this book
told the difference the Arctic is the north pole, and the Antarctic is the south pole.

Joseph Farman, Judith Hann, Susan Solomon, this are some of the scientists that are heroes for
the author because they make expeditions to the poles and are advances to the science.

The captain Robert Falcon Scott, he was a captain of a boat that make a travel to the south pole in
1912, he dies on the Ross Ice Shelf with his group, but she also admire him because of his scientist
objectives, with the group that he dies they discover a lot of new things.

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