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The Power Of Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

The book ‘the power of your subconscious mind’ is all about your mind and we can say
that spirituality. The first thing that we need to know is that we have two states of mind
conscious and subconscious mind.

How can we differentiate the two states of the mind? here is the difference between
conscious and your subconscious mind, the conscious mind is our awaken state of mind
when we can think consciously through the outer environment and know everything that
is happening and can differentiate between everything, has the ability to understand.
The subconscious mind is the subjective mind that acquires everything from your
conscious mind and creates a thought in your subconscious mind.

Your mind is like a land where you can grow a crop and you are the farmer of that,
thoughts are like seeds whatever you put in your mind or whatever you acquire from the
outer environment your mind will manifest and bring it to pass. As we know we are the
farmers in what we would like to grow according to putting the seeds(thoughts) in your
mind, You have the power to choose what you want to be and how you want to be in
your life only choosing the right thought for you.

How do you get a negative thought? negativity comes from the environment you are
living and the type of people you are with will decide you thought, for example, if you
are with someone who is constantly talking negative things to you, your mind will accept
it and bring it to pass. How do you get rid of this negativity from others its a simple trick
to not to accept negative things in your conscious mind because you have the power to
choose what you want to choose just take a little pause and realize that is it really good
for me or it will going to disturb me.

The most important thing to control your mind and your thoughts are your affirmations
what you affirm on a daily basis your subconscious mind accepts and it will make it
happen in reality. if you want something the way you want it to be so you have to affirm
it in your prayers or in your day over and over that is called affirmation. The second most
important thing is visualization, visualization has the power to give an idea to your
subconscious and your subconscious will bring it to pass but you have to visualize it with
the true self-belie

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