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Name : salsa hardianti tuhulele

Class : Afternoon (ambon / VI )

Nurse : Good morning Salsa, Are you feeling better? Is there any
advancement with your condition?
Patient : Yes, I am feeling better. Yet, some of the time I truly feel
fatigued, while I feel truly sound before that. Is it typical or not nurse?
Nurse : Yes that is truly ordinary. That side effect shows you will be
sound. Might I check your body temperature and circulatory strain please
Patient : Yes, obviously nurse
Nurse: After I checked, your body temperature is 38o C and your
circulatory strain is 120/80. I can analyze that your sound is showing
signs of improvement, your pulse has been ordinary, yet your body
temperature is still high. You have to have more rest to improve it.
Patient : How about the medication nurse? I need to expend the new
drug or the past prescription?
Nurse: You have still to expend the past one. I will give the prescription.
Coincidentally, what about’s the administration here? Is there any issue
about that?
Patient : I am fulfilled about the administration. The Patientis cordial and
the office is exceptionally well. They likewise keep my room sanitation.
So I am exceptionally solace being minded here.
Doctor : Okay I need to visit the other patient, if there is grumbling about
your condition. Simply call me. I will go to your room. Get well soon and
Patient : Ok Nurse. Much obliged to you for checking me today. Hello

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