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TCS HRM Submission - Group 5

Cost Cutting & Adherence to Values Business Optimization


Layoffs Dismissal Performance related restructuring

Retrenchment Termination Workforce Optimization

Workforce restructuring

Which group of terms above best explains the events in the TCS case?
● From the group’s perspective
Cost cutting & Affordability and Workforce Optimization
● From TCS perspective
Business Optimization
● From FITE perspective
Cost cutting and Affordability
● From the perspective of employees who were forced to leave TCS
Cost cutting and Affordability
● From the perspective of TCS employees who survived the event
Business Optimization

What could be the consequences of dismissal? And of layoff?

–To the employees who were forced to leave TCS
Economic challenges and Loss of confidence
Low performance as reason of dismissal can impact their next job opportunity
Bad reputation & Loss of Trust with employees and clients,
–To the employees who survived
Loss of motivation to work
Higher uncertainty and perceived risk

Which other set of actors can/will be involved in the whole case? How would they
react to layoffs vs. dismissals?

1. Clients & Investors - they might think that it’s not better to engage with TCS,
because of these uncertainties as it impacts production. Decline in stocks
2. Industry bodies & Government -Increased monitoring and interference
3. Potential Employees : Job security concerns,
4. Can negatively impact the Tata Brand Image of being employee friendly company
5. IT sector as a whole might be impacted thinking it is a reflection of the trend

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