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NAME: Emman Ace P.

Sebongga TASK # 1 YEAR AND SECTION: BS Pharma 2B

Tokyo Bangko
Manila k

Ho Chi Minh

Taipei Kuala Lumpur

Hong Kong Singapore

Macau Brunei

City with Total Direct Flight

Manila with 9 direct flights

Seoul with 4 direct flights

Tokyo with 3 direct flights

Taipei with 3 direct flights

Hong Kong with 2 direct flights

Bangkok with 2 direct flights

Ho Chi Minh with 2 direct flights

Kuala Lumpur with 2 direct flights

Singapore with 2 direct flights

Macau with 1 direct flight

Brunei with no direct flight at any mentioned city

The final result shows that Manila is the city with highest direct flights and Brunei is the lowest with no
direct flight at all.

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