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LAGRANGE NaN NO A an in Special Collector's Edition y AK THE BIZARRE eee ee y wt WORLD OF a 7 THE STORIES BEHIND THEIR GREATEST HITS SL GRANGE” AN AND MORE! THE COMPLETE . HISTORY OF BILLY GIBBONS AND THE LPLOL BAND FROM TEXAS NTING RARE GUITARS IN RUSSIA he ROAMING THE EAN STREETS OF NEW YORK yx BACKSTAGE ACTION ON TOUR GYTARLEGENDS Serine Fe ee ee et eee aa eee ts See eee Dae ees PB) | reer erent ey inesicacn ee Sree ott The erudite enigmatic Mr Gibhons offers is cominents on 10 Goats eee ete eet eet ee renee pert ees eer esc nh neeh and raunchy XXX, Guitar World spent along and fascinating night on the town with Billy Gibbons REA Pre ee res Roane nee nae CS rere een ee Team eens Pt a eee eet sen eens be al i TRANSCRIBED cs ve ced Ir PaCE ONES} an ban 90 77 cy 8 curran ecenns eee ens) For mehe selects « CD by country star rad Paisley, a neve friend of Mill's, whom he rates pretry highly as a guitarist Next, Mn Gibbons soossthrougis the hangin bin, com rienting authoritatively ontacky burt obseune slseo tacks shat maybe he ouslienacadmit to knowing so well. Then i's onto the DVD. racks. Billy's eraving sonte fil noi tonieh ‘that ominous, black-and-white, B-movie gent, filled with snzar-sharp lille, danger fous gun mols aad other desperate characters from the fringes of md-20th centiry Ameri ‘ean society. Bilyigs and digs, growing ilbly frustrated. He ean'sfind one he hasn't alresdy seen, bathe does present me wit 4 copy of Dilger, quite possibly the only fim noir ve Billy’ knowledge of flm is as eneyelopedte sshis command of musialidfoms both high snd low, Just name 4 cinematieentesvinlage Hollywood, Italian necrealsm, Sixties kere, ‘Asian slasher Biles Biiy can nanie dizectors cinematographers, tors and actrees. He possesses highly retentive and wildlvas suciative mind that seems reauire constane Stimulation, One song ot movie ile wil trige geramavalanche of related titles in his fevered brain. He curries offtorrack them dawn, ‘The uniquely configured, hyperactive mind of Billy Gibbons she engine that dives ZZ.Top that Little OV Blues Band from Texas ‘ow init 38th sear of operation and likely to ‘ep on running infinitely chankes tote eat Feitated Energizer bunny ther esides inthe curiously adorsed noggin of Billy Gibbons. ‘Billy an interesting gy” says Dusty Hil, Zz Top sbassistand Gabbons bandmate for guitarist and mastermind Billy Gibbons is a compul- sive shopper. Late one recent Hollywood night he could be found prowling the aisles of the Virgin Megastore on Sunset Boulevard, moving stealthily like some African tribal hunts- man, albeit one with a long grey beard, strange tufted hat, natty black suit, ample silver wrist jewelry and a white shirt ac- centuating the night-owl pallor of that small portion of his face left visi- ble by his legendary chin warmer and bizarre headgear. The Great White Hunter! He swoops down the aisles, deftly picks through stacks of CDs and extracts the discs that capture his fancy: a collection of cuts by Fif- ties steel guitar legend Speedy West, some Los Lobos albums to prepare for a jam with the famed L.A. band at the Latin Grammys, and a world- beat compilation for the missus, the comely actress Gilligan, who is ap- proximately half Billy’s age. “She goes crazy for this stuff” he confides. the past our decades. "e's gotalotofvatied sts If you'e involved in sone venture hes into, yo realy get ingot werybady knows that 22 Top ate one of the arestes things ever to spring from the ‘Texas mud, bur fewer people get the Hol Iywood connection. Billys dat, Fred, wava soundtrack mesieian end composes for MGM during the Thirties Hs uncle Cedric isoneat the mostcelebrated cinematioart directors of Hollywood's Golden Age In face, Billy inher ited the family manse in the Hollyyood Hil The adobe-style dvellingisbrimming with farther arcifats of illy's mania for shopping ‘Museum-gualitypioses from his world-class collection of African art acorn the ome. humberef vinsage automobiles, al of hers Dlack, are parked ont font. And, ofcourse, ‘there are guitarsand amps everswhere—rare tones, new ones, the weird andthe wonder fuk x Billy Bo Gretsch Jupiter based onan aX iver Billy by rock and rll legend Ba Di- lyrancnew bel JB Tele adowned with sparkling jewas,a few pawenshop specials chree Watkins Dominator ampe of different vineagesand 1 Marshall Bissbresker in red- ‘orange Tolex “There's even more sti In Houston, the ety in w Houston is also the site of 22Teps recor Ingstudi, Foam Box, and eign: warchouses containing thebulk of Billys Afsian or cole lection, hundreds of guitrs, nips, effects and Lord knows what else, Billy divides is time ‘besween the L.A and Houston residences a5 well a various ather Hoes. No ome fll Understands the comings and goings of Billy Gibons. That's one ofthe Teles. ‘The Houston Bilis che ane everybody knows: he deepstalkn’ Texan, with a passion, forbarbocve, oadhouses, mudfiap galsand stockear racetracks, Bue Billy's Hollywood Finis every bias crucial 0-22 Taps identity and longevity as thearoup's deep Texas blues 99%, His penchant for showmanship and sharp eye for visuals (a genetic legacy from ‘Uncle Cedrie,perbaps) has enabled him w reinvent the Band fereach sueceedingera, Any one human beings conception of 22 ‘Top depends lenvlyon the decae in wiles that particular kutman being inde the sage through adelescence into adulthood, For those whe came up in the Seventies, ZZ Top ae theultimate beer-drinkin hell -go0d-timin’ ass-ickin’ party banc). Tis the ZL Topof "Tash? “La Grange? “Whiskey'n “Mama” and “Enjoy and Ge: It On." For ight- iesfans, they're oneof the mast ubiquitous, alboi wiley eons ofthe MTV era, hres sluarp-dressed men with #sound as gleaming ‘and suearnlined as the custom hot rods and {curvaceous cies seen in the video clips for “Gimmie All Your Lovin “Lege” and “Sharp Dr sed Men" Inthe Nineties and beyond, 22 Top re- turned to their spots and emerged as curious curators ofthe blues legacy. eared barrel= house garus,semi-msthical characters, they came ro remind us thet rack and roll aint nothin’ but the bastard nfspring ofthe blues an ail susie, This s the group that ‘rout us “My Head's in Mississippi “Fuzz box Voodoo? "Poke Chop Sandwich and “Buck Nella" Bless thei seized beards, F.Gibbons. Every note is steeped in the rch Amyerican musical heritage thet Billy absorbed {gonving up in Houston inthe Pilties. Someot Fis earl ost musieal amare are of the di ‘verse soundseeming outafthe radio, chat we ow call oot mse Tas favorite channels onthe dial Dil recalls, ‘seemed tobe the R&B cations KYOK ‘and

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