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Short term Company Performance:

 From short term Point of View the company is performing well. As we have found in the case that the

company about a year after inception, on April 28, 1999, it had its first $1MM day, selling over 5,000

tickets. In this first year of operation, more than 1 million individuals had booked air ticket from their

service. Throughout 1998 and 1999, Priceline has started new ventures such as : automobiles, hotel

rooms, home financing, grocery etc.

 In 1999 sales had increased more than tenfold; They had more than 3.8 million customers; research

data showed it was the second-most well-known e-commerce site, behind only Amazon. Its $16/share

public offering closed the first day at $69 and reached $165/share within a month.

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