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VTL I /Te ii Albert Herring A Comic Opera in three Acts Libretto freely adapted from a short story of Guy de Maupassant by Eric Crozier Music by Benjamin Britten Op. 39 Vocal Score by Henry Boys BOOSEY (‘cy HAWKES London - New York « Berlin - Sydney Copyright 1948 in U.S.A. by Hawkes & Son (London) Ltd. Copyright for all Countries All rights of theatrical, radio, television performance, mechanical reproduction in any form whatsoever (including film), translation of the libretto, of the complete opera or parts thereof are strictly reserved. ‘The right of Benjamin Britten to be identified asthe composer ofthe musical ‘work entitled Albert Herring is hereby asserted. The name of Benjamin Britten 1s composer must therefore be stated in association with any performance, recording or other use ofthe work or any part oft. Any derogatory treatment of ‘his work is illegal. No arrangement or adaptation ofthis work may be made ‘without the prior writen permission of the publishers. 1B. & 1.16241 Dedicated to E. M. FORSTER in admiration BOS 162 Orchestration Flute (doubling Piccolo and Alto Flute), Oboe, Clarinet (doubling Bass Clarinet), Bassoon, Horn, Percussion (1 player)* Harp, String Quartet, Double Bass. ‘The Recitatives are accompanied by a piano played by the conductor. * Timpani, Side Drum, Tenor Drum, Bass Drum, Triangle, Cymbals, Castanets, Tambourine, Gong, Bells (F,Bp,D), Glockenspiel, Whip, Block. Cover design by John Piper B.& H. 16241 Characters of the Opera LADY BILLOWS, an elderly autocrat . FLORENCE PIKE, her housekeeper MISS WORDSWORTH, Head Teacher at the Church School. MR. GEDGE, the Vicar. MR. UPFOLD, the Mayor. SUPERINTENDENT BUDD SID, a butcher's shophand ALBERT HERRING, from the greengrocer’s. NANCY, from the bakery MRS. HERRING, Albert's mother . EMMIE cis Village children. *HARRY Soprano Contralto Soprano Baritone Tenor Base Baritone Tenor Mezzo-Soprano Mezz0-Soprano - Soprano + Soprano + Treble The action of the opera takes place at Loxford, a small market-town in East Suffolk, during April and May of the year 1900. ‘There are three scenes: the morning-room of Lady Billows’ Hous: Mrs, Herring's greengrocery shop: and the interior of a small marquee set up in the Vicarage garden . *NOTE.—The part of Harry should be sung by «boy with an unbroken voice, who can act well and sing in-a natural urchin manner. If his chest notes are not strong enough, he ean change parts with Emmie in the ensembles, and in other cases sing the alternative notes provi B.& H. 16241 ALBERT HERRING was written to launch the first season of The English Opera Group and was first performed at the Glyndebourne Opera House on June 20th, 1947. It was later given at the Amsterdam and Scheveningen Music Festival, the Lucerne International Music Festival, and at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. The cast was as follows : Lady Billows. 2... = Joan Cross Florence Pike... . 2... s+ Gladys Parr Miss Wordsworth, «Margaret Ritchie The'Viear . «William Parsons ‘The Mayor. . bo ee ee Roy Ashton ‘The Superintendent of Police... . . Norman Lumsden Sid ee ee Frederick Snarp Albert Herring . 2. . * . . . . . Peter Pears Naney : = Naney Evans Mrs. Herring... 2 5. 5s. s+ Betsy dela Porte Emmie . = Lesley Duff Cis. ee ee ee Anne Sharp Harry - 7 ss 5 + + Dawid Spenser Bruce Clark Denis Dowling Joan Gray Call Elisabeth Parry Conducted by: Benjamin Britten and Ivan Clayton Produced by: Frederick Ashton Scenery and Costumes by : John Piper B&H. 16241 TMPORTANT NOTICE 1 =e ALBERT HERRING Words by Music by ERIC CROZIER BENJAMIN BRITTEN ACT I Op. 89 Scene I The breakfast room in Lady Billows’ house, Loxford. [CURTAIN] Florence is hurriedly clearing away breakfast things for one on toa tray Quick and heavy (Allegro e pesunte) d-2 144 PIANO (| oven p ™arhed SS express. Shy takes the tray out tothe kitehen- = = === amd comes back with afeather duster, YY oS marcatiss, = ‘Tonsittning fSrdjudes ‘All rights reserved Copyright 1948 in U.S.A. by Hawkes & Son (Londo) Ltd. ‘Tous droits erservés Copyright for all countries Printed in England B.& H. 16241 Slow (Lento) LADY BILLOWS (off) Florence stops work and goes upstairs to listen. —= ¢ # we ——————_—_— Florence comes back, = oo > >, > LADY BILLOWS (off) 1 Quick, as before wr = Ll |(4itegro, come sopra) ‘Tell the mid-wife! — She's not She continues dusting and tidying. FLORENCE * ns . 4 Quick, as before. Ve-ry good, mita-dy! Caiiseo some sopra) 7 lon F very marked Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 ———$__ apres; ——--—— |p marked ‘heavy (pesante) Bane ated eo bes by Sempre crese. Sk As at the start LADY BILLOWS (off) (710%) 3] (Come prima) oren. ff marked 2 > Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 Slow (Lento) (D Flo- rence! Florence goes upstairs again, FLORENCE(-) —= & Slow Here, milady! (Lento) * m a Vio, 6. f Step |F marcatiss. fo he — sempre pp Florence comes back. tr S>>>> >>>>> —=— __ dr bit bi = & Bo FLADY BILLOWS (ott) = Make himtear it up! Make himtear it Dust - bin! FLORENCE Yes, milady! Just on half-past ten! poco a poco erese. all Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 5 a oS Si orem. f very marked FLORENCE pWFiting- Doo-tor Jes-sop's mid - wife... touch il- le -gi-ti-mates.... 5) sempre f = ‘ Foo, Ad-vert in chemists window... in - de-cent.... PP marked Bsa, 17? Albert Hetring B&H. 16241 Flo, Catt at Sa Paar > ait. TIE “ef ‘ > Prim-rose Cot - tage.... Must stop Wil - liam mak-ing such. uy a breakfast “cup... ov. > marked mfp # & checking back on earlier notes lp sempre Load of logsfor Number Six, The Mount.... > > S =—s1:.PP smooth (legato) # Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 Mit - tens for Mis - ter Did they count how > > SS p> be ma - ny from the almshouse want-ed cop-ies of the Bish-op’s ser-mon?.... Flo, in al-tar vas -es.... pig —_ Flo. Vi - car must warn choir-b0Y8 0... Make res-pons-es quick-er.... = > = = > oP este: St Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 the same speed istesso tempo) St sustained desperate (sost. ¢ disperato) Florence shuts her book in despair. Flo, life - time, Flo Albert Herring B.& H.16241 with force 8) (con forsa) Flo, SS new de - mands. Up-on her sense of char-i - ty. ‘molto crese. oe Eee ee b bab b bob, b. motto crese. life - time, Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 10 Flo, Fro, assionate (d=) 10) feppassionatoy 9| BP express. ae ‘pp very sweetly (doleiss.) —= pitt orese. Fo, Albert Herring B.& H.16241 as at the start W (come prima) Flo, Sometimes f express f dim. molto ae ee lorence breaks off and goes to open the door. Ml a = a He Gf marcatiss, ff marcatiss.) heh (ff very marked) Miss Wordsworth, the Vicar, Superintendent Budd and the Mayor enter. Recit. (conversational) ~ 3USS WORDSWORTH I hope.,,we're not too ear-ly, Flo-rence? FLORENCE Oh no, Miss, Albert Herring B.& H.16241 12 Flo, —+- WhY, anon this looks al-most like a de - pu-ta - tion, Florence take their things and goes out. —— = SSS peal i a Let me take your hats and sticks. I'l youve come. 6. sting nis watch. MAYOR as i n hi 1s just dn half-past ten. iw $ = eh? Vie. —— 9 — 2. May, Fe —+ 4g a = z = v Were ve - ry punct-ual by tHat clock. —= + vie BE z SS Come and sit here, Miss Words - worth. MISS WORDSWORTH a tempo (moderate) Let me stand tillwere feady to be-gin. ‘The clock chimes the half. Vie. Asyou will. tempo (moderate) SS Alvert Herring “Toughout the work the Plano chords should b : Beeamest 13 Recit. MAYOR b. be Pee & SSeS SS Se #5 o No, you're slow! Ex-act-ly right by checking it by his wateh. SUPER L =— —— a = Se Ten se-conds fast I make that. are EE Tbe Moving to the window- MISS WORDSWORTH == Ohl I find it so re-fresh - ing.... to es-cape from school a sun-ny day like May. be? Pia 6, lib, wk ; [Oo this. wom» ¢ Ey SSS Play- ing tru- ant? SUPER shaking his watoh b. ——— SS ae Fun-ny be-ing slow! Ne-ver known it... & 1K i # Hel A Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 “4 Miss We for hour sa: Free b per - fect SE UE, nnn nnn £ Miss # + 6 — z li - ber - ty. MAYOR - = f: 4 4: t 3 a = — ee = = i be Won - der- ful wea-ther for Ap - ril, Mis - ter Gedge! be —— z z i x x ‘That hedge of rose-ma-ry Wants oil- ing, I ex - pect. Dust in the works. B.& H. 16241 Albert Herring 15 iss = I hum-ming with bum-ble-bees! VICAR Quite per-fect, Mis-ter Mayor! MAYOR = sy — Fe oe z = oO That it does. It was SUPER Le: apf et ae se SSS “In like a lion, out like a lamb!”— that was true of March this year! % = P solemn Be = Miss WORDSWORTH. sweetly (dolce), “And lol the win-ter is past, the rain is 0-ver and gone, sweetly (dolce) erese. VICAR 7 ¥ “The rain is 0-ver and gone, Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 16 Miss W: flowers - ” w @P- pear Ce eee MAYOR impatient since were here... flowers ap - pear on the earth[” Sol- o-mon’s Song, you know! more agitated . (pit agituto) rapidly SUPER (rapido) — Zz — _ —, Ss: oe MISS WORDSWORTH f, $. 2 £ =F © 2 2 Ap-pall - ing! vicak of & es Ses z They tell me that’s her third! = sv a # => daugh - ter. She wont con-fess the fa - ther, Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 7 pooh an —— vf ; — 2S ———s mavon _ Bel derovis is an-oth-er — prob-lem! be aS It's hap-pen-ing a too of - ten! on PSS sil - ly girl! o EE [ber SHS % vicak | Sp? = be—b, + = © = — s+ ¢ = = Drun - ken fa- ther, mo-ther a slat - tern,— 4 = Sup. sss Twins, if you please! i: s Na MISS WORDSWORTIE = J Their poor child-ren! mayor fz = 3. bp La a. bg + oe Some-thing must be ee 1 —— — — these things breed im-mor - al - ty in the young. o we Albert Herring B. & H. 16241 18 fc == ro j 3 Her te wo. i J done! fe» - # a te i». ve == = b=% £. A firm stand now be-fore the e - vil ares = % = Hear, hear! O=be fF ae — : ee Se i i La-dy-ship is all for that! pif , e—p—p 9 9 9 wn HE = o Strong measures are es-sent - ial = = spreads! Sf ‘Tho'she ex - ag-ger-ates oc-cas-i jonally!... wae 1K Abort Herring B.& H, 16241 19 orese. fi: =k = = Ww E — = Most es - sent - ial! S now! yee ¢ $b #. vie, BE 2 2 = z: of course they are! This orese. sup. PE s = Hear, hear! pint z= Hea = ee Florence comes in hucriedly. sre cl * eS u Oh yest I have great hopes ... pre} SS tm =F Ss tw RE 5 zz Fea U Cer-tain-ty! Prac-ti-cal mea - sures. een be sf 8 be vie, SPS P= =z may help! I am all for that!... orese ——— su SE op Ee Hear, hear! Hear, hear! ... oe Albert Herring B.& H, 16241 20 nf > FLORENCE Ds > nusa! She's "here! Se Vie. Sup. we ‘Heavy march 52 12] CAtia marcia grave) tiacp Be pp marked heavy (pesante) erately dowa - iF sfmpre ¢ 7 Atbert Herring, ritardando - - - - - - =—— La-dy-ship! Ah! La-dy Bil-lows!. Here she comes! ritardando - Lady Billows appears at the top of the stairs and walks heavily and delib- — . Sim, B.& H, 16241 : : = She erosses unexpectedly to the window and pushes it open - a : : 13 with force Laby BILLows (on forsa) Stuf-fy! To-bacco stink! Nasty 77 ‘poco crese masculine smell! She comes back into the room to greet her visitors. Tutt broad S (argamente) Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 22 MISS WORDSWORTH P Good morn - ing! shaking hauds LADY BILLOWS en Good morn - ing! Good morn - ing! MAYOR P. Good morn - ing! ; ——_ i .- 4S oy ——— @ FE PP heavy (pesante) * ppmarked ~ Bae? good morn - ing! =—-, Lay Good morn - ing! Good morn - ing! May, good morn - ing! Vie. P Good morn - ing! good morn - ing! "BR RR BTR Albert Herrin B.& H, 16241 23 14 nf-rhythmic (ritmice) — —__—————_ ‘This is the tenth of A-pril, The day your Ladyship planned For our second and fi-nal meeting. RENCE, > Cottonts rhythmic (ritmico) ——————$—— ‘This is the tenth of A-pril, The day yourLadyship planned For oir second and fi-nal mecting. nf rhythmic (ritmico) ———— May. This is the tenth Of A-prif, The day your Ladyship planned For our second and fi-nal meeting. rhythmio (ritmico) —_———— Vie, This i6 the tenth Of A-fril, The day your Ladyship planned For our second and fi-nal meeting. rhythmic (ritmico) Sup. 7 ‘This ib tle tenth br A-prif, The day four'Lalyship planned Fur olr second afd fi- nal nfeeting, wet tot ro} nf ‘heavy (pesante) L. ———— Miss WwW. For Were here to see how we stand; f 1 Queen of the May must be appointed by us to - a ——$——$———— Fv Were here fo ee how we stand; For the Queen of the May must be appointed by us fo - ——_———— f crest. er a May, We're here to see how we stand; For the Queen of the May must be appointed by us to - ~_—— orese Vie. ‘We're here to sec how we stand; For the Queen of the May must be appointed by us to - —__——_ ff rest. ——————————— Sup. = ‘We're here See how we stand; For the Queen of the May must be appointed by us fo - > Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 24 So Miss we day! LADY BILLOws _f, = All ve-ry punctual. Glad to see it! Ear - ly worms! Pio, May. Vie. broadly ip largamente) Sup. ‘We've made our broadly S (largamente Hare Timp, i] broadly flargamente) = >, —— Flo. Weve made our own in-ves-ti-ga - tions. Sup, own in-ves-ti-ga-tions.. and bring you i) SF broadly (argamente) | Albert Herring Box HE 18241 25 broadly f “largamente) MISS WORDSWORTH ‘We've made > Flo rea- dy, were rea - dy, broadly vicar Wargamente) We've made Sup. rea-dy, were rea - dy Miss own in - ves - ti - ga Sf tr’ Flo, you please. = vie, Sup. Were rea - dy, Albert Herring B.& H, 16241 26 Migs W. Flo, de Vic, rea - dy, we're rea - dy, Sup, we're rea - dy, we're rea- dy, we're rea- dy, we're rea- dy, you please. iroadly MaYoR ff largamente) We've made > Vie. rea- dy, we're rea- dy, Sup we're rea- dy, we're rea - dy, Bop tar OF SE = Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 rea- dy, rea-dy, rea-dy when you 7 Migs Wy Fl, May, own in - ves - ti- ga Vie. Sup. please. ff My own in - ves - ti - ga Fie no - mi - neces, aay, sep, >— Atert Herring B&H. Rat 28 ‘They bring out their lists, while Lady Billows moves to sit at the table, ~.—<$—$ = _ marked (maroato) Miss cs ; own in- ves- ti - ga-tions, our >marked (marcato) He, fo - mi - nes, bring you marked (marcato) May. and were rea - dy, marked (marcato) Vie. own in - ves - ti - ga-tions, our. Sup. no - mi - nees, YY PY Migs Ww veés- ti - ga-tidns, our. Flo, no- mi- nees, bring you no - mi - nees, say, and we're rea - rea-dy, and we're rea-dy, Vie own in-ves- ti - ga-tions, our own in-ves-ti - ga-tions, and Sup, f= — Albert Herring = B&H, 16241 29 ST = Ptr: les W “rea- dy, ww, ‘Yea - dy, = ay, rea-dy, we're rea - dy > = rea-dy, we're rea - dy heavy (pesante) op. own in-ves-ti - ga-tions and we're dy when-e - SSS OS ee Lively So ean 16] (Vivace) () quicker than d of preceding) please. LADY BILLOWS Now then! Note book, Florence! “la. lay, Lively (Vivace) 2 quicker than d of preceding) Athert Herring B.& H. 16241 30 All know why we're here! one i-tem on to-day’ a-gen- da... ‘To choose a May! (d-2d of preceding) ma "4 OS “crese. with animation f(con anima) ua 8: May Queen! we 3 get marked (marcato) Las 3 ‘There's a lot of sim-ple wis-dom in these old Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 31 like Hal-low-e'en, Har-vest Home,Chasing the Old Year =~ menof| —— Ley cs out be May Queen, when I was a girl, zing - ly light 8] (teggriero) La 5 A- mong the vil-lage girls, I mean. All dressed in gay , at 3 he i —= >, m op Coe) J dt Albert Herring B.& Ht on the Green at noon on May the : be - ade be- fore the Sf Las is Squire picked the win-ner, ‘And sat be-side her dur - ing din-ner..... aT F Albert Herring B.& Ht Sreely LF (ad lib) (A) Lay] ® How these things were done. ick («= 6) expansively {ig} outs piliberamente) Lay B Tm put-ting up a prize this year,— erese. Pp Las! a ‘Twen-ty-five sovereigns. ‘Twenty-five! Con-si-der it w. nf BOP with force (con forsa) Must make vir-tue at -trac-tive, ex-cit-ing, wy. voy Albert Herring Bk H.18241 a4 a little slower ‘oe pit lonts) with horror [20] (Peco pik lento) (oon orrore) all. 1 3 ND - ble for young. peo-plet Too ma-ny go-ings-on... —— ee Harp Str (teem, pont) PP. Dir - ty things Our birth-rate ris-es every week, — Poor Doctor Jessop is pee BP heavy “pp (pesante)— slowly animating (poco 4 poco animando) p ma sempre crese run off his feet... De-li-ver-ing new ba - of $$ p00 a poco erese Albert Herring BAe 16241 35 Mothers ofwhomex - ces-sive -ly few have ta-ken the trouble Of vi-sit-ing you, => with force (con forsa) ‘Shocking business! bs Ff heavy (pesante) f pif Fb oF La 8 have it! Town's in a state of complete mo- ral livel 2 consniato) | f rapidly (rapido) , Well then... All in fa-vour sig-ni-fy.. = ts 4 gf Albert Herring BAS Hot 36 As they raise their hands, the clock chimes. Lay, ay, Usual manner... quietly (ranguitlo) Ha.) HO trom, molto crese. Ore be us BY ni-mous! Good! _, _ballad-like Recit. (quasi ballata) Lay, 2 i T'm wait-ing! VICAR sisi freely "5 plad tid) ‘The first sug-gestion on my rhythmic miseelG) v Grincos (always without pedal) > ~ b, ee st ¢ # : — — # vie PSS SS ee — list is a charm-ing lo-cal girl, who takes Com-mun-ion and ne - ver Bate H. 16241 Albert Herring. Quick and agitated a (Allegro agitato) ¥LORENCE consulting her notebook 22) 0, Had an af-fair with Vie, missed a Sun-day... Jen - ni- fer Searl. Quick and agitated (Aulegro agitato) , step, ‘ese. LaDy BILLOWS S's : Case dis- missed! ‘The Viear sits and Miss Fis young Tom O’ Dair last Christmas! 5 , en. bade bebeb poco a poco dim. MISS WORDSWORTH freely Recit. Pad lib) _ Wordsworth stands. Of all the pu-pils from the © nithout pedal) —= is — £- Y = SSS £ © school, it gives me par- ti - cu-lar Albert Herring B.& H.1928) 38 za-beth New-ell, Whose Bo-ta-ny Notes are a juick 23] Bicgroy trea-sure. , rea sure. with force FLORENCE _ (con forsa) Was seen in the woods af-ter Quick 23) (Aulegro) step, LADY BILLOWS cz ‘The Mayor stands. Cross her name offt......... 10 good! Tues - day! > ong rapidly Recit. fo om kia 4 SSS & SS SSS SS Se EE PP PP Pp : © There's Win-i -fred Brown, who works in the town As as-sist-ant to Missus Bell. T've =F 3 font 2 i? Fam (without ped) p sempre Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 asked a - bout and peo-ple con-cur she be-haves on the average quite Quick 24] (Allegro) —$$—— FLORENCE Ex-cept she went with her cou-sin from Kent Fora trip in a dog-cart One Sun-day in Lent. Recit. 7 (rm) LADY BILLOWS f° clearing his throat Speak up, Budd! m P Er - humph! — Er - humpht [pp ¥iano bi Atbert Herring B.& 16241 40 Sup. so I'll make it short and sweet. The girl in my Quick 25] (Avtegro) FLORENCE o_O is a trea-sure youlll find, Her name is A - me-lia Keats. Quick 125} Aitegro) 5 step be marked (mare.) Flo, -pos-es her an-kles and legs bold as brass. Sf sempre Fo, for a girl of her None of these =. F> P Albert Herring BL& H. 1621 a LADY BILLOWS angrily Won't ac-cept one of ‘em! Cross ’em all out! Flo, ong p > ——¥v¥ Lay] ’ Can't waste time but-ter-ing _ par- snips... Want vir - gins Fo scratch As molto crese. ia Sf a SE not trol-lopst... More names? Albert Herring B.& HL 18241 42 _, @ little more agitated Recit —(poco pit agitato) VICAR rising quickly P I have an - o-ther name or two brought with Vie. first was not ac - cep-ta-ble. What a-bout E - dith Quick 26] (Auegro) to Florence LADY BILLOws f'S———_,_ —— Well, what a-bout her? FLORENCE So. > Much too fligh-ty! vie. Chase? Quick 28 cero) ste ft B.& H. 241 Albert Herring 43 with force (con Jorsa) — Flo, When the post-man called one day she —openvd the vic, - tends my Bi- ble more agitated Recit.(piie agitato) MISS WORDSWORTH Miss a Fly, BLS Miss W. a- ny-one thought of the shoe-maker's twins?... Joyce Ma-ry and her sis-ter? Albert Herring B. & H. 16241 44 Quick [27| Autegro) ys Miss W, prac-ti-cal girls at han - di-crafts... (grimly) crese. —_ > Flo, aa] Quick 27] (Attegro) Ste, trom, Tve heard of things from Mis - ter P LADY BILLOWS. ‘Both... Fro Budd a-bout them both. SUPER ‘Take my —_-Bi-ble oathl... poco a pocoleresc. Vio. fo nf Sf, Flo. He cant re-peat what he caught them at... You'll par-don him, Sep. { Us Albert Herring B. & H. 16241 SS —$—$—$__** 45 always more agitated Recit (sempre pie agitato) VICAR -——_, + ‘There's that girl who works at Pi-per's Farm? Piano Quick (28) (Altegro) muss worpswortu “pr S=PTESS: Ww. = lost one night, and then found in a barn! MAYOR ‘The girl from the dai - ry? [28 iss Ww. to "lo. She wont re - fuse, Though ‘not i-deal long, long chalk! ay, Fy Albert Herring. B.& H. 16241 46 —=-_-—_—_ Recit. Miss Ww ‘choosel... ff LADY BILLows s > Then dont sug - gest her! Peo-ple talk pit l Fiano y Quick 29| ategro) — FLORENCE pa’ —— SS .the ba-kers daugh-ter? but I'm not sure... Wa - ters, Quick [29] 4itegro) [30] with force (con forsa) Flo. no! no! no! no! no! no! no! Could-n't have her for Queen of the VICAR yr sust. — My, (000 @ poco crese. Albert Herring B.& H, 16241 Ft, MAYOR She runs af- ter MISS WORDSWORTH ppp a What can we — whos my as - =~, Vie. scoured the par- ish through, May, ~ sis - tant, him af-ter her, Miss May, It ist VICAR p SUPER ne sus I rec-kon thats true! Albert Herring our lists are fin-ished. girl both ve-ty per - sis-tent. cast our hope-ful glan - ces —> orese. T rec-kon that's = » S&H. 16241 48 Miss Ww Vie, Sup. Miss Ww. May, all the town?... De - feat- ed? ———— Albert Herring Un - hap - py? De - feat - ed? = oreso. and sust. Be - fore cresc. and sust. fe 6- «fore our pro - ject is com - ree and su Be - fore pro - ject is B.& H, 16241 31 49 ——_—— x, Miss Ww. - plet- > FLORENCE | You've none May. Vie. sup, sempre pitt P it, Jamentit £ |Recit.— dimentosa) Ne ae o F oo aay] = z a J How sad fo see ; Be - = —_ vie, BE 4 — te a eee I Oh bit-ter, bit-ter is the fruit ‘Sprung from the seed of Piano ire Pein ped. Albert Herring. B. & H. 16241 50 For — mo-ral grace and truth. But they care lit-tle (o>) May, a de-cent town Lose _ its good name and sink oe) (om — Vie, sin: feeds on poi-son at the root SUPER pp —= _—s » Po - lice-men have a tick-lish task in stamping out = S$ : nd Miss In head - strong days of youth. say, slow-ly, slow-ly down And ho-ver — on the A Vie. can-kers all with - in. a a Sup, hu-man flesh is on-ly grass, and b Albert Herring. B.& H. 16241 Lady Billows begins to simmer aud suddenly rises in rage. 51 Quick and agitated apa 33] (Ailegro agitato) d= 82 May brink! = = (=) Sup. dark-ness has its us - es! Quick and agitated BI autegro agitate) J 82 st. PP Bp molto crese. furious (Furioso) LADY BILLOWS f° Is All YOu can bring? sempre "(sempre f) SS = é Albert Herring B. & H. 16241 52 — las sin - gle name Reek - ing gf ow =, id f—__— more thanthis to one thing, (sempre oresc.) rf = 4 = 4 ~ a Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 echoing her mistress. FLORENCE J. > ++ But uty BY Lox-ford girls Fo, whores? None clean, none sure? of F ig Arent erring Bw. 18241 54 = Las - civ - ious ny goats, Each one, each Ls cd Lay] ay Lay = 4 pas - sions, show them with a whip, = Co +f —_ Fy gs whip, that laws ————— Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 55 FLORENCE f'> That = = mo - Cf more quietly p(piie tranguillo) Lay. we Is (ilarp atts.) pp marc. sempre Albert Herring. B.& H. 16241 56 — = S—_ Last ave lived and toiled, ave lived and toiled?.... with the voice = cx _|(colla parte) ste-(sut pont.) — | ppp i Ss very animated (molto. anjmato) oes crest. - poiled. © spawn - ing ground of hor - rort. PP crese. sempre ne BR 7 goa cal Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 37 ‘PP oresc. sempre = woe tinpre nL bel ————— pif B.& H. 16241 Albert Herring. 58 > > = > soiled! FLORENCE Jf Sty =F c ros Flo] a ee ee r = $ ‘The clock strikes four quarters and thea LADY BILLows soiled... the hour of eleven. be. Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 59 [BG] avy si..ows senza voce Fe. FLORENCE senza voce Fto| = soiled ————_—_—_———— Lady Billows sits, exhausted by her own vehemence, among the unhappy committee, re ping z pi fe molto crese 2 wd ‘The Superintendent has a sudden brainwave. gist = gh Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 60 Recit. hesitant pane lent e -— + ~—+ # Beg-gin’ your par- don, Td like to = Be MISS WORDSWORTH ————=. —- LADY BILLOWS > Fan - tas - tict FLORENCE Sup. of the May? MAYOR —= + + ¥ SS = + I sup- pose youd crown Sid! on ————— be 4, ¥ = $ *: ¥ ¥- in East Suf - folk... Aibert Herring B.& H. 16241 6 ww. $= z wv. ees — 298 sup, P= a ee or r v—¥ $y $+ —* jay-be it seems a rum sort of no - tion But it might help us out of the LADY BILLOWS ff if a Se Soa = oie pa ‘Rum’ it may be... ‘help-ful? “nol fere red herring, Budd! f, tee Soe be sup. er = present commotion. Just so! (628 z f ly # s— 4! 2. ss ff »» BSS Se iS Her-ring’s the name, and Her-ring’s the lad Fel-low we're wanting ’s there to be had... as bape Albert Herring B&H. 16241 62 All are amaced at this suggestion, é MISS WORDSWORTH pperese = — - oe Al - bert Her ring?. e : _ =— ADY BILLOWS pores: yg _ gz —s Al - bert Her & FLORENCE _ yp orese. - S SS Al - bert Her ring?. MAYOR c - >= He oe ep — np — J Al - bert Her - ring? VICAR pp erese. _ al ESE or — =~ Al- bert Her - ring? hurriedly a S{precipitato) as £ — Sup, es Al-bert Herring!... ..-Works for his mo- ther... He === z 2), = ———— 4 oat === € at z with ped. - t —_— be eo _ 4 » SSS =H % ze Has a green-gro-cer’s shop... Strong as a horse... Works till he drops... it sim - ple, Albert Herring of course... but we wont find an-o - ther B.& H. 16241 (Allegro molto) (con anima) {37| Very quick 4: 186 with confidence 63 Sup. Al - bert Her - rings smooth (marked) (legato) Put heavy (ma pesante) se Sup, new - mown rs nest, truth = - Sup. man’s Mus - tard, Sup, up Albert Herring B&H, 16241 Sup. sup. gold, right through and throught... | dim. 7 w Dy PSP — hesitant Recit. ral (esttando) VICAR P. I know the boy you mean —— [PP " r— Tye seen him since he was a kid: He's al-ways lived next door to me... parr - . ile 2] SLL Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 65 MIS§ WoRDSWORTH _—— * SS Se 7 poor Albert was not bright at les - sons,... tho’ quite ex - af ———) ¥ be: we fil £ fe: % = fe =H i tion - al for con - duct. Sroenee VICAR P by An in - of - fen ~ sive lad,— MAYOR _p ——————— = * = 29 — 7 z % 5 us SS 2 A splen- did son to: Mis-sus Her - z 2 a ——— sim - ple, of course... _ o t_ LADY BILLOWS soorafully “pment — (energicoe boca. er ee ee ? J ‘What pre-cise - ly has a grocers lad to do is in? Albert Herring, B.& H. 16241 66 brooding slow. Gente) press Lay. = —_— ; i Ri - di-cu-lous pro-po - sal! Tm cer-tain there are girls ~ ee a = = —-* _ — : F=f a a - te as pocoaccelerando- - - - -(acel)- - - - 2» = be ee na [SSS ar ee ——— far-mer's daughters, may - be.. suit-a-ble for us.— Flo - rence...? —————_ ——} * ae <—— = F + F3 ¥ = F BE pte es + = 5 s Gis ae tee pe? ly we Zz Hope - less, Mila - T've been round all the farms and Flo, small-hold-ings. Shock-ing re - sults mao BL without ped. Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 67 significantly pp significativo) D Flo. i foun - try vir-gins, if there be such, fin too lit-tle and see too [5B] Slow and sad ‘tempo rubato) (Lento mesto e rubato) LADY BILLOWS p I'm a ve-ry dis-ap-point - ed Flo, str| PPP express. slightly animating (poco animando) ee Ei-ther we a- ban-don the Fest - SUPERINTENDENT Al-bert Her - ring! Ee SS. Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 68 shouted She turns to the Viear ror advice, = Albert Herring!... Vi-car?... sweetly Totty vie. dim. =— == (dolce) =— wt 2 ———srp 7? b Easily moving ¢-6o VICAR = 59) Conde com moto) Vir-tue, ‘says Holy Writ, i Vir = tue... with ped. ‘poco crese. Vie, a - bound-ing, —— PP — Vie. -e-ver, How-so - e-ver it ex - ists. Rarer than... pearls express. 4 & Ta Albert Herring, B&H. 16241 = 69 = —— ——— poco oes. Vie. ‘amethyst, Rich-er than... poco oresc. adidas Vic. righteousness! bt singing Ceantabiey - — tu-ous? Vie. PPP Harp poco marcato Vie. Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 70 (40) MISS WORDSWORTH Al - bert FLORENCE They ppMAYOR. He's ve CY VICAR ‘poco mare. Is Al-bert vir -tu-ous? ‘Al-bert vir - tu - ous? ppSCPER What, 40} sust. Per: mpexpress. ‘Sempre arpeggiando Know, Flo. Vie. Yes or no? Yes. 01 com 18 all we need to know, Sup. Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 Miss Ww. Flo, May, 2p Vie we need to know, That is all we need to Miss “Her-ring? LADY BILLOWS ‘Af-bert... what's his name? Ppp Flo, “Her-ring? May, “Her-ring? Vie. “Her-ring! PPP, “Her-ring? rit. Albert Herring, B.& H. 16241 72 Very quick and vigorous 41} Caitegro molto e con brio) Lady Bittows rises — Lays Right! We'll have him! May King! > > =— elt Lay ‘That 'Ul teach the girls a Oo very lively d= 106 (molto animato) : les-son! light Cleggiero) Lay May King! Re-mark-a-bie po-si-tion. Cause great sen-sa-tion but always heavy (ma sempre pesante) Avert Hered Mas Meany Ge Sempre 3. H, 16H —) Ldy.B First of May, on the First of May. ( lee riorexce_f ‘ero) Let’s go and tell him, | An-nouncing our de-ci-sion, | Warn ' 1 1 1 ob 3 p REPS BBE T” 7 Lay. Flo, him to be rea-dy the First : sim. Ldy.B, May, on the First, the First of Mayl.. —=—— Fs Flo, the First of the First of — Mayl.... 2———.\ May, ft zZ fT dim, — a Par>tlher>>t Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 74 LayB the First of, May, Flo, On the First of An-nounc-ing our light VICAR _— eggiero) f Mag - ni - fi-cent so - tu - tion, Flo, - ci- sion, i be rea - dy, An-nounc - ing our de - Vie. the co - ro - na- tion, Mag - ni - fi- cent so - Iu-tion for the Albert Herring B.& M1 16211 cy MISS WORDSWORTH f° So Pp Ay Re - mark - 4 - ble po - si - tion, cause. = _ » ¥ -ci- sion for the First of, May! Ss ee co - ro - fa-tion On the First of May. Ag nary. light —(leggiero) for. all our dear young peo - ple Lay, great sen - sa - tion Flo, Vie, Albert Herring B. & H. 16241 76 Miss, Ww. Ly Flo, —— an - nounc-ing our de-ci- sion for the Vie. —— crest. 7 BP Miss © For all ourdear young people, “Vir —- is re-ward-ed, is Ly B Flo, First MAYOR Ur - ban Dis - trict Coun All o-ver Eastern Suf-fotk, En - ————_ vie, ei Albert Herring B.& H.16241 fiss AyB| Flo, May. vie, Ly] Flo, May. Vie. 44) aim a First of, —_— = vy lit-tle Lox-ford the First of | May, the First of a a First, the First of May... re-mark-a- ble po - si - tion,cause a =———_ pp, ; ' 1 ‘An-nouno-ing our de - i - sion, warn him ae eg All... 0- ver Eas-tern Suf-folk, en - vy clearly (distinto) Mag - ni- fi-cent so - lu-tion for the # i dS tae =. Harp Albert Herring B. & H. 1624 8 Lay great sen - sa - tion Flo, May. lit - tle Lox- ford Vie, SUPERINTENDENT ff Er-humph! Albert Herring, Er - humph! the First the First the First the First Er-humph! Er-humph! Er - B. & H. 16241 First of, First of First of, First of First of, First of Albert Herring B. & H. 16241 80 Miss WwW. Lay] May. Vie. Sup. Albert Herring sempre ff; heavy (pesante) > force, Will have to be on du-ty, — Keep - ing things in or-der, Will B. & H. 16241 Miss We. Flo, the First May. Vic, Sup. have to be on du-ty, Keep - ingthings in or-der, the of wit ep te 8 Miss Ww. May. of ———$—_—— Vie, of Deore zezrzs e235 F222 May! —SS SSS sZrze5|32e>2F2 55 Albert Herring B. & H. 16241 82 Slow 46} Largo) (d = d ot preceding) Lf — Miss W. May! LADY BILLOWS. brilliant very marked LayBt Re-joice, my friends, and be . ex-ceed-ing glad!..... ed Flo, May. —— Vie, May! t=. Sup. May! Slow [46] Largo) (d = d ot proceding) : c. . a fs. > ‘2 Timp. = = Albert Herring B&H. 1ea Miss Ww. ———— oc-w— Lay! Flo, May. Vie, Sup. Albert Herring tue has sig - nalld forth Her nalld forth Her nalld forth Her nalld forth Her nalld forth Her cham-pion cham- pion cham-pion cham - pion cham-pion 83 B.& H, 16241 84 liss we Hum - ble AyB} A vil-lage lad, a vil - - - lage ladt. > Flo, Hum - ble in looks, of low-ly > May, in looks, of low-ly Vie, in looks, of low-ly D> Hum - ble in looks, of low-ly B.& H. 16241 Albert Herring 85 Ff, = birth, beneath whose a - pron _ beats re-pel Temp-ta - tion, Lay] To conquer Sin, f birth, beneath whose a - pron re-pel Temp-ta - May, birth, beneath whose a - pron re-pel Temp-ta f, birth, beneath whose a - pron re-pel Temp-ta Sup. birth, beneath whose a - pron Te-pel Temp-ta Albert Herring, B.& H. 16241 86 St = S—— _p sust. Ren - der back re-pel Temp-ta - tion, to Vir - tue, — meno f Lay 8 conquer Sin, To conquer Sin, ren - der back to Vir- tue, Sf. S=— _p sust. Flo. re-pel Temp-ta ‘Ren - der tf, r— May re-pel Temp-ta t vie. re-pel Temp-ta ft. Sup. re-pel Temp-ta Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 —_ P Miss ren- der back to i what she en - trusts to him,.... Lay. ren - der back to Vir-tue Flo, she en - trusts to May, ren - der back en - trusts to Vie. ren - der back she en - trusts to Sup. ren - der back Albert Herring 87 what she en - (»)_ —_——__ what she en- what she en - what she en - what she en - B.& H. 16241 88 47) Miss Ww. = trusts to himl.. —. tf Lay With-out res-pect Flo, May. Vie, Sup. Albert Herring ff. Her crown of sim-ple and re- Her crown of sim-ple and re - Her crown of sim-ple and re - oF Her crown of sim-ple and re - Her crown of sim-ple and re - B.& H. 16241 iss Ww. - ful - Her crown of sim - gent splendour! ple splendour! tf Lf. ayB| With-out res-pect of gen - der, With-out res. Flo. - ful - gent splendour! ple splendour! Hay. = ful - gent eplendourl Her crown of sim - ple splendour! Lf ie. Her crown of ful - gent splendour! ple splendour! Lf up. ful - gent splendour! ple splendourt Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 90 Miss Ww. Ft, Lay with-out respect of gen - “pect of gen - Flo. Vie. Sup. ap molto crese Albert Herring. B. & H. 16241 O81 Interlude = 96-104 Very moderate but rhythmic 48) Molto moderato ma ritmico) » [CURTAIN] Miss Ww Lay.B} Flo, May, Vie. Sup, der! Very moderate but rhythmic 4 48) Novo moderato ma ritgiae) Pere. Albert Herring B&H. 16241 Albert Herring B.& H. 18241 spe be xe Pp marked 50 Urner Be. be ae IP poco a poco, POO A POCO ase stringendo- - - - - woe Albert Herring. B.& H, 16241 S express. Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 Albert Herring sempre dim, EX) ee lively camintlt ar ‘smooth singing egato)_(oantabite) B.& H. 16241 —_ ‘move on! (avanti!) OT sempre ste 56 cit. Gnmocently) eS Albert Herring B. & H. 16241 97 molto stringendo ‘ vr live 5B] canimato) wip # ar: ie ia, | = ff express. | ' Albert Herring B. & H. 16241 99 [CURTAIN] =) 8) es? ) we J! Lt On ) Albert Herring, B&H. 124 100 Scene II. Mts Herring's greengrocery shop. Emmie, Cis and Harry are outside the shop, half of the door is op singing as they play ball against the lower haif of the door, The upper at the same speed (moderate) [EO] istesso tempo (moderato)) Myf ans. > Bounce Bounce me high, me low, Bounce me up to Je - ri-cho! a the door BALL ‘on the gro at the same speed (moderate) (Listesso tempo (moderato) Str. Pp Taps ?#—__#___¥ F ‘They clap their hand: > > Bounce me slow, Bounce me quick,Bounce me to A-ritb-me-tick! (claps) Em. Cis Har. Bounce me high, Bounce meow, Bounce me up to Je- ri-chol Bounce me slow, Bant @P e—————— ry r P—___-_? Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 101 ne - nf = Em. Gis E Har. Bounce me quick, Bounce me to A-rith-me-tick! (claps) Bounce me high, Ball Har, Bounce me low, Bounce me up to Je - ri-chol Bounce me slow, Bounce me quick, or a fier. : Bounce me to A-rith-me-tick! (claps) Albert Herring B.& H, 16241 fc The ball comes flying through the door and rolls across the shop, The children peep through the door. 4 Fa x PP. em, Bounce me up Je - ri-cho! Bounce me slow... Go on,Harry, the —_ lunga cis Bounce me up Je - ri-cho! Bounce me slow... = lunge > s Har, : Bounce me up Je- ri-cho! Bounce me slow... Ball wf ‘The girls help Harry to climb Em. old girls out! ‘We'll help you up. Pp cis She's out! through the door, —== Hold tight! Watch the bell dont ring! HARRY Mind my trousers! rt: a 2 pare @ always whole-tone-trilis, 7 Albert Herring ” B.& H, 16241 103 Harry looks round the shop. GP. Em. ‘All right? = Cis All right? Lf Har. Tangy ywnersennnggpewennnnnnne irk i SS Kis whispered) [Baptarey tinge tba Em, by that old box! He throws it to them. HARRY fy Catch! 2m 4 — sw. H, a 3 > Come out o. of that, my lad! Shop Bell Albert Herring B.&H. 16241 106 Sid catches Harry, holds him tight and starts emptying his pockets. with spirit Ener 5 eit ii Look out, it's Sid! cs ff, z ‘Look out, it’s Sid! ft sid TH with spirit [64] (con sperito) “ie. Bova basen always short (sempre stace.) J oa m3 ———— Em, Cis sid teach you. to pinch ap - ples! Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 Cis HARRY (sereaming) Ow! tf, sid Lit-tle beggar! Em. Cis sia hi - ding’s what you need! Albert Herring No-sey Parker ff, tool No-sey Par - ker! 107 ff. Emp-ty your B.& H, 16241 108 D; Di ——— Em, Leave him be! DL; Cis Leave him bel Leg - go of Sid pockets! Is that the lot? ‘Well then, SS Sf S$ 165] _G% sia throws Harry out of the door, ‘The children run away. 2 tf, poco a poco dim.- Em. ‘Well “tell his dad— L, poco a poco dim. - Cis Well tell his dad_ Har, sid Sexpress.e dim. ee Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 109 5 oo) eT ine ae Em, from the butchers knockd Har-ry a - bout! Sid from the butcher’ knockd a is sd = oS cis from the butchers knockd Har- ry a - bout! Sid from the butcher’ knock’ a A ee SS Sid from the butchers knockd Har-ry 4 - bout!.. Har-ry a - bout! Sid from the Sid shouts towards the inner door of the shop. a a at the same speed ne 66) Gistesso tempo) Em. cis butchers! at the same speed Gistesso tempo Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 10 Sid helps himself to an apple, ry aye There is a thud against the door, and Albert comes slowly in backwards Very much slo > 67) (atotto oe ento) sid as smooth as possible Gegatiss.) w. 4 carrying a large sack. Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 mi Recit. si 2 eo p——_ sg Ft an =] =~ There........ you arel_ Just caught young Har-ry, pinch-ing things. a i a Sid helps Albert to lower the sack, sid (rally Same speed ey before in tambo provedtates ALBERT p — ie % 99 —— > 7 Its a hun-dred-weight of tur - nips. > fe be % > su rs = # £ — 1 see... ‘Strong Man Act! ss = + it A pt z z rapidly —— (rapido) SS sid Can I have three box-es of mixed herbs, please, chum? SS é 2:—_—$—$———— nf ee oe Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 12, Albert goes behind the counter to serve Sid. ALBERT p, sempre, P___—___ — xe ‘ et = Se Se Yes. We've some at three-pence a box, same as the £ $ $ a si: PE *F z Got a-ny sage? —t Se $ Phy nf £ ——-S AID, a ——¥ £ = mixed. ke nf. ——E e f: 7 # sx BS or 6: — Til take three then. ‘That makes six box-es at three - pence— # ty os BE = + —F + pS +e rhythmic (ritmico) P. = wn ¥ ii . z Pg * = J That's right! Oh no, Sid. te a Po toad s—— py a = s 2+ 248 4. su PE SIE vy = z one and a kick. Toss youl. Dou- ble or quits. +5 = % z — E SS ae 1 Py t | ty SS z BSS ¥ sy a te as Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 113 a little slower pees pit: lento) — \ ; ee SEF Gamblings not in my line. Mum wouldn't like it! —_—_ fee § —— su BE iE : Ne- ver you mind. —_— (A) Alb, 6 $f = ly I wont, thanks all the same. a Pe: netfee: : L, = Pp sia BE ¥ =F 5 = 5 =— Heads or tails? Come on, you call. But why? Be - 4 k x a 7 = = 2 —= F ; Py 1 a) B= ; = v sid Pp Wont she let you have a-ny fun? ALBERT POCOf, Fairly quick A Mum's tee (Allegretto) pp sempre cal? sid Did you e-ver have & pint at the lo - Fairly quick (Allegretto) a 8.22? SS as B.& H, 16241 Albert Herring 114 Alb. Or go out with a whip-pet af-ter rab-bits? Alb, sid Did you ne-ver try for a walk? opese, Alb. talk! I dont like it at Say PwS (giocoso) orese. sid Or dance to the band at the Ju-bi-lee Hall? Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 115 Alb. just dont like sia dance to the band? Or dance to the band at the Alb, not at alll... —r, sia Ju-bi-lee Hall? You will! you will! once you've broke the a-pron_ strings! — more lively J.182 r (pix vivo) (68) sid Tick-ling a trout, poach-ing a hare, _‘Flight-ing wild geeso cit. Grittant) < P std pretty good sport fora chap to én - joy. Liv-ing without a re-gu-lar ler cnt, NS" |ste Se 8 =——— fi PP Albert Herring B.& H. 16241 116 b; Saat: ——_ p sid share of pleasures like these is hard to support for yourkind ofa boy. en ea? i——_ ep S light —== pp leggiero) Sid Where there court-ing a girl is the King of all sports in a class of its own .. ort, pp crese. sid aren't a-ny rules so long as she’ caught and you catch......... kz pp orese molto Timp. with a swing ds 52 69) Con stancio) 2S— sempre f sid Spring six... ———.. Str, express zr Albert Herring B.& H. 16241

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