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Name: Joshua P.

Demain, BSN-1B
Offering number: X002
Team: Temperance

Assessment 1.1
Do you think your learning plan meets the characteristics of your community? Provide 3
evidences that it is and 3 evidences it does not

Definitely, my learning plan meets the characteristics needed by my community, owing that it
entails an impact directly to human in order to provide an advocacy about sex education,
awareness to adolescents regarding to the problem of teenage pregnancy, and to impart a
knowledge enable to help the community in giving information to decrease the high rate of
teenage pregnancy include the rise of HIV and it's alarming effects. To avoid the programs
failure, the plans development approach will be adaptable. However, the only problem or
disadvantage of the learning plan, since it is sensitive topic other parents will keep their
adolescents not to participate the program. In some point the religion, in view of the fact that 80
percent identifies as Roman Catholic which prohibits sex education, they intends to depend it on
the parents to educate them, but some parents lack of information and unprepared to do so.
Furthermore, because it is time consuming, participants might become quickly distracted or
bored if their expectations are not followed or met.

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