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Why do so many mysteries surround mankind?

Because the few people who know the answers,

don’t want others to know.


Version 1.0

Copyright 2011 by Ervin Tan





DISCLAIMER: This report contains black market arousal secrets aimed primarily at understanding,
romancing and controlling mankind, although the main focus is to reveal the secrets behind the types of
people that exist and their personalities. If you cannot handle this, read no further. This report is truly not
for the faint-hearted and may cause an unsuspecting reader to lose his mind. The author of this report will
not be held responsible for any form of illness, condition or disease caused to readers as a result of
reading this book, nor will the author be subject to further revealing of this system.
I’m no wise man on the mountains……

In fact, I’m more similar to you than you might think……

I have wisdom to give away.

Not only am I willing to give it away for free,

it’s going to be the whole package.

Now, you may respond to this statement in three ways.

1) “This sounds too good to be true! There must be a catch somewhere.

I’d better stay away.”

2) “Is this guy really what he claims to be? I’m betting he’s yet another conman.”

3) “Great! I’ll see what this person has to offer.”

Well, if you’re still reading, congratulations, because I am not good at being a conman,
and have no intentions on being one anyway. So please, read on.

First of all, I want to state here that if you’ve been reading advice on pickup artists
(or PUAs, for short) on how to date, seduce and romance women, or, if you’re a woman,
men, be aware that my approach is quite different. I’m not saying that it’s wrong to
stimulate people sexually by using words which does; it’s just not the way I write.
Call me traditional if you like, but I like to write only the cold, hard facts.

So don’t expect me to write lengthy stories on how I persuaded a stranger to buy me a

drink when I found out he was a Modern Man (don’t wonder, just read on; you’ll
understand this in due time). I’ve no time for that. If it’s necessary, I will tell stories.

But if isn’t, I’m going to go straight to the point and point out all the facts
you’ll have to learn. Read slowly then, so that you’ll actually absorb what you read.
I am a victim of psychology. Actually, that applies to all humans, so I’ll rephrase that.

I am a student of psychology.
I also happen to be a teacher of psychology.

I use psychology on almost everyone, almost all the time. For example, I left some space
on the top of this page before writing the top paragraph because many people (Realists)
will find this text, or whatever you’d like to call it, boring and long-winded. Thus, by
leaving some space on top, you’ll find this article somewhat shorter, although you won’t
think of this consciously.

Not that I want Realists to be reading this. No offence.

Still with me? Good.

Since you’ve read so far, I think I should start giving away some wisdom now before
I start feeling bad. Are you ready?

Here goes nothing!


1) Many people know this:

A person’s personality determines his or her thoughts, actions and behavior.

However, most people don’t know this:

A person’s words, actions and behavior determines his or her personality.

Think about that for a while.

I insist that you do.


Personality can be a manipulating factor, but a person’s thoughts, actions and behaviour can also
manipulate a person’s personality. It works both ways.

For example, when you were a child, your mother forced you to learn how to play the piano, way
up to Grade 8. You hated it, but still, you did it. Sooner or later, you’re going to find yourself a little
more idealistic than you usually were.

This is because your personality was manipulated by your action.

2) Now that you know this, it should be clear to you that actually, we can determine one’s
personality by his or her words, actions and behavior.

Of course, there are times when the message is significantly different. For example, you’re
listening to a great motivational speaker talk, but you’re fidgeting. The speaker, who happens
to be a psychologist who’s a bit of a smart-aleck, thinks that you don’t like his speech.
The truth is, you need to go to the washroom, urgently.

However, don’t let this deter you from putting in the effort to determine one’s personality.
Here are two good reasons:

i) What are the chances? Ask anyone who knows what probability is and they’ll tell you this.

ii) Even if he or she is doing it unwillingly, as mentioned before, it will still affect him or her.

3) If only you could categorize one’s words, actions and behavior, it would be so much easier to
determine that someone’s personality.

Now, before you read on, I’d like to ask you something.

Are you aware of what the Prototyping System is?

It’s a question I ask at the beginning of every Rainbow-colored Book, in case you accidentally got
your hands on this book and are reading this book as your first book, when in fact, the first book
you should be reading is the Red Book, followed by the Orange Book, the Yellow Book, the Green
Book, the Blue Book and then, this book before reading the final book, the Violet Book.

So, are you aware of what the Prototyping System is?

Please do not read on if you do not know what the Prototyping System is. You should not be
reading this book, and you will be confused by all the terms used. You are attempting to
run before you can walk, and people who try to do this always end up falling down and
bruising themselves badly.

Close this book if you have not read the Red Book, the Orange Book, the Yellow Book, the Green
Book and the Blue Book yet, in order.


Trust me, it’s better to close this book now than to read on just to satisfy your curiosity.
It’s far wiser for you to get your hands on the Red Book first and read it.

So please, close this book now.

Thank you.
Alright! Now that I’m done with that, I assume that you do understand what the Prototyping System
is because if you don’t, please close this book. I seriously mean it. If you’re wondering what the
Prototyping System is, let’s just say it’s a system where you categorize people into different types
and determine their personality from their type.

So what I want to state here is that as you can categorize people into different types, so can you
determine what one’s type based on his words, actions and behaviors.

Got it? Is your curiosity satisfied?

Can you please close the book now, unless you’ve read the other Rainbow-colored Books?

Thank you.


Alright. Hopefully, you know by now what message this book aims to deliver.

In this book, you will learn about:

a) The Three Questions

A quick refresher on the Three Questions.

b) Other Questions
A quick refresher on the Other Questions.

c) The Three Factors

How to use the Three Factors to determine one’s type.

- Natural Factors
Factors based on one’s preferences and priorities.

- Static Factors
Factors based on one’s interaction with the environment
and one’s own thoughts or feelings.

-Dynamic Factors
Factors based on one’s interaction with others.

d) Instinct
How to cultivate it.

e) Classic Conditioning
How to appear to have different core values.
Alright, I’ll have to admit I didn’t actually give away much wisdom, and for a
good reason too. I’m not going to make wisdom too easy to obtain. Instead, I’m going to
make it hard to obtain so that those who really appreciate it and are willing to go through
the effort to obtain it will obtain it.

Don’t be worried. It’s not as difficult as it seems. All I need to see is your heart and
effort. If your heart is pure and with good intentions, and your effort commendable,
surely I will pass on what I know to you.

And since you’ve read up till here, I can already see half the effort you’re putting in to
actually understand what I am saying, which should be proving to be quite a task, right?

Don’t give up. Keep on reading. You’ll make it, I’m certain!

See you at the destination!

Founder of the Prototyping System


There are so many personality tests out there that can successfully determine
your personality. But let’s face the truth.

Are you going to give everyone you meet personality tests to take?

Isn’t it even better, even more powerful if you can read someone without even having to
talk to her?

Impossible, you say?

What if I say that you can understand someone even more than she understand herself in
just one minute?

I am not speaking empty words, dearest friend. I am merely reminding you of the
sheer power of this system, as well as the reason I need to make sure this system doesn’t
fall into the wrong hands, yet can be passed on to those who will use it wisely.

Now, its time for a little imagining. Are you ready?

Imagine walking down the street and spotting someone attractive who also happens to be
a complete stranger to you. You stop dead in your tracks and observe her for a minute,
maybe two.

Then, you gather your thoughts and approach her, introducing yourself to her.

Immediately, she warms up to you.

After a minute, she starts giggling and tossing her hair back.

After a few minutes, you find out that she lives just down the street, loves eating cookies,
has a habit of drinking milk before going to sleep and gets a kick out of
wearing different-colored socks, among many other things.

After ten minutes, her friends come along. She explains that she had been waiting for her
friends to come pick her up. They were going to a book fair. She invites you to join her.
You say no, saying that you have stuff to do. She seems a little disappointed, but still,
she manages to smile and gives you her phone number before leaving.

Alright, stop imagining.

Now, if you already have a spouse, don’t accuse me of encouraging you to cheat on
your spouse or something. I’m just trying to show you a mental picture of how
the Prototyping System can totally change your life for the better.

Alright, enough talk. I just wanted you to understand how the Prototyping System is
different from other personality tests out there.

Sure, I could simply place this information right at the beginning of the
Rainbow-colored Books. It’d make things a lot clear, wouldn’t it? Why didn’t I just sort
out everything and place them somewhere convenient for people to read?

Well, let me tell you something. I did it on purpose.

Yes, you read right. I did it on purpose.

I scattered wisdom everywhere so that you would have to search high and low to find it.
Tell me, since when have you actually cherished something you received easily?

I’m not taking chances. This deceitful trick of mine will deter those who are merely
curious from uncovering the secrets of this powerful system while at the same time
permitting only those who are truly dedicated to learn the secrets.

That’s why I didn’t mention right at the beginning that the Prototyping System was
different from other personality tests because it made it possible for people to be read
from the inside out in less than a minute, besides teaching how to get into the hearts of
every man and woman you see.

No, I wanted you to read it here for yourself.

Now, I suppose it’s time you knew more about the Three Factors.

Take a deep breath before proceeding. You’ll need all the oxygen you can get
in your brain to absorb the sheer amount of information awaiting you.

Alright, here goes nothing!



Factors based on one’s Factors based on one’s Factors based on one’s

preferences and priorities. interaction with the interaction with others.
environment and one’s
own thoughts or feelings.

Factors which naturally affect one’s decisions include one’s preferences and priorities.
These are the common Natural Factors to look out for:


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