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Why do so many mysteries surround mankind?

Because the few people who know the answers,

don’t want others to know.


Version 1.0

Copyright 2011 by Ervin Tan





DISCLAIMER: This report contains black market arousal secrets aimed primarily at understanding,
romancing and controlling mankind, although the main focus is to reveal the secrets behind the types of
people that exist and their personalities. If you cannot handle this, read no further. This report is truly not
for the faint-hearted and may cause an unsuspecting reader to lose his mind. The author of this report will
not be held responsible for any form of illness, condition or disease caused to readers as a result of
reading this book, nor will the author be subject to further revealing of this system.
Percentage Count


1. Do you have more friends of the opposite sex than friends of the same sex?

Yes No

2. Do you prefer having more friends of the opposite sex than of the same sex?

Yes No

3. Do you have a variety of friends of the opposite sex?

Yes No

4. Do you interact more with friends of the opposite sex?

Yes No

5. Do you trust friends of the opposite sex more than friends of the same sex?

Yes No

6. Do you understand the opposite sex more than the same sex?

Yes No

7. Do you find yourself often reading articles meant for the opposite sex?

Yes No

8. Do you find yourself often watching shows meant for the opposite sex?

Yes No

9. Do you find yourself often listening more to songs sung by the opposite sex?

Yes No

10. Have you ever played the role of the opposite sex in a play?
Yes No


11. Do you prioritize friends of the opposite sex more than friends of the same sex?

Yes No

12. Do you feel comfortable sitting next to a friend of the opposite sex?

Yes No

13. Do you feel comfortable sharing secrets with friends of the opposite sex?

Yes No

14. Do you feel comfortable sharing your feelings with a friend of the opposite sex?

Yes No

15. Do you feel comfortable sharing a room with a friend of the opposite sex?

Yes No

16. Do you feel comfortable sharing food with a friend of the opposite sex?

Yes No

17. Do you feel comfortable accompanying a friend of the opposite sex for a walk?

Yes No

18. Do you feel comfortable accompanying a friend of the opposite sex to the toilet?

Yes No

19. Do you feel comfortable washing the underwear of a friend of the opposite sex?

Yes No

20. Do you feel comfortable giving presents to friends of the opposite sex?

Yes No

21. Do you enjoy flirting?

Yes No

22. Do you remember dreaming about sexual encounters with the opposite sex?

Yes No

23. Do you fantasize about the opposite sex?

Yes No

24. Do you feel comfortable being hugged or kissed by a friend of the opposite sex?

Yes No

25. Do you, or did you want to lose your virginity before you die?

Yes No

26. Do you enjoy playing with the opposite sex?

Yes No

27. Do you refrain from hugging or holding hands of friends of the same sex?

Yes No

28. Do you take the initiative to interact with people you find attractive?

Yes No

29. Do you accept being less than 15cm from strangers of the opposite sex?

Yes No

30. Do you feel comfortable being touched by strangers of the opposite sex?

Yes No

31. Do you feel comfortable interacting with strangers?

Yes No

32. Do you feel comfortable giving a speech in front of strangers?

Yes No

33. Do you feel comfortable shaking the hands of strangers?

Yes No

34. Do you feel comfortable being touched by strangers?

Yes No

35. Do you accept being less than 15cm from strangers?

Yes No

36. Do you feel comfortable sharing food with a stranger?

Yes No

37. Do you feel comfortable accompanying a stranger for a walk?

Yes No

38. Do you feel comfortable accompanying a stranger to the toilet?

Yes No

39. Do you feel comfortable washing the underwear of a stranger?

Yes No

40. Do you feel comfortable giving presents to strangers?

Yes No

41. Are you an extrovert?

Yes No

42. Do you tend to act before thinking?

Yes No

43. Do you prefer having more friends than having close friends?

Yes No

44. Do you prefer being social than being alone?

Yes No

45. Do you feel deprived when cut off from the outside world?

Yes No

46. Are you motivated more by others than by your own self?

Yes No

47. Do you enjoy reading motivational books?

Yes No

48. Do you enjoy going to motivational talks?

Yes No

49. Do you wish to motivate others?

Yes No

50. Do you frequently purchase products advertised?

Yes No

51. Do you prefer finding the ideal mate than changing someone into the ideal mate?

Yes No

52. Do you prefer being married to more than one person than to only one person?

Yes No

53. Do you often find yourself lovesick?

Yes No

54. Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with two people at the same time?

Yes No

55. Have you ever played hard-to-get?

Yes No

56. Do you prefer being popular than being respected?

Yes No

57. Do you wish to be famous?

Yes No

58. Do you dread being unloved and unwanted?

Yes No

59. Do you prefer being yourself than fitting in with the society?

Yes No

60. Do you prefer achieving success as an individual than as a team member?

Yes No

61. Do you prefer impressing the opposite sex than impressing the same sex?

Yes No

62. Are you comfortable wearing a shirt or dress which reveals your navel?

Yes No

63. Are you comfortable baring your back to strangers?

Yes No

64. Are you comfortable baring your armpits to strangers?

Yes No

65. Are you comfortable baring your chest to strangers?

Yes No

66. Do you prefer to wear a shirt with a zip than a shirt with buttons?

Yes No

67. Do you prefer to wear a shirt with short sleeves than a shirt with long sleeves?

Yes No

68. Do you prefer to wear a collarless shirt than a shirt with a collar?

Yes No

69. Do you feel uncomfortable wearing a tie, shawl or scarf?

Yes No

70. Do you feel uncomfortable wearing a thick coat or suit?

Yes No

71. Do you often bite your lips or fingernails?

Yes No

72. Do you often tilt your head to one side?

Yes No

73. Do you feel uncomfortable talking to yourself?

Yes No

74. Do you feel uncomfortable meditating?

Yes No

75. Do you feel uncomfortable closing your eyes for more than a minute in public?

Yes No

76. Do you often suck your thumb or finger?

Yes No

77. Do you often look into the mirror?

Yes No

78. Do you like the way you look in a mirror?

Yes No

79. Do you think you are photogenic?

Yes No

80. Do you feel uncomfortable wearing braces and spectacles?

Yes No

81. Do you feel uncomfortable being introspective?

Yes No

82. Do you feel uncomfortable being philosophical?

Yes No

83. Do you feel comfortable with change?

Yes No

84. Do you feel comfortable with variety?

Yes No

85. Do you feel comfortable with extremes?

Yes No

86. Do you feel comfortable with expressing your feelings to others?

Yes No

87. Do you feel comfortable with shouting in public for a specific purpose?

Yes No

88. Do you feel comfortable with kneeling in public for a specific purpose?

Yes No

89. Do you like to act?

Yes No

90. Do you like to cheer?

Yes No

91. Do you enjoy going to clubs, bars and parties?

Yes No

92. Do you prefer being outdoors than being indoors?

Yes No

93. Do you prefer to be in open spaces than to be in an enclosed space?

Yes No

94. Do you cease to be homesick when away from home?

Yes No

95. Do you prefer to stay in a luxurious room than stay in a small, cozy room?

Yes No

96. Do you make sure that every day is filled with excitement and not monotonous?

Yes No

97. Do you prefer to live a life of excitement than live a life of peace?

Yes No

98. Do you have exciting relationships with your loved ones?

Yes No

99. Do you have more exciting friends than peace-loving friends?

Yes No

100. Do you prefer having exciting friends than having peace-loving friends?

Yes No
(+10 due to misunderstanding of question/current mood)

Percentage Count


1. Are you conservative about your sex life?

Yes No

2. Are you conservative about your private life?

Yes No

3. Do you refrain from gossiping about the lives of others?

Yes No

4. Do you refrain from telling others when you find someone attractive?

Yes No

5. Do you refrain from telling others when you know something important?

Yes No

6. Do you treat sex as a taboo subject in your daily life?

Yes No

7. Do you feel uncomfortable with dirty jokes?

Yes No

8. Do you feel uncomfortable with dirty talk?

Yes No

9. Do you feel uncomfortable when seeing others kissing?

Yes No

10. Do you feel uncomfortable when seeing others having sex?

Yes No


11. Do you have a religious interest?

Yes No

12. Do you have a religious background?

Yes No

13. Do you often successfully obey God?

Yes No

14. Do you often successfully uphold moral values in your daily life for God?

Yes No

15. Do you often find yourself with people who have the same belief as you?

Yes No

16. Are you often faithful?

Yes No

17. Are you often honest?

Yes No

18. Are you often righteous?

Yes No

19. Are you often humble?

Yes No

20. Are you often patient?

Yes No

21. Are you careful about risks to your health and safety?

Yes No

22. Do you feel uncomfortable eating unhealthy food?

Yes No

23. Do you feel uncomfortable having a tattoo?

Yes No

24. Do you feel uncomfortable smoking?

Yes No

25. Do you feel uncomfortable taking drugs?

Yes No

26. Do you prefer to be safe than to risk your life just to have fun?

Yes No

27. Do you use the zebra crossing or overhead bridge when crossing a road?

Yes No

28. Do you seldom take risks?

Yes No

29. Do you feel uncomfortable hurting yourself to express your feelings?

Yes No

30. Would you not, or have you never tried to commit suicide?

Yes No

31. Do you prefer to engage in indoor activities more than outdoor activities?

Yes No

32. Do you like to read?

Yes No

33. Do you like to watch documentaries?

Yes No

34. Do you like to watch the news?

Yes No

35. Do you like to sleep?

Yes No

36. Do you listen more than you talk in a typical conversation?

Yes No

37. Do you prefer to listen more than you talk in a typical conversation?

Yes No

38. Do you prefer to understand others more than to express your deepest desires?

Yes No

39. Do you prefer to go with the majority than with the minority?

Yes No

40. Would you not, or have you never participated willingly in a protest rally ?

Yes No
41. Do you refrain from expressing your feelings openly?

Yes No

42. Do you refrain from dancing ?

Yes No

43. Do you refrain from singing?

Yes No

44. Do you refrain from running?

Yes No

45. Do you refrain from jumping?

Yes No

46. Do you refrain from shouting?

Yes No

47. Do you refrain from laughing?

Yes No

48. Do you refrain from blowing your nose in public?

Yes No

49. Do you refrain from farting in public?

Yes No

50. Do you refrain from digging your nose in public?

Yes No

51. Do you view sex as a big deal and do not give it away easily?

Yes No

52. Do you seldom find someone sexually attractive?

Yes No

53. Do you refrain from taking the initiative to talk to someone you find attractive?

Yes No

54. Do you refrain from confessing your love to someone you find attractive?

Yes No

55. Do you seldom fall in love?

Yes No

56. Are you often mentally stable?

Yes No

57. Are you often emotionally stable?

Yes No

58. Are you seldom rash?

Yes No

59. Are you better at handling temptations than most people?

Yes No

60. Are you better at handling stress than most people?

Yes No

61. Do you often wear plain, normal clothes?

Yes No

62. Do you feel uncomfortable walking around barefoot?

Yes No

63. Do you feel uncomfortable baring your legs to strangers?

Yes No

64. Do you feel uncomfortable baring your thighs to strangers?

Yes No

65. Do you feel uncomfortable baring your hips to strangers?

Yes No

66. Do you prefer wearing trousers or gowns than wearing shorts or short skirts?

Yes No

67. Do you wear underwear when at home?

Yes No

68. Do you wear underwear when in public?

Yes No

69. Do you feel comfortable wearing underwear?

Yes No

70. Do you feel uncomfortable having coloured fingernails?

Yes No

71. Do you cover your mouth when you yawn?

Yes No

72. Do you cover your mouth when you cough?

Yes No

73. Do you cover your mouth when you laugh?

Yes No

74. Do you seldom stretch your hands, fingers or legs?

Yes No

75. Do you seldom shake your legs?

Yes No

76. Do you seldom move your hands a lot when you talk?

Yes No

77. Do you seldom walk around when giving a speech?

Yes No

78. Do you seldom scratch your skin where it itches when it itches?

Yes No

79. Do you, or would you refrain from touching your pimples?

Yes No

80. Do you, or would you refrain from scratching your head when there is
Yes No


81. Do you prefer being incompetent but polite than being accomplished but rude?

Yes No

82. Do you prefer being poor and humble than being rich and arrogant?

Yes No

83. Do you observe good table manners when dining?

Yes No

84. Do you often thank people?

Yes No

85. Do you often say sorry?

Yes No

86. Do you prefer living a life of security than living a life of freedom?

Yes No

87. Do you install security alarms and the like in your house?

Yes No

88. Do you cease to look strangers in the eye as you greet them?

Yes No

88. Do you work hard to protect your identity from strangers?

Yes No

90. Would you never give your neighbour your house key?
Yes No


91. Do you enjoy going to places where you will sweat?

Yes No

92. Do you prefer winter more than summer?

Yes No

93. Do you prefer living in prison than living in a desert?

Yes No

94. Do you prefer autocracy more than democracy?

Yes No

95. Do you find history interesting?

Yes No

96. Are you more careful than carefree?

Yes No

97. Are you more careful than careless?

Yes No

98. Do you prefer to be careful than to be carefree?

Yes No

99. Do you prefer to be careful than to be careless?

Yes No

100. Do you refrain from accepting dares?

Yes No

(+10 due to misunderstanding of question/current mood)

Percentage Count


1. Do you believe that men and women play a) equal roles b) different roles?

Yes No (Males answer 1a whereas females answer 1b)

2. Do you enjoy doing housework?

Yes No

3. Are you comfortable gardening?

Yes No

4.Are you comfortable sewing?

Yes No

5. Are you comfortable folding clothes?

Yes No

6. Do you often interact with people much older or younger than you?

Yes No

7. Do you enjoy interacting with people much older or younger than you?

Yes No

8. Do you enjoy playing with people much younger than you?

Yes No

9. Do you enjoy being taken care of by people much older than you?

Yes No
10. Do you like babies?

Yes No


11. Do you need people to take care of you ?

Yes No

12. Do you prefer to be taken care of than to take care of others?

Yes No

13. Do you prefer to be childish than to be mature ?

Yes No

14. Do you prefer to be a child than to be an adult?

Yes No

15. Are you more easygoing than serious?

Yes No

16. Do you, or did you wish to be married before you die ?

Yes No

17. Do you, or did you prefer to build a family than to be single for your entire life?

Yes No

18. Do you prefer living in a palace than in a mansion?

Yes No

19. Do you prefer to sit on a couch than to sit on a chair ?

Yes No

20. Do you feel uncomfortable sleeping without a bolster or soft toy?

Yes No


21. Are you a passionate person?

Yes No

22. Do you communicate with feelings more than with facts?

Yes No

23. Do you often work harder than most people to achieve your goals?

Yes No

24. Are you often an inspiration to others?

Yes No

25. Do you wish to be an inspiration to others?

Yes No

26. Do you prefer to work out of passion than to work for financial purposes?

Yes No

27. Do you feel comfortable having a low-paid, albeit exciting job?

Yes No

28. Do you have great ambitions?

Yes No

29. Do you prefer to be a lawyer than to be an actuary?

Yes No

30. Do you wish to be a great leader?

Yes No


31. Do you believe that everyone is actually good, no matter how evil they seem?

Yes No

32. Do you believe that the world is a pleasant place to be?

Yes No

33. Do you feel uncomfortable with conflict and truly despise disharmony?

Yes No

34. Do you seldom lose your temper?

Yes No

35. Do you often truly forgive others?

Yes No

36. Do you wish that everyone was idealistic?

Yes No

37. Do you write in a diary?

Yes No

38. Do you enjoy listening to jokes, even if they turn out to be unfunny?

Yes No

39. Do you often draw?

Yes No

40. Do you often act?

Yes No


41. Do you often listen to music?

Yes No

42. Do you often listen to emotional songs?

Yes No

43. Do you often listen to songs sung by female singers?

Yes No

44. Do you often sing your heart out?

Yes No

45. Do you play any musical instruments?

Yes No

46. Are you sensitive?

Yes No

47. Do you often employ personal feelings when making a decision?

Yes No

48. Do you tend to be prejudiced?

Yes No

49. Do you often break the rules to please others?

Yes No

50. Would you, or have you ever helped a friend in need to commit a crime?
Yes No


51. Do you prefer to be cherished than to be respected?

Yes No

52. Do you often feel lonely?

Yes No

53. Do you often sympathize for others?

Yes No

54. Do you feel comfortable having soul-baring conversations?

Yes No

55. Do you prefer to be the youngest sibling than to be the eldest sibling?

Yes No

56. Do you cease to be materialistic?

Yes No

57. Do you often donate willingly?

Yes No

58. Do you prefer to have a memorable experience than receive a valuable present?

Yes No

59. Do you prefer to be complimented based on your skills than what you have?

Yes No

60. Do you seldom worry about financial problems?

Yes No


61. Do you care about fashion?

Yes No

62. Do you often wear fancy clothes?

Yes No

63. Do you often put on make-up or perfume?

Yes No

64. Do you have long hair?

Yes No

65. Do you have long fingernails?

Yes No

66. Do you refrain from dirtying your fingernails?

Yes No

69. Do you feel uncomfortable killing a cockroach with your own hands?

Yes No

67. Do you feel comfortable spending money to buy air fresheners?

Yes No

68. Do you feel comfortable spending money to buy skincare products?

Yes No

70. Do you refrain from wearing jeans?

Yes No

Score: 3-7

71. Do you often make faces?

Yes No

72. Do you often mimic?

Yes No

73. Do you often put your hands in your pockets?

Yes No

74. Do you often cross your arms out of loneliness?

Yes No

75. Do you prefer to lick or suck your ice cream than to bite it?

Yes No

76. Do you refrain from drinking alcohol?

Yes No

77. Do you refrain from using your middle finger to touch objects?

Yes No

78. Do you prefer sitting in the front row or back row than in the middle rows?

Yes No

79. Do you seldom check the time?

Yes No

80. Do you wish to perform magic and wow the audience?

Yes No


81. Do you often imagine?

Yes No

82. Do you often think about your future?

Yes No

83. Do you prefer solving problems based on theory than on past experience?

Yes No

84. Do you often believe rumours?

Yes No

85. Do you feel connected to your dreams?

Yes No

86. Do you truly believe in the existence of God?

Yes No

87. Do you truly devote your life to God?

Yes No

88. Do you truly put your faith in God?

Yes No

89. Do you often pray?

Yes No

90. Do you often preach your religion?

Yes No


91. Do you feel comfortable spending lots of money to visit dreamlike places?

Yes No

92. Do you feel comfortable spending lots of money on important events?

Yes No

93. Do you feel comfortable spending lots of money on food?

Yes No

94. Do you prefer to write than to type?

Yes No

95. Do you idolize anyone?

Yes No

96. Are you more optimistic than pessimistic?

Yes No

97. Do you often simplify matters?

Yes No

98. Do you tend to be obsessive?

Yes No

99. Do you often hope?

Yes No

100. Do you often make promises?

Yes No

(+10 due to misunderstanding of question/current mood)

Total Score:

iNvestor Justifier Realist

Tester Denier Idealist

Tester ___%-___% iNvestor

Denier ___%-___% Justifier
Idealist ___%-___% Realist

Rounding it off,

Tester ___%-___% iNvestor

Denier ___%-___% Justifier
Idealist ___%-___% Realist


* Round off to either 0%, 30%, 70% or 100%.


Total Score:

iNvestor Justifier Realist




Tester Denier Idealist

Tester 19%-81% iNvestor

Denier 37%-63% Justifier
Idealist 50%-50% Realist

Rounding it off,

Tester 0%-100% iNvestor

Denier 30%-70% Justifier
Idealist 70%-30% Realist
(The decision is made based on one’s instinct should the result turn out to be the dreaded 50%-50%)

XXXXX is a Wise Social Butterfly (TJ/DI/R).

* Round off to either 0%, 30%, 70% or 100%.


Total Score:

iNvestor Justifier Realist

Tester Denier Idealist

Tester 52%-48% iNvestor

Denier 67%-33% Justifier
Idealist 81%-19% Realist

Rounding it off,

Tester 70%-30% iNvestor

Denier 70%-30% Justifier
Idealist 100%-0% Realist

XXXXX is a Sweet Playette (T/ND/JI).

* Round off to either 0%, 30%, 70% or 100%.


1) Your core values may change if your core values change when you add 5% or deduct
5% from your total percentage count of a certain core value.

Here’s an example:

Sean is a Modern Man (NJR).

His percentage count of his core values are as follows……:

Tester 28%-72% iNvestor

Denier 19%-81% Justifier
Idealist 24%-76% Realist

Now, notice that when 5% is added, Sean changes from a Modern Man (NJR)
to a Playful Modern Man (N/TJR). This is because the percentage count becomes……

Tester 33%-67% iNvestor

Denier 24%-76% Justifier
Idealist 29%-71% Realist

Always remember this: the closer your percentage count of a certain core value
to the borderline, the higher the tendency that that core value will change.

2) Furthermore, the test should be taken several times and the average result calculated..
This way, the accuracy of the result increases.

It is recommended that the test is taken 10 times, preferably under different situations.

3) Read through the questions. You will understand even further how the core values
change one’s thoughts, actions and behaviour.
For example, you see a young lady wearing a thick coat and a fancy short skirt with a
shawl wrapped tightly around her neck crossing her arms with a faraway look on her
face. Right away, you can deduce that she has the traits of a Cinderella (NJI). Why?
It’s because she’s wearing a thick coat and shawl (iNvestor), wearing a fancy short
skirt (Justifier) and crossing her arms out of loneliness (Idealist). You can find these
statements among the questions given. \

I’m Tester 65%-35% iNvestor.

I’m Denier 37%-42% Justifier.
I’m Idealist 68 %-32% Realist.


Say sorry sincerely.

Works for both Idealists and Realists.

Idealists love to mimic.

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