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Sentence 1 - paraphrase the question (restate the problem).
Sentence 2 - tell the examiner what you’re going to describe in your essay

Body 1- Causes
Sentence 1 - state 2 main causes. Sentences 2-4 - explain the first cause + give an example.
Sentences 2-4 - explain the first cause + give an example

Body 2- Solutions
Sentence 1 - give 1-2 possible solutions
Sentences 2-4 - explain how each of the solutions solves the problem (you may give an example if you wish)

Sentence 1 - restate the causes of the problem
Sentence 2 - remind the reader of possible solutions

What part of the essay is each paragraph?

Introduction Body 1-Causes Body 2-Solutions Conclusion

1. The two main causes of species extinction are change of their habitats and overexploitation of natural
resources. When humans artificially transform the environment, they destroy vegetation and animals’ natural
habitat. For instance, to build new roads people are cutting down the trees and cementing the soil, altering the
environment. Because of that, a lot of species are dying out. Also, when the activities connected with capturing
and harvesting a natural resource are too intense in a particular area, the resource becomes exhausted. For
example, too frequent fishing doesn’t leave enough time for fish to reproduce and makes them disappear. In
other words, human activities often deplete local flora and fauna and cause loss of bio-diversity.

2. To conclude, people’s activities that change the environment have negative impact on the world's ecosystem.
However, we can significantly lessen the extinction of species by protecting natural areas and enlightening
people as to this problem.

3. Despite knowing about biodiversity’s importance for a long time, human activity has been causing massive
extinctions of different species. This essay will examine the main causes of loss of biodiversity and possible
solutions of this problem.

4. Some possible solutions to this problem are protecting natural areas and promoting awareness among
people. By protecting areas where human activity is limited and avoiding overexploitation of its resources, we
can save the untouched environment and prevent species from dying out. Moreover, the next step in fighting bio-
diversity loss is informing the general population about the dangers of this problem. This way, people will be
more conscious of the environment and won’t overuse or destroy its resources.
TASK 2- Writing Practice
An increasing number of children are overweight which could result in many problems when they grow
older both in terms of their health care costs.

What are the causes so many children are overweight?

What could be done to solve this problem?

1. Brainstorm some ideas and write your outline

Here are some ideas

2. Write the essay using the outline model.


Body 1- Causes

Body 2- Solutions


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