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The journey from fear to resilience…

Fear of not being liked gets you through catastrophic actions undermining your self-respect
and self-esteem. It halts the resilience to stand for what is just. But when a girl child fights
even to take birth, gets overlooked just for being girl we need courage, when cruelty against
women touches its paramount we need courage, when the harsh reality of society spoon-feeds
the disparity amongst men and women at early stage of life and humanly treatment becomes
proportional to status in society we need courage. The courage that empowers us to fight for
the right.
During pandemic I happened to be at home in my village. One day my grandfather literally
called me and showed me how unfair a society gets when a women with self-respect strives
for equality. The other day I came across some girls incapable of going school for just being
girls. It petrified me upside down. And that’s when I perceived the substantial need of fair
change. But the fear of not being liked haunted me and so did the fear of not being an
instrumental help for those girls. And I got resilient enough and started to take English
classes of those girls at my place. After discussing with all girls the only issue common as to
all girls which got me more empathetic and strengthened my strive for change was the
unequal treatment with each step of life. When I decided to take classes of those girls, I was
opposed by many so called experienced prudents reminding me of how society throws you
away when you stand for gender equality. When the creator himself doesn’t differentiate
between man and woman then who gave these so called prudents the right to create such
Indeed change is not a one day thing, it’s a time consuming process but someone needs to
amplify against this disparity and with one step by each one of us in solidarity will help us
conquer this mount of societal norms that undermine the very crux of humanity.

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