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Session 11: Why you shouldn’t worry about pooping once a day

As a normal person, it’s totally normal if you poop once a day. This is the process
of your digestive system. To begin with, when you chew, food is crushed into
small pieces, then it comes to your stomach where acid, gastric juices and
enzymes continue break the food down. Then they travel to small intestines and
are absorbed. Afterwards, they will go to the liver for processing, while the
remaining are sent to the big intestines or colon for 3 main points. Once the
rectum is full, our brains will receive the signal, and it will take time to
contemplate whether you should poop or not. It is typical of a healthy person that
this process involve almost 10 inner organs to operate and last from 24 to 120
hours. However, not everything you eat will be digested, so does fiber. Our body
can absord fiber, and high-fiber food takes us a longer time to digest, therefore
making us feel full for such a time. Besides, fiber even slows down the absorption
of sugar in the bloodstream as well as fats and cholesterols. It also reduces your
risk of various diseases. Still, a majority of people don’t intake an enough amount
of fiber on a daily basis. Thus, it is highly recommended that we should consume
more high-fiber food.
Session 12: What causes bad breath?

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