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1. Photosynthesis is the process when plants capture the energy in sunlight and lock it away
in food ( chemical energy )
2. Respiration is the process that living things use to release the energy stored In food
3. The green colour comes from chlorophyll
4. Chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts
5. The chlorophyll absorbs light and uses it to change carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) and water into
6. Oxygen ( O2 ) is produced as a waste product.
7. The glucose made in photosynthesis is stored in plants in the form of starch ( a
carbohydrate )
8. Water is absorbed through the roots and transported to the leaves through the xylem
9. The green parts contain chlorophyll, and light parts do not
10. Each stomata is surrounded by special cells called guard cells that allow the pore to open
or close
11. Stomata are important because :
- They allow carbon dioxide to diffuse into the plant
- They allow oxygen produced by photosynthesis to diffuse out of the plant
- They can open and close to stop the plant losing too much water
12. Plants have a transport system made up of veins containing xylem ( zy-lim ) and phloem
( flu-hm ) tubes
13. Xylem tubes transport water from the roots to the rest of the plant
14. Phloem tubes transport food substances from place to place in the plant
15. The rest of the glucose is converted into cellulose
16. The stringy fibres in the walls of plant cells are made of cellulose
17. Glucose can also be changed into other substances for storage
18. Proteins are built up from amino acids
19. Proteins and lipids are stored mostly in fruits and seeds
20. Plants can also use minerals and glucose to form lipids ( fats and oils )

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