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Every week I always go to the coffee shop to hang out with my friends. But, last week I didn't go
there. Because, I was told by my mother to make a shelf for the plants. Other than that, my
friends are also going to their hometown.

I started making shelves at half past nine in the morning and finished them at 12 noon. After a
short break, I filled the polybag with burning soil and manure for the planting medium. Then I
planted the strawberry seeds that I got from my aunt.

After I finished planting strawberries, then I thought about planting coconut bonsai. I got the idea
from YouTube, and I was curious to try it. Coincidence around my house are many coconut trees
and it is very easy to get new coconut shoots.

I hope all of my plants can thrive and get the bonsai that I want.

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