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Your outlook on life is a direct reflection on how much you like yourself

So I chose this classical work becuase it relfects mylife now. Everyone had expectations that I hadn’t
met. I became too focused on becoming a version of myself that everyone else wanted, and I constantly
compared myself to other people who had already taken the dive into the next chapter of their life.I was
relentlessly questioned and judged for my slower progression in life, which convinced me that no one
supported me or believed in me. I wondered why I even bothered to exist if I was getting nowhere and
disappointing everyone. I began to blame everyone but myself for the state of misery I had fallen
into.My self-esteem began to suffer as the months went by. I felt inferior to everyone and it made me
hate myself. I still did not know what I wanted to do with my life—and I was starting to not even
care.One day, I decided that enough was enough. I spent an entire year of my life trying to be “realistic”
and conform to the expectations of other people. I realized that you can’t please everyone anyway, so
trying will definitely not lead to contentment.I finally decided that I will work on my inner peace than to
give the standards of the world. I am happy with that decision and I feel better about myself because I
made it for me.I have learned a few things about choosing the right path for yourself, focusing on what
will make you happy. If you’ve been struggling to make that choice, I recommend:Worry puts a burden
on your mind, body, and spirit. They can keep you up all night if you let them. Find comfort in the fact
that everything happens for a reason and everything will fall into place at the right time.During my
period of low self-esteem and extreme uncertainty, I relentlessly questioned every aspect of my life. I
would go to bed frustrated and upset as I told myself I wasn’t good enough, and that I wished I was like
everyone else my age.By constantly bashing yourself and worrying about every single thing that happens
to you, you’re missing out on happiness that you could’ve had all along.Do not try to please or impress
anyone but yourself.The need to impress, please, and compare ourselves to other people all the time is
one of the most common causes of self-loathing. As long as you’re trying to please other people and live
up to their expectations, you will not be pleasing yourself.What I’ve learned is that happiness does not
come from pleasing other people. Happiness comes from feeling content with your own life and
goals.Everyone is different. Figure out what you’re good at and what sets you apart from everyone else.
Your mission is to create a reason for being here.When you start to figure out what you want in life,
there will be obstacles. Do not let anyone or anything discourage you from continuing on. Believe in
yourself and believe in your decisions.Stay positive and keep moving forward.Life does not come with a
rulebook or deadlines for accomplishing certain things. I used to always think that I needed to be at the
same level as everyone else my age. Life is not a race or a contest.Have faith in the fact that you are
exactly where you need to be at this very moment in time and as long as you’re content, don’t let
anyone convince you that you’re not where you need to be.You be the judge of what you want to
change in your life and then do it for you.

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