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In Lin Lian Chen [1990], a government chemist (Mr Primulapathi Jaya) was called by the prosecution to

show that the subject matter in question was heroin. To show that Mr Jaya was an expert, evidence was
led by the P that Mr Jaya:-

 had been with the chemist department for 13 years.

 had a science degree majoring in chemistry;
 had a diploma in blood serology.

The High Court held the P had failed to establish the qualification of Mr Jaya which formed the basis for
admissibility of his evidence under s. 45 EA 1950 as no evid was led by the P that Mr Jaya:

 had the necessary experience or expertise in the analysis of dangerous drugs in particular
 had given evidence in court on the analysis of drugs;
 his evid had been accepted by the court.

The High Court held the mere fact that Mr Jaya was a gov chemist with 13 years experience does not
automatically qualify him as an expert on drug analysis. Affirmative evid must be adduced by the P to
prove that he had the necessary qualification.

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