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Upper Intermediate Unit test 2

Grammar 3 Underline the correct alternative.

1 Decide if the verb form should be present 1 Oh no! I don’t believe it! My mobile phone
perfect simple (S), present perfect continuous ’s been/was/is stolen!
(C) or if both are possible (B). 2 Police say that the bank’s been/was/was being
robbed in the early hours this morning.
1 I still can’t believe that I         B          (work) as a 3 Jim’s too scared to leave the house. He’s
teacher for over twenty years. It really doesn’t feel convinced he is/was being/’s being watched.
that long. 4 These days celebrities are/were/have been
2 Josh always leaves things until the last minute and followed everywhere they go.
(be) up all night revising for his final economics 5 Customers who have recently bought a faulty
exam. washing machine have been being/are being/can
3 Lisa and Mandy                     (raise) money for the be asked to call the company helpline.
Royal National Lifeboat Association for over ten 6 If you finish the exam early, you were/can’t
years now. It’s their charity of choice. be/are advised to check your answers carefully.
4 So, how long                     (live) in France and why 7 The builders told us that the extension could
did you decide to move halfway around the world be/has been/should being finished by the weekend
to live there? if the weather stayed dry.
5 I                     (feel) rather restless recently. I think I 8 The news said that three people are/have been/are
need to take a break and go travelling for a while. being injured in a train crash.
6 Do you happen to know if Doug                     (start) 9 Students are often surprised when we tell them
his new job yet or not? I can’t remember when he mobile phones couldn’t/shouldn’t/cannot be taken
said his first day was. into the exam room.
10 Generally speaking, most teenagers don’t like
5 to be/to being/to have been told what to do by
their parents.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct 11 From next year we need to make some changes
present perfect simple or present perfect so that new students are being/are/should be
continuous form of the verbs in brackets. given more support in their first term with us.

1 Since we opened the gallery yesterday, we 10

have sold (sell) over £2,000 worth of paintings –
it’s incredible!
2 Ding-Lun                     always                     (love) Vocabulary
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form
so it’s no surprise that she now wants to go to
of the word in brackets.
Art College and become an illustrator for
children’s books. 1 Let’s discuss why low economic growth results in
3 Please excuse the mess. We a rise in unemployment. (economy)
(repaint) the house all week and haven’t had 2 The series focuses on the                                         issues
chance to clear everything up yet. relating to the genetic engineering. (ethics)
4 The development of electric wheelchairs                     3 Rapid                                         growth has negatively
really                     (help) physically disabled people impacted the environment. (industry)
to become more independent and gain greater 4 Gandhi is considered to be the greatest
access to social facilities. leader in history. (politics)
5 I can’t believe you                     already                     (sell) 5 One of the                                         issues of today is
most of the things you posted for sale on that how to stop companies from exploiting water
website last night. What a great way to make sources needed by local communities. (globe)
some money from selling unwanted possessions.
6 Philip and Frank                                                             4
(interview) candidates since 9 o’clock this
morning. They must ready to take a well-earned
lunch break
by now.

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Upper Intermediate Unit test 2

5 Complete the words in the sentences. 7 Put the letters in order to complete the
1 The athlete Usain Bolt has announced his plans to
break his own 200-metre world record at the next 1 One of the new police objectives is to reduce the
World Championships. illegal (liallge) copying of digital media.
2 Market analysts predict that there will be a 2 Do you really think it’s                                        
dramatic d                                        in exports to the (anoabersle) for the directors to receive bonuses
region over the coming months. on the same day that staff are being made
3 If you want permission to park in this area, you redundant?
will need to contact your local council and apply 3 The new policy was considered                                        
for a parking p                                        . (anihultec) as it treated disabled people unfairly.
4 I was truly surprised that my mum didn’t 4 His increasingly                                         (suoguraeto)
s                                        a thing. I thought she’d guessed demands eventually led to him being fired from
about the surprise party I’d organised for her 60th the football club.
birthday. 5 The thriller I saw last night was so
5 About a third of the Earth’s land mass is classified (ndibustirg) that I couldn’t sleep at all afterwards.
as d                                        as it is very dry and gets less 6 Animal protection agencies are pushing for
than ten inches of rain a year. (siripeslebnro) dog owners who do not clear up
6 The family have decided to a                                        after their animals to be fined.
against the school’s decision to exclude their
teenage son for bad behaviour. 5
7 The new r                                        to be undertaken by
the health authority will investigate the connection
between mental health issues and behaviour. Function
8 Complete the gaps with the words in the box.
According agree Basically
convinced disagree extent Fair
6 Match beginnings 1–6 with endings a)–h). Personally point see suppose
There are two endings you do not need.
1 A lot of companies are now opting to   a  A: 1According to an article I’ve just read,
2 The new software will help companies smartphones are making our society more
to keep track       disconnected and reducing communication.
3 Many people believe that capital B: I 2                                        . I mean, with a smartphone
punishment is not an effective       you can email, text, tweet and so on, so surely
4 When we surf the internet, cookies are people communicate more now than ever?
used to store       A: I see your 3                                        – they do make it
5 More focus is needed on crime       easier for people to stay connected but I’m still
6 The government wishes to increase not 4                                        that they’re doing more
national security by assessing how       good than harm. For instance, you often see
children being ignored by parents who are totally
a) monitor how their employees use company preoccupied with their phones!
equipment. B: Mmm... I 5                                        what you mean but
b) effectively data is collected by police forces from I don’t think that the phone itself is to blame.
all around the world. 6
                                        , it comes down to how we, as
c) deterrent to serious crime. individuals, decide how to use it.
d) identify the individual responsible. A: Well, I 7                                        with that – at least to
e) of the internet sites their employees access during an
working hours. 8
                                        – but these phones are
f) observation of social networking site usage constantly evolving, with new apps to get people
at work. hooked.
g) prevention if prison costs are to be reduced. B: I 9                                        so, but you’re not going to
h) information on the websites we access. be able to stop technology from developing...
A: 10                                        enough, but that doesn’t
5 mean we have to lose our social skills.
                                        , I refuse to get sucked into
playing on pointless apps on my smartphone!


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Upper Intermediate Unit test 2

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