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The third part of jiji

Jijiiiiiiiiiii jajajajaj qiqinsiw aomsowndow so when she cames in i said hellllll noooooooooooooo
dont come in withour tell me first are you crazyyyyyyyyyy endkwono in the next cople of week
we star to get anole much beteer that before so wnext time.

She comes in and she tells me first and we become friends really quicklhy. Its insane how I
grow to love her!

So the next copleof month are insane because I kick her out of our home because I got bored
of her and I let in a new girl to spent the summer with. She was also crazy and boring so I kick
her out as well.

Jiji. Jijijijiiji.

The end

Just kidding

Jijiiiiiiiiiii jajajajaj qiqinsiw aomsowndow so when she cames in i said hellllll noooooooooooooo
dont come in withour tell me first are you crazyyyyyyyyyy endkwono in the next cople of week
we star to get anole much beteer that before so wnext time.

She comes in and she tells me first and we become friends really quicklhy. Its insane how I
grow to love her!

So the next copleof month are insane because I kick her out of our home because I got bored
of her and I let in a new girl to spent the summer with. She was also crazy and boring so I kick
her out as well.

Jiji. Jijijijiiji.

The end

Now its for real?

Please I need a free trivial right now lrpm

I love taylor swift

Jijiiiiiiiiiii jajajajaj qiqinsiw aomsowndow so when she cames in i said hellllll noooooooooooooo
dont come in withour tell me first are you crazyyyyyyyyyy endkwono in the next cople of week
we star to get anole much beteer that before so wnext time.

However when I let her in she was like noooo im moving out of here

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