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Class : 2B-Ksi

Members : Deden Piyatno

Fiki Albi
Muhammad Difa Eka Putera
Putri Berliana Mileni

“Paragraph with Conjuctions & Connectors”

Sand equivalent is method wether finding proportions of plastic material which the sand
had. For finding either the sand equivalent or organical content such as  fine dust and clay we have
to do sand equivalent test. For initiating sand equivalent test there’s materials which we’ll need such
as, weight, stopwatch, pan, cylinder scale, brush, oven, sieve no.4, funnel, aggregate, formaldehyde,
water. During the test, material from the test specimen that can pass through a No. 4 sieve is mixed
with solutions of calcium chloride, formaldehyde and glycerin in a cylinder. The content is then left
for sedimentation. After about 20 minutes, the level of clay suspension and the sand level is read on
the cylinder scale. After we got sand equivalent value, we compare both of the  Superpave Mix
Design Sand Equivalent Specification and Superpave Mix Design Sand Equivalent Specification
by Design ESALs for the spesication of those value.

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