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Begin With the End in Mind” ‘egin With the End In Mind means to think about how you would ike something to tum ‘ut before you get started. Reading a recipe before cooking o” looking ata map before leaving on a trip Is beginning with the end in mind. For young children, a good example is that ofa jigsaw puzzle. Gefore doing a puzzle, they look at the cover of the box. They start with the end in mind Family Mission Statement ‘A faily mission statement is ke a constitution you family ves by that helps you a make Aedsons fr your if I represents the purpase and values of you family, and wil allow ou to shape your future according to the principles you asa family hold most dea, rather than feting other people or ceanstances detemine It. Ission statement take many form. Some are lng and some at shor They may take form 1358 saying or phase picture, @ poem, of even a Song, Make R personal to your fay Get started by following these steps: 1. Discuss the flowing questions wth your fai What does ove fomly want to be known of? How do we teat each athe? ‘Wat unaue contributions can we make? at big goals do we want to achieve? What unique talents and sks do we have? The Leader indie 6 — Paren's Guide 2 Brainstorm Ideas, words, and pirate to nclude Inthe mision statement Remember, o ideals 2 bad es, 2 Begin crating your statement, but remember, doesnt have tobe fished in on siting ean toa worn progres etl you sf lappy wth the ttcome 4-Post the statement prominently in your home and encourage the entire fay to comider i when making desons or having disputes. ere ar some sample statements: We wont tobe the kindof fay our dog already thnks we ae. The mission of eur famiy is to create a nurturing place of order, love, hoppness, and relaxation, and to provide opportunities for ‘each person to become responsibly independent and eflectvely Interdependert, In order to achieve worthwle purposes. No empty chairs. ‘Younger-Child Activities 1. Habits provides good base for activities around gol setting AS 8 fam (or with an India hil), ase an area that needs improvement. The area of improvement, ofthe basa goa, becomes your end In mind. Then tink of specie steps that willed to achieving this go. For example ithe gol to improve asa reader, spec steps may inde reading ‘2 cafan arnt of tie every day or working several times a week to krprove orl fluency 2. Ask your cid there& somthing specal he or she woud tke ta buy, hen hep you child plan now mich monsy he a she wil nee to eave and how long il ake Discuss eas For eaming era money Ike doing addtional chores and helping around ie house 3. Create a “wants” and "needs" collage with your cl. Cutout pictures of various items (toys, andy, vegetables, cleaning supplies, appliances, books, ec) fom 3 magazine and then ask your ld fo paste them under the caret ealumn of "warts" 1 “needs.” Discuss why he or she dose to pu the items in the respective columns. 4, Read chapter 2 of The 7 Wobits of Hopoy Kids book with your child and then complete the Paent's Comer, Teen Activites 1. Discuss your hil’ career ambitions and help him or her identify the most important skis that willbe needed to succed in that cater. Then encourage yout cdo meet with the ‘school counselor to discs his or her carer ambians, and the Skt wl requ, and plan ‘he School pay that wil make happen 2: Meni and encourage extracriclar activities that suppor Your chs goals 3. Help your child 00k for js and internships related to his ther eps 4 Olde ids have more expensive “want” but they are also capable of eaming more money. ‘Ask yur teen there is something special he oF she would keto buy, ten help your child Plan how much money he or he wil need to save and how fang i wil tte Discuss ies for earning extra money Ike geting a par mej or doing entra chores The Leader in dle 7 Parent's Guide

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