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=> Think Win-Win’ Think Win-Win is the belief that everyone can win. I's nat me or you~ is both of us. tis a belief tha there are enough good things for everyone; its an abundant way of thinking. Think Win-Win is being happy for others when good things happen to them. ‘Asa parent, not everything is negotiable, but if you go into discussions wih your child with 2 winwin mindset, you'l finda lt less resistance ‘Younger-Child Activities 1. Play 2 game with your cider) that has a dete winner. Explain how competion f okay when you aya game, but isnot okay in reationships. Diss how tense t would be in your home Fevey station had to have a winner. A better way to think is win-win. THs ‘means we tink of solutions that we canal feel good abut when there I problem. The ‘more we Thnk Win-Win, the fwer problems tere wil be. You may want te display a chert listing the days ofthe week When someone Is “caught thinking win, be or she ets to write his orher name on the chart for that dy 2. Encourage win-win solutions to sibling disputes. Dont always be the medio: let them work ‘outa solution and be sure tobe lavish chien with prise when they do 3: Read Chapter 4 of The 7 Habits of Hoppy Kids book with your ld and then comple the Parents Comer. Teen Activities 1. Say you ar sory when you yell, overeac,or accdentaly lame one of you eile for ‘someting te or she ent do. Modeling this Bekavar wl Set expecaton fot how your ‘hi shoud behave 2. Set clear expectations wih your ilten about doves, cuflen, rade, car pvleges, ee it hard fr you bath to win f you ae playing by diferent rules. Works for All Ages 1. Think of an ongoing cone you tend to have with you ld (homewark,deaning his or het room, feding the dog prtng gas inte cx) and then discuss a win-win solution to the confit. Wene down the solution ang then remind eachother of the mst time the stuaton ates. 2. Remember rot fo compare you cin in font ofeach othe. Ty not to say to Marcelo that “Tuan aways remembers to ea the tele” That's win oes thinking lntea, jst concetate ‘on pang un fora fob well done. Morel wl ge the massage. {Think about your eationship with your dil. st general IF not, how that affecting you fay ie? What should YOU do diferent? The Leader in Me 9 Pareats Guide

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