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Be Proactive’ Be Proactive means to take responsibilty for your choices and behavirs. Habit isthe key to all of the other habits; that’s why it comes fst Be Proactive says, "lam in charge of my ‘own life. | am responsible for whether | am happy or sad. | can choose how | react to other people or situations. am inthe drive's seat.” Young chiléren can easily lean to understand that different choices yield different results. The goal sto teach them to think about those ‘esults betore they decide what to do. Discussions can Focus on taking care of themselves, {aking care of their things, reacting or not reacting to others’ behavir, planning ahead, and thinking about what the right thing to do is. With your child, think of ways to Be Proactive athome. Younger-Child Activities Mos of us react toa situation immeditey, without taking tne to thnk about the results of our aclons. Pat of Be Proactive being abl o stop and think before we ac. With your eld, o some ‘ole playing to pratt the skl of stopping and thinking in diferent stuations. Your goal ln hese ‘oe plays sto encourage you cite stop and think Beare eating. Use th flowing eas to get Stared, and then think of some that can be immediately applicable to your cl’ 4. this ole play, you shoud play th part of your ele’ end) Say that you have anew best fend who fves close to your house ad you dont wat to play with him or her anymore ‘Apologice and then wa for your chil’ action. 2: (ln this roleplay, yu shouldbe your chil’ sibling) Tel your child that you broke his or her favorite toy by acedent. Tell him or har that you do think is 2 ver ig deal because he or she has many toy, 3: inthis ole ply, you should pla the part of your il and your chil should pla the part ‘of you). Tell your Child that yeu are "sooooo bored” and thee Is nating fun tod. Compan that no one wants fo pay and that he or she (as the parent) needs to amuse You, 4Resd Chapter of The 7 Hobits of Hoppy Kids book with your did and then complete the Parent's Come. Teen Activities ‘Olde children begin to rely more and more a their per group they ean alow a rude comment by 8 fend to rain thelr whole day and are easly led into misbehavior by thee peer group. As 2 poten, ies important to help your tenager understand the importance of aking responsibilty fo i or het ‘wife and choices. I's also imporant or you 35 parent to let your eh eam fom his other, mistakes. you always save the day, your dd won lam respanslity and independence 1. The nxt time your cid forgets homework a his or her Soccer shoes befor the big gare, think hard before coming fo the rescue. What are you teaching your child when you save the day? 2.if you elas spate witha teacher or ges a arade he oY she thinks i uf, ‘your teen ta make an appointment for him or het nurse th the teacher o dscns one-one lastend o” doing The Leader in Me Gnide 5: Make pac with your teen ta together sop an unheathy Fab. dently de hit you ‘want o Stop (smoking vetatng, watching too mudh TV, not exes, et) and choose 1 'Stat date an end date, and progress checkin dats along the way. pain to your ten that festorch shows I takes a ful 2143ysto stat 2 new habit ot stp an old oe, So's important ‘otto ge lscouaged ar give up too quick. Have a discussion with your ten about the things he or she woud be wing to stan up ‘and fight for the face of peer pressure. Tell your cid you dot want him orher to th {you what he ot she thinks You went to hear. You mighty roleplaying ts so your child an be prepared to sand upto end ar eoup needed The amount of rust you have fa relaonship I ke @ checking account ato tank. you make lots of deposits, you develop Nightstand a Lig account. Ifyou make Ios of Withdrawal, you ave Tow balance, Shar hs ea wth your tees and then ink of things You can Both oto inreae your deposits with each ater Let your tean do most ofthe {ating and realy Eten to is or her ideas. Have your cid Ist what Ns oF Rer own personal epost and withranals might be. You ean also make your own Wt of what you conser te be depose and wthdroas for you, The Leader in Me 8 eu Guide

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