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– To begin with
– Secondly
– On the other hand (cambio de idea)
– In addition
– On the whole (párrafo final)

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However, As a consequence, Despite the fact that, for example, Furthermore…

Adding Information

 Moreover
 Besides
 Above all
 As well
 In reality
 Really
 In addition
 What is more
 Furthermore
 Not only… but also
 Indeed

Ordering Information
 Firstly
 Secondly
 Another point
 Finally
 To conclude
 Additionally
 Lastly
 To begin with
Explain ideas in a different way/with different words

 In other words
 In that case
 Rather
 To put it simply
 With this in mind
 To look at this another way

Elaborating with examples

 This is to say
 For instance, for example
 In other words
 As in the following examples
 Such as
 Mainly
 Mostly
 In particular

Showing Contrast

 By contrast
 Alternatively
 On the other hand
 On the contrary
 In comparison

Introducing quotes or references

 According to this author
 To quote from X…
 Referring to this subject, X argues that…
 As X stated…


 As a result
 Therefore
 It can be seen that
 The consequence is
 We can see that
 It is evident that
 This suggest that
 Due to
 So, my conclusion is
 To sum up briefly
 To summarise
 In short
 In other words


To introduce points in favour/against:
One point of view in favour of/against is that..
Some experts/scientists advocate/support/oppose the view that..
To point out opposing arguments:
Opponents of this idea claim that..
Others oppose this viewpoint..
Some people may disagree with this idea.

To state your conclusion:

In my opinion..
Achieving a balance between X and Y would..
In conclusion, I firmly believe that..
On balance, I think it is unfair that..

To make contrasting points:

On the other hand..
It can be argued that..

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