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The importance of saying Thank You

"Thank you" can be an incredibly powerful pair of words, especially if the person you're
thanking really needs to hear them, or isn't expecting them. In this short TED talk, Dr.
Laura Trice muses over the power of saying thank you, and reminds us why we should
say it—and ask to hear it—more often.

The talk is only about three minutes, but Dr. Trice hits two big points—first, that most
of us really do want to hear someone thank us for the things that we do, even if it's
something that we're supposed to be doing anyway. Being appreciated is one of those
things that really motivates us, both at work and in life, so a little goes a long way if you
can offer up a genuine thank you when it's appropriate. Second, she notes that it's
equally important in our relationships to make it clear when we want to be appreciated,
otherwise we run the risk of never hearing it because the other people in our lives just
assume we already know we are, or that they don't need to say it. In other words, if you
feel underappreciated, make it clear to the people in your life that you feel that way—
anyone who actually cares about you will be more than willing to make sure that's no
longer the case.


Answer according to your ideas and opinion.

1- Do you always thank people?

Yes, I try my best to thank you when you do something for me.

2- Do you like to hear people saying ‘’ thank you’’?

Yes, giving thanks is a way to show people that they are doing things right, or to try

3- Why is it important, according to the text, saying thank you?

Because it´s one of the ways to show people how much we care

4- What do you think of gratitude?

I think gratitude is one of the most important values to be instilled in children from
home. This value helps to strengthen relationships with other people, help self-esteem,

5- Do you think the world gets better when people thank each other?

Yes, as I said before thanking strengthens personal relationships, thus achieving a good
coexistence in all environments and better world.

6- What do you feel when people thank you?

I feel that they value what I am doing for them, that they care.

7- What feelings, according to the text, thanking someone brings?

According to text, hearing the wor “thank you” motivates the person, it gives him joy.

8- What can a simple ‘’ thank you’’ start in someone’s life?

Make the day better for a person who is doing things with a lot of effort, motivate him
to continue.

9- Did you like the text? Why?

If I liked the text, because it reminded me how beautiful is to have values and what
influence people around us.

10- What in the text has changed your view about saying ‘’ thank you’’?

The text has not changed my opinion, it reinforced the importance of thanking me and I
will do it more often.

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