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S.Y: 2019-2020

A Research Study Presented

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Of Inquires, Investigation and Immersion

Mark Lester Santiago

Mark Aeron Villaviray

Alliah Monique C. Reyes

Mrs. Annielyn Panganiban, Ed.D

Practical Research 2, Adviser

Chapter 1

The Problem and It’s Background

Collaborative learning is a situation in which two or more people learn or want to learn

something together. Unlike individual learning people engaged in collaborative learning

capitalize on one another’s resources and skills. More explicitly, collaborative learning is based

on the model that knowledge can be created within a population where members actively

interact by sharing experiences and take on unequal roles. Thus, collaborative learning is

commonly illustrated when groups of students work together to search for understanding,

meaning, or solution or to create an artifact or product of their learning. Furthermore

collaborative learning redefines the traditional student-teacher relationship in the classroom

which result in controversy over whether this paradigm is more beneficial than harmful.

Collaborative learning activities can include collaborative writing, group projects, joint problem

solving, debates, study teams, and other activities. The approach is closely related to

cooperative learning (Wikipedia). Proponents of collaborative learning claim that the active

exchange of ideas within the small groups not only increases interest among the participant but

also promotes critical thinking. There is persuasive evidence that cooperative teams achieve at

higher levels of thought and retain information longer than learners who work quietly as

individuals. The shared learning gives learners an opportunity to engage in discussion, take

responsibility for their own learning, and thus become critical thinkers. Students from different

levels work together for a common goal as they are responsible for their own learning and for

others in their group.

Theoretical Framework

In language learning, Harmer (2010) proposes that collaborative learning provides

maximum opportunities for students to interact and cooperate with one another as they work

towards a common goal by using four language skills such as speaking, listening, reading and

writing. Regardless of their different language proficiencies and personalities, students work

better in groups as reports that students preferred collaborative learning on language activities

as these activities enabled them to exchange more opinions and ideas. This was because they

felt less anxious, so they could perform better than when they worked alone. This situation is

explained as learning English in less anxiety situations that result in effective learning.

Regarding the number of members for collaborative learning, observe that small groups seem to

function better than large groups in which some members tend to be ‘asleep’ or excluded from

interesting interactions.

Collaborative learning is important to the students in terms of different activities in

school. Collaborative learning helps to the students to solve easily their academic problems, so

it can be finish in short period of time it also help on level of participation of the students in

classroom by giving their information about the activity so that other students will gain ideas

about the activity

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Demographic 1. Survey Correlation of

information of the questionnaire Collaborative and Level

of Participatio in
participants 2. Collecting
Classroom of Grade 12
1. Age Senior High School
3. Analyzing Students of
2. Gender
data Bucal National High
3. Name (optional)
Statement of the Problem

Specifically this study aim to answer the following questions:

1. Is collaborative learning really affects the level of performances of a student?

2. Is there a positive effect of collaborative learning in some students?

3. Is collaborative learning has negative effect in some students?


Ho: There is no significant relationship between collaborative learning and level of

participation in the classroom of senior high school students of Bucal National High School

Hl: There is a significant relationship between collaborative learning and level of

participation in the classroom of senior high school students of Bucal National High School

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study focuses on the Correlation of Collaborative Learning and Level of Participation

in Classroom of Senior High School Students of Bucal National High School. The respondents

of the study are coming from Grade 11 students. The study have respondents, coming from all

section of grade 12 students.

Significance of the Study

This study will help to know the different effects of collaborative learning and its result to

the level of performances in the classroom of a students.

Teacher – this could help teacher to know how effective the collaborative learning in the


Future Researchers – it can also help the future researchers to provide information in their


School – The school can also gain a lot of benefits from this study. This study will provide broad

knowledge that may help them to know about collaborative learning.

Definition of Terms

Collaborative Learning - “Collaborative learning” is an umbrella term for a variety of

educational approaches involving joint intellectual effort by students, or students and teachers

together. Usually, students are working in groups of two or more, mutually searching for

understanding, solutions, or meanings, or creating a product. Collaborative learning activities

vary widely, but most center on students’ exploration or application of the course material, not

simply the teacher’s presentation or explication of it.

Critical Thinking - Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do

or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking.
Explicit - fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity: leaving no

question as to meaning or intent

Proficiencies - advancement in knowledge or skill

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