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a AppiTionAL HirDiz AcTIvATION DURATION Sneak Attack DRAIN Wonnrovs ITM ( Boon ) - Rare (Rocug ONT) “Swift is the arrow, dark is the thorn.” This shattered arrow holds the hallmarks of years of use told by its wear and age. When held in shadow, one is able to glimpse wet blood upon the arrowhead not present in the light. it Even appears Sas to the touch, and it is almost always cold. These characteristics suddenly vanish when brought into the light. - While in the User’s Possession, they feel a creeping draw from the item and are able to access its boon. - STRIKE TRUE: Once per Encounter, as an Action, the user can expend a Hit Die into the arrow to gain an additional 1d6 Sneak Attack Die for 1 Minute. ‘Wonprous Ir (BOON) - RARE "Hair and teeth, A men got those two things, he's got tall? This delicate hair pin seems to hold a form ofa monstrous tooth at its base before extending into a six inch silver spike, This spike is presented with four sides, each holding a small indention which holds an even smaller gem. The delicate nature and the interwo- ven spirallin, ng ‘gold begs the questions why something ornate would be topped with a petrified relic? - This must be Worn to function. - The Rite of Bloodkin is quite ancient and therefore rather simple. Over the course of a Short Rest, the user must drip their blood across the Twelve Stones embedded on the pin while naming off the sires of their line who have carried magic before them, Alter completing the list or pleading a case for Sponsorship without forbearers, the pin will decide ‘on whether to grant its boon to the Lineage Represented. - The DM must decide whether this is a convincing attempt before granting the boon. The user gains I additional Metamagie option as long as the item remains on their person. This Choice cannot be altered after the initial decision, - Fup Macte: When the user hits a target with a spell atiack, they can expend Sorcery Points to deal additional damage to the target. The extra damage is 1d4 Force Damage per Sorcery Point expend -Ifelutched for a Melee Attack, this attack is still considered to be Unarmed, but it deals Piercing Damage. ‘Wonprous Ir (Boon "Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them?” This golden collar is fashioned into the shape of a slatted necklace of delicate design. One of its four layers is a smooth cold white rock that bears some hallmarks of an arcane origin. When examining the inner collar while under shadow or darkness, vast nebulas and distant stars are revealed to the naked eye. - This must be Worn to function. - To activate this boon, the user must entirely deplete their spell slots and then take a Long Rest while gripping the collar in an attempt to unlock its depth of arcane secrets. - SPELL-SLINGER: This item grants an additional +1 to all of Saving Throw DC’s cast from the user. - GLEANED SECRETS: The user is capable of performing Ritual Spells in Half of the additional time normally needed (5 Minutes). Wonprous lem (Boon ) -RARE “Destiny is not fate, it's navigation.” At its heart, this worn bronze and gold device loosely holds a crystalline green gem that seems to sI without rhyme or reason. The goldea housing spins freely within the bronze structure along a series of cece Yet, whatever this might mean is a mystery to the unstudied. - This must be kept in the User's Possession to function. - Taking a Short or Long Rest to study a detailed map of one's. location with this compass. If successful in their study, one gainsa deeper understanding of the ebb and flow of natural fey lines around them. - From THE WILDLANDS: This item grants the following Boons and Abilities as long as the device is on their person. These sclections cannot be altered after the Initial Choices. -The ability to percisely judge direction of travel accurately on the Material Plane, becoming lost only by magical means. - The user gains One additional ‘Favored Terrain’ and ‘Favored Enemy’. - The user gains I Cantrip from the Druid Spell List as well as access to a modified ‘Druideraft cantrip. This version of the spell has a J minute casting time. at = Di an s DIvINE SMITE Lay On ENHANCEMENT HANDS ‘Wonprous Irem (Boon ) -RARE "Tt is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath.” As symbols of a lost faction that did not survive the tides of passing ages, so now these once highly regarded beacons of this fallen order still hold some regard. where oaths still hold sway. It is said when inquired what befell this order “These souls stood alone at Gjallerbru, and that answer is enough.” - This must be Worn on the outside of clothing to function. - Defending ground against aggressive oppression will Unlock this item’s functions for the user. - ALL FoR ONE: The healing pool for ‘Lay on Hands’ has an additional +5 Hit Points of recovery. - ONE For ALL: When dealing damage with Divine Smite, the user can Rerolf 1’s but must take the Second Roll. PATREON| |DUNGEON_ScRIBE Wonprous Irem (Boon ) - RARE "Four legs good, two legs bad.” This small leather and fur cuff is accented by a mixture of bone chips and a jaw of ancient animals. It has P< down through generations of village elders, with each adding a small addition. This Leads to a visual stepping stone to generations past. - This item must be Worn to function. - Burning incense in a small Ritual from an animal skull over a Long Rest and meditating on those who walked the path before them will give access to the cufl's Abilities. - ANCESTRAL MEMORY: Wearing this grants access to Wild Shapes of an advanced caliber. - PRIMAL ForMs: Increases the MAX CR of possible. Wild Shapes taken. - 1/4 becomes 1/2 - 1/2 becomes I - All forms afterwards are limited to +1 CR higher than the listed Maximum for that Level. - ANCIENT BEASTS: The DM can grant a list of Animal spirits contained within the cuff that the player sees in a vision during the Ritual. - Naure’s CALL: The user can cast ‘Animal Friendshij without use of a Spell Slot up to Half the user’s Proficiency Bonus per Long Rest.

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