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you today?
historical fiction
Something historical is based on individuals and
events from the past and provides evidence to
historical facts.Historical has also demonstrated by
history; not legendary or fictional; factual; real.
The term "fiction" refers to something that is
not true. So, Fiction is any work of writing that is
based on the author's imagination and usually
has a plot. It depicts fictitious events and
persons. This usually takes the shape of books
and stories.
Historical Fiction
Historical fiction is a genre of fiction that is told through
a range of media. Stories set in historical time and
location that are based on true historical events.
However, certain characters may never have lived, as
well as their activities, which are historically irrelevant
but may be added to improve the love story.
For instance, there may not be a specific record of
actual dialogue, food consumed, clothing worn,
routes travelled, etc., so the author inserts
information that is believed to be historically
accurate for the time period.
Brief history of historical fiction
Arthur was King Uther Pendragon's first born son and
heir to the throne. However, these were troubled times,
and Merlin, a wise magician, advised that the baby
Arthur be raised in a secret place where no one would
know his true identity. When King Uther died, as Merlin
predicted, there was a great deal of disagreement over
who should be the next king. Merlin used his magical
abilities to set a sword in stone.
The words "Whoso pulleth out this sword of
this stone is the rightfully born king of all
England," were written in gold letters on the
Following this Arthur became King.Arthur's
base was at a place called Camelot.
By presenting Arthur's quest for the
mysterious Holy Grail, French poet
Chrétien de Troyes gave Arthur's quest a
spiritual motivation. Despite the fact that
Arthur was not a real person, his fabled
influence grew stronger as the ages
The quality of historical fiction
The quality of historical fiction tells a compelling story
that balances authentic and accurate information with
fiction and May comprised the quality characteristics.
It can be further defined by considering the tale
aspects (characters, plot, setting, topic, style, tone, and
point of view) and how they are frequently described in
historical fiction works.
Historical fiction format
There have been numerous books, major films, operas,
television series, games, toys, plays, and graphic novels
retelling or inspired by the Arthurian legend, which
originated in Europe between 1136 and 1485 CE, was
revived in the nineteenth century CE, and is still
popular today.
What is a biography?

Biography is a story about a person's life journey or life history written by

someone else. Biographical texts are included in the narrative text category.

A biography contains the identity and events experienced by a person,

including the work and awards received and the problems he faced.

Biography also contain a description of the person, for examples:

*Description of identity contains, among others, name, place and date of birth, family background,
educational history, and history of the organization followed.

*A description of the event contains events experienced by the character in making the nation proud,
developing a career, or fighting for life.

*While the description of the problem contains obstacles, challenges, or obstacles faced by the
characters in achieving their goals and ideals.
2. Where did the word
biography come from? When viewed from an etymological point of
view, biography comes from the Greek
And the brief history of
"bios" which means life and "graphein"
what is biography
which means writing. So, it means a
collection of writings in which it explains
the history or life story of a character.
3. Quality of biography

Although biographies may concentrate on the subject of design or

non-fiction, the term is usually associated with non-fiction.
Contrary to the profile or curriculum vitae , biographies develop a
complicated angle and highlight differences in character including
personal experiences . A book biography is a collection of lists of
facts such as date of birth, education, career, relationships, and
death. Biography also explores feelings through these and other
events that bring various meanings (or lessons) to a person and
society in the form of a story.
4. What kind of Biography
and biography format?

1. Standard structure
1. Based on Discussion
2. content writing
2. By Publisher
3. Based on the content
3. the writing style
4. Based on the autor side 4. contains motivation
Structure of Biography

- Orientation
- Events and
- Reorientation
What is a memoir?
A memoir is part of your life story in that it’s a
collection of experiences, memories, or events that
take place in a person’s life. It is not an
autobiography, but rather a true experience from
the writer’s life, that is creatively written and
incorporates research.
Brief history

Over the past few years the memoir as a genre,

has become very popular. You no doubt are
aware of some of the memoirs that were
turned into movies in recent years.
As the diagram above shows, think of an
autobiography as the whole pie, and the
memoir a slice of that pie. A memoir covers a
certain period or specific events in your life,
and not your whole life.
If you are interested in writing a memoir, I
assume you have read a number of published
These are some memoir examples from both well-
known and lesser known authors: The Glass Castle by
Jeannette Walls. This book came into the spotlight
when the movie was made. This is a touching story,
with a lot of emotion. Walls tells the story of her
childhood, living with her nomadic, alcoholic parents .
Beautiful Boy by David Shepp. This is another memoir
that was turned into a movie recently. And also, a
very emotional story. Shepp shares his life dealing
with his “son’s shocking descent into substance abuse
and his gradual emergence into hope
- A focused theme.
Your memoir should have an overarching theme, takeaway lesson, or message for your readers. It’s not just a play-by-
play of your life, but rather showing the reader something based on a specific event or experience.
Conflict. The most captivating and memorable memoirs out there are those that have a hero’s journey, or obstacles
that the narrator must overcome.
- Writing style.
The reader is likely reading the story from your perspective, so make sure you’re writing style and author’s voice comes
through your narrative. This is your chance to invite the reader into your world and tell a story from your life, so add
some personality to it.
- Use supporting stories and details.
While this is a memoir about your particular experience, your memoir will be stronger if you’re able to inject stories
from other people’s lives that move your narrative along.
- Storytelling elements.
Your memoir needs to be an engaging, emotional experience for the reader, and the best way to create this is by
incorporating the elements of storytelling. Draw on character development, story setting, exciting plot, literary
elements, and more.
Lastly, your memoir needs to be an honest reflection of your life experience. While it’s okay to highlight and draw
attention to certain details, make sure your memoir is factual. This is not only important from a storytelling standpoint
but from a legal position, too
memoir format
1.Consider the topic. The subject or topic of your memoir has a big
influence on how successful the book will be.
2.Your writing craft matters. Storytelling is important in a
memoir. That isn’t to say that you need to be a super talented
writer to publish a successful memoir, but you do have to use the
key elements of story for your memoir.
3.Prepare to be emotionally-overwhelmed. Writing a memoir can
be a tremendous experience, but it can also be daunting
depending on the topic or subject matter. For example, if you
want to write a memoir about your years in foster care, where
you were possibly subject to abuse, re-visiting the memories can
be traumatic. Your memoir can also be a healing process

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