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Full-Stops, Exclamation Marks & Question Marks

Rewrite the following sentences with a full-stop (.), exclamation mark (!) or
question mark (?).

1. “Look out ( )” shouted James to his brother ( )

2. “Would you like some cheese with your spaghetti ( )” asked Tim’s mum ( )

3. The party was a success , everybody enjoyed themselves( )

4. “Do you know the time( )” asked the teacher( )

5. It’s important that you always end a sentence with a full-stop ( )

6. “Ouch( )” screamed Charlotte ( )

B. Use your imagination and try to draw the funniest looking full-stop, question
mark and exclamation mark that you can. Maybe you could give the full-stop some
legs, arms and a funny face.
C. Punctuate the following sentences with appropriate punctuation marks.

1. Oh no the bridge has collapsed


2. Have the queen the king and the princess had their breakfast asked the minister


3 .Pizzas burgers ice cream French fries and cake will be served at my birthday


4. Phew I have finally completed my project


5. Is this the way to the house of your aunt


6. J.K. Rowling the author of the famous Harry Potter series is my neighbor


7. My dog an Alsatian terrifies everyone


8. Go away shouted the little boy


A. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences. Use appropriate


1. a / machine / the / computer/ is


2. shows days us calendar a


3. kicked the high ball Jack


4. king jungle of the is lion


5. with pencil you’re a draw picture


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