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Julian Bolaño

Assessment #2 Lguide #3 11th

1- Read the text about the dangers of plastic bags. Answer #1, a,b and #2. Think about the
answer to the question in the last paragraph. What can you do to help?
Lee el texto sobre los peligros de las bolsas de plástico,responde #1, #2 y piensa en la
respuestaa la pregunta ¿Qué puedes hacer para ayudar?


a. Guess the meaning of the words in bold in the text. What word in your language could
replace these words? Adivina el significado de las palabras en negrita , ¿qué palabra en
tu idioma las reemplaza ?

trillion Trillon trapped Retenido blown volo food Cadena

chain aliment

landfill Basurero dangero amenaza decompose dañado seals Becerro

us marino

b. Completa las oraciones usando las palabras en negrita que están en el texto” dangers of plastic

Food chain
landfills Dangerous

Descompose Trapped

Trillion blown

2.Mira las oraciones del texto, enlaza las palabras en negrita con las definiciones a,b,c.

3. En el cuadro lee los conectores o enlaces y en el espacio que hay en las oraciones siguientes
escribe la palabra o frase correspondiente según el caso.

Use linking phrases in your writing. There are several linking phrases with a similar meaning.

▪ To express a contrast, use However(sin embargo) or Nevertheless( a pesar de

eso)).Expresan contraste

It is possible to recycle plastic bags, nevertheless, many people simply throw them away.


▪ To express a cause and effect, use As a result (como resultado) or Consequently

( consecuentemente).

The government made people pay five cents for every plastic bag they use. Consequently,
people stopped getting new plastic bags every time they went to the shops.

▪ To expand a point or to give more information, use In addition ( además) or Furthermore.(es


Plastic bags kill marine life. Furthermore, birds eat them and may die from having these bags in
their stomachs

3- Join each sentence with linking words. Which two linking words work in each sentence? Con la
información de la table anterior revisa y escribe en el espacio los 2 conectores que se pueden usar
en la misma oración, sin cambiar el sentido?

a. I passed all my exams as a result I was able to go to university.

b. I had a terrible cold during exam week nevertheless I passed all my exams with great
c. The exam had a question that I had never seen addition I forgot to turn the page
and I missed three questions!
d. The youth hostel’s swimming pool was closed furthermore They didn’t serve breakfast!
e. The youth hostel was really old and a bit dirty.however we enjoyed our holiday there.
f. The youth hostel was closed.consequently we had to spend the night in an expensive

4. WRITE. Using the expressions given in the topics, write a paragraph about environmental
problems about plastic bags in Colombia. Usando los conectores de la table punto 3, “
linking phrases y con ayuda del video y el texto sobre “plastic bags”, escribe un párrafo

Here you have a video too. plastic bags

A plastic bag thrown into the sea that year would still be decomposing right now.
For a bag to degrade, it takes 55 years and approximately 500 for a bottle of the
same material to do so.

plastic bags need to be recycled, However, there is not too many people who do it,
the most of the people just throw it to a trash can or even to the street or the


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