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Increasing tuition fees is not only a barrier, it is not

natural, but increasing tuition fees is raised as an option
to improve the quality of the teaching environment.
Firstly, the increase in tuition fees is reflected in the
improvement and enhancement of infrastructure
because many universities have international program
goals, so the need to increase facilities is very large. For
example, building a gymnasium, installing more air
conditioners for classrooms, ...
The second reason is that there is more money to pay for
the income of teachers to help them and attract more
talented people to teach.

2B. Another positive side of increasing tuition fees is that

it can boost students' academic efforts as no one wants
to lose both time and large sums of money in school
without getting results.
3A. So, are there any solutions to overcome the
increasing tuition fees of universities nowadays?
First, as mentioned above is turn increasing tuition fees
into a motivation => sympathize with the family's school
payment, then determine and find a better study goal.
3B. As mentioned in the previous section, increasing
tuition fees has become a barrier for students who have
difficulty paying their tuition fees, so scholarships
become one of the best measures to help them reduce
their tuition burden.
As a specific example, a university in Ho Chi Minh City
from the increase in tuition fees has taken 15% of the
total tuition fee to provide students with 800
scholarships, the value of each scholarship is from 25% to
3C. The last and simplest solution is leave school, which
can be easily done without effort.
1. Instead of blaming why universities increase tuition
fees, we should know how to turn it into a strength
to improve ourselves
2. Society is increasingly become modern, so tuition is
an essential factor to improve education.

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