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Latest Selenium Interview Questions:

1. Difference between get and navigate method in Selenium?

2. Difference between quit and close methods in Webdiver?
3. What is implicit wait?
4. Difference between implicit and explicit wait?
5. In how many ways we can handle frames in the application using webdriver
6. Code to handle 3rd child window?
7. How to handle https certifications?
8. Different type of locators present in webdriver?
9. Write Syntax for xpath and css if id and tag are given
10.How to use Contains regular expression to xpath?
11.How to use regular expression to CSS?
12.What is the class available in selenium to handle drop downs?
13.What is the method to check if checkbox is selected ?
14.How to validate if element is visible or hidden in webpages?
15.How to get the count of similar objects list in the web page?
16.Importance of desired capabilites Mechanism
17.How to enter the text in capslock?
18.How to mouse over on the web element on page?
19.Methods to handle Java Alert?
20.How to get links count in the page?
21.How to validate if we are navigated to child window successfully?
22.Difference between relative and absolute xpath ?
23.Write down the sample xpath syntax to handle parent from child object?
24.What driver is must to run tests in firefox driver?
25.What driver is must to run tests in Chrome driver?
26. How do you set driver in firefox and chrome drivers through
27. Difference between findElement and findELements
28. List out any 2 methods available in explicit wait
29. How to take screenshots with selenium webdriver
30. How to hit enter from webdriver commands

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