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FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH (Important Essays) IMPORTANT ESSAYS 1. THE DIGNITY oF LABOUR By labour we, generally mean work done by hands, Unfortunately, this word is used ina negative sense. There is nothing shameful in it, People having narrow mind refer the tae a ne itn eons adopted by carpenters, masore ant ee assistants, They also associate oo with lower middle class of Society. As a matter of fact these professions are benefactor he Pee me Play 8 vital role for peace and prosperity of our life. For example, el 3 foed us, Shelter us, a tailor sews clothes to cover our body and a farmer tills 281 We should not ignore that no office peon i . countries because in those countries every Cron 2 mployed in any office of the advanced ; . ‘ery office worker feels no shame in doing the peon work himself. We are Muslims and unfortunately we feel it below our dignity. to join two wires and will say that it is the work of his subordinate mechanic. ce ae hoe In Islam all human beings are equal. Islam does not allow distinction on the basis of (peace be upon him) used to work with his own hands. He carried bricks for the construction of mosque and did not fe feel ashamed in mending his outworn shoes. In Islam honest work of all kinds is worth respecting. Even a sweeper deserves respect, In Islam work is worship. Unfortunately we ignore the bright example set by Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and consider manual work as undignified. We also look dow upon the labour class. People should change their thinking and should not hesitate in doing their jobs. This spirit will improve our economic condition. In the advanced countries the major cause of development is that dignity of labour has got its due importance, ; : + In Pakistan, there is large number of people who are working in the houses of landlords, They only take the meal and clothes and serve like slaves, Today every rich man always wish to have a large number of servants in his hoine. ; isused the concept of labour and this is the major cause of backwardness in our eeeron ry improve our economic condition, we should give equal status to labour class in the society. ‘ : 2.¢C PS OF PAKISTAN Pakistan is an agricultural country and 70% of hér population lives on agriculture. Our farmers produce two types of crops. . ; : (i) ~ food crops and . . :, Gi). “non-food crops. . . : of food and provide raw material to our These not only fill the local needs QF uitry but also a large part of itis exported abroad to earn foreign exchange, ‘The met cash crops are cotton, rice, sugar cane, tobacco and fruits ete, . The most important . fag bh FUNCTIONAL ENG. LISH Umportant Faqay, re) 282 Sind and Pun i i “ tan. It is growa in i Sind Cotton is the main cash crop of an. 1 at \ cotton is grown in the districts of Tharparkur and Sanghar while in Punjab, districts g Multan, Shaiwal and Rahim Yar Khan are well known for the cotton production. Cotton ;, major export of our country at present. Rice is our best cash crop. It is grown in Punjab, Sind, and N.W.F.E In Punjab ang Sind, it is grown on 150 million hectares. The one variety of Rive called “Basmati” is ven, popular and is in great demand every where. Its contribution to foreign exchange earning j, estimated at 22%. w material for our sugar industry. Its averag, Sugarcane is also a supplier of ra ; , ator has some portion of his land reserved for yield is 50 tons per hectare. Almost every cultiv: this crop It is grown in almost every province. Tobacco is one of the importaat cash crops of Pakistan: The soil of Pakistan is very suitable for this érop. Tobacco industry provides jobs to a large number of workers in the field at the time of crop production and also in tobacco factories. Tobacco of 4 common quality is grown in the Punjab and Sind. The areas in and around Peshawar are rich in the production of virginia tobacco, which is the world famous quality of tobacco. Fruits like mangoes, apples, grapes and oranges’ar® also sold abroad, but it is the mangoes which top the list, Major markets are in the Middle East. Gulf countries, Singapore, Malaysia, London, Germany, and Sweden. ' Seeds of mustard, sunflower and soyabean are grown as cash crops but vegetable ghee is mostly manufactured from the cottonseeds. Sunflowers are also becoming popular as cash crop. ‘We should make efforts to increase the production of above crops, so that Me it can be controlled and living standard of people may also be increased, ° epee 3. LOYMENT. Unemployment means “not having enough jobs Unemployment is the mothen éf countless evils. tt pallutos how ibocay lal ints the politi! fais of the country. It turns the law-abiding and: hotest men into criminals and acoits It is difficult to expect truth, nobility and’ honesty:fromn.a person who cannot have imp tauare meals a day, and who cannot provide a morsel of food, ar a.dose cf medicine to his ife or ailing children. A long spell of poyerty and unemployment is.q great menace t? ‘the state, In Pakistan, we find increasi indi p Saw We find increasing unemplg, it in different fi 7 and M.A’s are idle ‘as’ they: fost ges rent fields. Thousands of B.A.'S unemployment are many. Eannat even ‘Eid abe ofdlerks: The causes of large scale First of ve : x fast Itbocomes dite aur County ail ther Sevelopi countries ise increasi e additional populatio i by her asing at the present speed, all efforts of the aoverament a a. If population Oa public are bound to fail, provide employment woo oF THB Blow ‘ecbnistite “aka we ntanle Brdpeahe "Ye unemployment Beasode or Muggle ia ee i industrial oyntzes where Ishourerey skilled. workers and fresh haps “the” gréateat! cause of hot 'miny large factories graduates.can get employed. he defective aglect technical edy " “ough desk jobs avail . intry. As @ result unem eva yoreover, decline of cottage and small industri ployment prevails in the socie ty. : cottage ies is also a cause of ui mpl ceasing demand of ae is Ged a cause of unemployment, The demand for the local mane roducts has decreased. This thing has created a In re fe ee neneehd eee lot of problems not only for the government. ‘Op our economy on modern lines. Our with new techniques. Besides, we need ed less capital and more manpower. To get rid of this problem, we have to devel agriculture system is backward. We must develop it todevelop our cottage industries. These industries ne Rapid industrialization can remove the dark clouds of unemployment. In rural areas, small-scale industries should be set up. The government should set up new factories at as nany places as possible. Unemployed and skilled workers will be able to get employment in large number. Our government is trying to solve this problem as early as possible. But in spite of all much more is needed. The concept of education should be changed. Planed distribution of wealth should be ensured. Population must be kept within reasonable limits. The government must create powerful stimulus for the foreign investors. The menace of memployment cannot be overcome without effective planning. It is only after a long struggle that we can get rid of this evil. ' 4, THE ROLE OF BANKS Commercial banks determines the economic stability of a country. They fuifill financial teeds of the various sectors. In fact, capital is the basis of commerce and industry. A well- ‘tablished banking system provides funds to all economic sectors including small businessmen, industrialists, contractors, farmers, cultivators, importers, exporters and traders. The banks ‘+t as middleman to make commercial transactions possible without any delay. ova iding banking service to people of the At dreds’ of branches are providing of t ‘ourtry. eet ee collecting deposits ‘and making advances; banks offer a widening Tange of servi to their customers. Undertaking stock exchange transactions on behalfof ve — ‘another activity of the commercial banks. They forward the orders of their Sustomers is i " stomers ta stock exchange brokers who try to earn a profit for the stock owners. 7 Wty 1 provide necessary help to the : traders’ busij:-in ins, THe Ciithercial’ banks “also doing export and import trade, Banks aliio ett™ational trade. They help ny ‘the most important. instruments of payment in inet 2nd negotiate, forcign bills rate documents of the.foreign exchange bills for their naimitional-trade,The banks neghlale Oro citer method of payment. Sich opera ns pai The Seumentary ‘customers involved in foreign trading. Banks provide on Temely ji tant for the ¢ i i the spot. . iy? ‘ea ofpiitchaee and sale of foreign currencies on ital ; ital is considered the backbone of ceonomy. Raat via Yeany ys SRY country, capi i jal banks:provide s cient amount of. sa) levdevetoprnent* Commerc! savings througheut’ thé: | The Tei secs ny eeowoley Banks eve county like Paldatan where thece ia a SY ot atta fore important i ride ‘ egriculturints, iacustrialietn. a diye OF capital Commercial Mee devant inreons im7atinal outphty ctaploymans ay Rare serra ‘ ‘Abita incom , 284 FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH (Important E ws) Jogy brought a tremendous revolution in the world In recent past, information tech It was quite natural that Banks would take advantage from the lntest facilities provided through computers, Banks established their ne twork through computers and link the branches with one another. They started providing the facility of on-lin Moreover the customers are being provided the A'TM facility. Now utility bills can be pag through a mechanism provided by ban Now it has become quile convenient for the customers to benefit themselves from the latest technology. Manual system of maintaining accounts is replaced by the computer system. In short commercial banks play a very important role in the development of the country. 5. INFLATION Inflation is one of the major prcblems of the world. It is an economic term. It means any increase in the supply of money. Coulborns defined inflation as "a case of too much money chasing too few goods’. Inflation occurs when the central bank expands the money supply or money in circulation. If there is no increase in the production of goods and services, expansion of the money supply raises the general level of prices. In other words inflation can be described as a fall in the purchasing power of money. So in ordinary speech, inflation is often taken to mean high prices. There may be many causes of inflation. First of all, faulty economic policy of the Government is one of the major causes. Sometime, to meet the deficit in budget the Government issues more currency. The supply of money in circulation increases but the supply of services and goods remains the same. This results in price like. Secondly, prices of different things go up, if their supply becomes less because of strikes of workers, closure of factories, floods, absence of rainfalls etc. Another cause of inflation is the general rise in the standards of living of the people. As the people start living a better life, with an increase in their incomes, they need more clothes, shoes, and other things of daily use. up all banking Money used for unproductive purposes, such as for buildings, cinemas, hotels, etc. also gives rise to inflation. Such money spent is wasted, and it has no share in the development efforts. The war is another cause of inflation. For example, Pakistan was making progress by leaps and bounds before Indo-Pak war in 1965. After that war the economy of Pakistan was badly affected and as a result it found no other way except to devalue its currency to rebuild the economy. ee... International circumstances also affect the economy of a country. When the prices of different things like petrol, oil or machines are increased, then the country that imports these things is compelled to increase prices. : Natural calamities, ov: i Peer . stances ca also cause inflation, erpopulation, political instability and foreign remit To get rid of this problem, following should be taken. Rapid industrialization will remove the dark clouds of inflation. In ry areas, small scale industries should be s¢t up. More credit facilities should be provided to the farmers and owners of small industries, so that they can increase production to meet growing needs of the population. government should make effective plans to increase the investment for productive purpom Government should adopt strict and tight monetary policy as a preliminary step to cont”! sUNCTIONAL ENGLISH (Important Essays) 285 , Family planning should be popul qation. Family pla © popularized to discourage the b a od a ‘age the birth rate and to reduce ie population. During the period of inflation the government should ra:se the rates of both greet and indirect taxes, so that the individual consumer may have less money to spend. {t is ‘igo necessary to study all the cau ‘ation and these causes should be removed 6. THE POPULATIO, EXPLOSION Population problem has become one of the serio lation of the world in the past was very much less than it 1s now. By the end of 1850 praaton was oe) ae a Population of the world is increasing at a rate which wuld double it i years. In case of ove i ita i oe ton T population real per capita income of the of infl us problems of the world. The The population explosion ; Probiem can be defined as the situation in which the sumber of bread-eaters in country exceeds the number of its bread-earners The word explosion of this economic term is aimed at comparing its horror as being qual to atomic bomb expiosion which for the first time in the world took place in Hiroshima ud killed almost 80,000 citizens on the spot. The population explosion is on the same ttern stterly. The main reason for the population increase is the difference between birth rate and death rate. Science has helped us to control death-rate. But at the same time, birth rate has aot been checked. The real per capita income in Pakistan is very low which shows that the cuntry is overpopulated. In the over populated countries dependent age group is increasing und rate of development is very slow. Due to heavy pressure of population, people are unable | obtain balanced diet. Poor diet affects health and working capacity of the people. There is shortage oF various facilities like housing, clothing, education and transport. | _ In overpopulated countries like Pakistan, rate of savings is Jow. Due to low rate of | saving, rate of investment and employment is low. The literacy rate in Pakistan is only 26%. | Wecan say that polation growth is the main obstacle in the way of economic development. Population control is the crying need of the hour. We should take two steps at the ‘ame time. We should increase production, we should the birth rate. In industry we should |" to increase production by better management and planning. Family planning should be hpularized to discourage the birth rate and to reduce the population. To control excessive | wth of population, we should follow certain measures: Marriage below the age of 21 should be banned by law. Public works programme like struction of roads, dams, canals, railway lines, bridges etc. should be started on a large ;"#le 20 that the innumeruble jobless persons may get employment and may no longer | "ain parasites on the limited resources. The literacy rate should be enhanced. | | 7. IMPORTANCE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION " Technival education means education in the use of different-kinds of machines and a i ji cation can be easily distinguished from general education. otucttion peat caustior through the education of life. But technical education {ites us about the parts or components of machines and the ways of working and repairing mM, It - It also teaches us about the production and use of spare parts. lei asons that men of science feel low in the presence of men Mearing Phen aera feeling that this type of education is ofthe highest importancd, FFs ——_$$ a) The prosperity of a country depends on its ability to trade with other countries ang export the maximum quantity of its products. Internal competition is going on a large sale and every country is trying to outdo the other in commerce and exchange. Pakistan is rich jp raw material but is badly lacking in technical skill required to turn that raw material finished produets. The country, which aims at wealth and prosperity, should possess a larg, number of trained technicians. This is an industrial age. Most complicated machinery is installed to cater for the needs of modern society. In order to become useful members of the society, we have to lean some art.. Agriculture is no longer the main profession that earns the livelihood for the mass population of the world. Pakistan is not sufficiently advanced in technical education. In all the progressive countries of the world, great importance is attached to technical education. America, Russia, and the United Kingdom are first-rate powers of the world. Why? It is because they are technically and scientifically more advanced than other countries. 1 Government is taking interest in technical education, therefore, agricultural and etigineering schools and colleges are being established here and there. Bit mere government efforts won't do'in this field, people themselves should also exert to create greater facilities for technical education. Manual labour should not be looked down upon. People should realize the dignity of labour. In the end it must be said that general education is as much essential as technical * ‘education. One should not be encouraged at the cost of the other. If one teaches us how to earn-our living, the other teaches us how to live. Education must prepare men not only to ‘eam their livelihood but also to be good citizens and to be gentle. Our enthusiasm for techni¢al education. must not lag behind. It is our pressing need to become more civilized | human beings. : 8. IMPORTANCE OF COMMERCE EDUCATION "Our eduéation system is not working as properly as the developed countries of the | Wottd' Most of ‘the' students in our schools and colleges are not receiving propet education. They are misdirected ‘by the people who are not aware of the needs of modern age, There isa bbasic disadvantage in our educational system. We are cducating our students for useless | ‘knowledge. ‘Thei simple: education imparted in the schools and colleges does nat help the | /students!in making their careers. They are unable to-earn a decent liying.. }. oi -. : | , Europe and America are ruling the world just because of their advancement in »ducation, Our government should understand the need of this age and.shquld change the » Present educational system into a,pragmatic, job oriented and specialized. knowledge based | system, We. must plan our Commerce Education system, according to the needs of | International, market, The. motive of Commerce Educatign shoyld be ,fo train such } Professionals as can work for the promotion of Commerce and trade of the country. Europes nations AdelAAAha (grebbiadvantages of Cominerce Education therfore their industry a4 trade spread rapidly, They formulated a system of Commerce Education giving stress © edsibhal Skis aid Siticieney.' Er eraanrs Jip asrye Lode | vy Hs WME ; Ec cation can provide good busingss administrators and mane ag n'y, , Way, to, cor e the International market is t) improve our professional # ny | ommierce a8 a subject ae be promoted. A commerce! graduate should be given prio? over a simple graduate in the job market. Commerce has a vast variety in itself as it a swith) Business,:Banking, | Accounting, Finance, Law,'Income-Tax, Business: Statistics Business; Commuanitation. 3 rhe ‘sey ' rl FUNCTION, ENGLISH (Important Essays) 287 A person having such knowled i : ige in profession ean perf handle the professional problems more skillfully than a emer ee ‘Ou poieees sil aot playing its proper role to promote Commerce Edwceenn on modern grounds, But it is a tur Private sector is very keen about this subj 2 ting matte @ : ' subject. The the ee and adopting the latest techniques and methodologies ts Beet the challenges of the age. Practically: the wesis i i ‘ Tuchnological advancement has brought tremendous eee eoamaies these. days ndous revolution in the fields of trade. Business is no more a native phenomenon Sammeroe and directly related to each other. Our trade can only fessionals. Only Commerce education can produce the It is hoped that the government will institutions in every corner of the country. 'T competition take important steps to establish Commerce his is the only way to survive in this age of 9. MY FAVOURITE PERSONALITY Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is my favourite personality. He was born at Karachi on 25 December 1876. His father was a leading merchant of Karachi. He received his primary education at Karachi and Bombay He passed his matriculation examination from the Mission High School, Borubay and went to England for studying law. He was called tothe bar in 1896. He started his legal practice at Karachi in 1896. Next year he shifted to Bombay and in a short time won great distinction as a barrister. From 1930 to 1934 he practised in England at the Privy Council and established himself as a lawyer of the first order. On his return to India, he resumed practice at Bombay. i ad developed keen interest in politics when he was studying law in ‘Geglasd, Therefore, ‘he joined "indian National Congress to work for the self- government for India. He became member of the All-India Muslim League also and retained membership of both the parties for a long time. Jinnah worked as a mediator between the two parties and tried to bring about understanding batween {he Muslin and ie Minds In acknowledgement of his services and popularity the “Jinn was built in Bombay. . i ss rejected the Montagu-Chelmsford Scheme of 1918 Sacral See ommen Jinnah en cH Congress, He aa not agree With the non-co-operation movement because he consider ue a are om th ee poli ect constitutional agitation, From this time onward he became the moct determi balan gM ‘cies of Gandhi. He was convinced that the Hindus were pursuing dae a te ed Pes domination over the entire sub-continent of India. aa ; Jinnah soon became the voice of the Muslims of India. He 4s a result Muhammad Ali Jinn ma in the form of the famous Fourteen Points in mulated their demands and presquous work of uniting the various Muslim groups Gand i222 In 1984 ho undertook the arduous re ganised the Muslim League to make it an banner of the Muslim League. He toe oT and able Jendership the Muslim eague Cn denen ne pllin te Pont, Sid and Bong 288 FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH (Important Essays) With the passage of time more and more Muslims were joining the Muslim League Other Muslim parties in Bengal and Punjab accepted the leadership of Jinnah and als, joined the League. In 1940 the Muslim League passed the famous Lahore Resolution demanding Pakistan-a sovereign Muslim State, comprising the Muslim majority areas of India. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah showed great ability and tremendous courage in his struggle for Pakistan. He countered the shrewd moves of the Congress and was able to change the view of the British Government. His lifelong struggle was crowned with success on 14th August 1947, when Pakistan came into being. The Quaid-e-Azam became the first Governor-General of Pakistan. He worked day and night for the consolidation and progress of the country. His health had been failing for many years; now the great responsibilities of the state wrecked his health, and he passed away on September 11, 1948.

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