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Master thesis subject%÷

In the frame of my Master Science thesis, I’m currently in internship at the Entomology
Laboratory of the International Center for Agriculture research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) in
Rabat, the subject of my thesis, entitled “Chemical Composition, and Insecticidal effects of
some plant essential oils on the pea leaf weevil, Sitona lineatus”. The pea leaf weevil
(PLW) or its scientific name “Sitona lineatus” is an insect pest of field Faba Bean in
morocco. The PLW represent a major problem through reducing yields and quality of Faba
bean culture, by feeding on the leaf margin resulting in a notching or scalloping leaf
appearance and the serious plant damage occurs from nodule destruction, Root nodule are
specialized organ developed by the host plant, mostly legumes in which the symbiotic
microorganisms reduce N2 to ammonium. To reduce the effect of this pest, several ways of
prevention and control are possible, and the main way is by the use of chemical pesticides.
Despite their usefulness, pesticides could pose potential risks to food safety, the
environment, and all living things. For this reason, the integrate management became

The objective of the study was to examine the effect of seven plant essential oils from
mugwort, geranium, lavenders, clove, Eucalyptus, Myrtle, Mint on the pea leaf weevil. the
experiment was conducted in the laboratory, in five replicates. While under glass house
condition experiment was conducted using the most effective oils. In addition the profile of
the effective oils was characterized by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.

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