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UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI ZAKEAD ARABISTYKI I ISLAMISTYKI studia L arabistyczne i islamistyczne daa ulflg doped! Ghul all daa 1 guuweusyrer 007 aD 1999 14 Studia Arabistyczne i Islamistyezne 7, 1999 Marek M. Dziekan Arabic and Islamic Studies in Poland after 1945* Arabic and Islamic Studies in Warsaw and Islamic Studies, Warsaw also being conducted by the ame University as well as by ries oF the Polish Academy Beside the Department of Arabi University, research on Arabic and Islam Institute of the Developing Countries of the the Centre for Studies on Non-European Co of Sciences (ZKP PAN). ‘As far as the faculty of the Institute of the Developing Countries is concerned (established in 1962 as Centre of African Studies, later renamed as Institute of African Studies) there should be mentioned, above all, Prof. Wiadystaw Kubiak (1925-1997; MA UJ 1952, Ph.D. UW 1966, post- doctoral degree 1979, UW, professor from 1993), who in the years 1984- 87 was the Head of the Institute. An expert on Arabic and Islamic architecture and archaeology, for several years he worked as Field Director of the Cairo-based Centre for Mediterranean Archaeology of the Warsaw University. Prof. Kubiak was a co-author of three books that describe Arabic coin treasures found in Poland (with T. Lewicki, A. Kmietowiez and others). In 1982 he published a monograph titled Al-Fustar. Its Foundation and Early Urban Development, which has been his most celebrated work. the Polish reader with Studia Arabistyczne i Islamistyezne 7, 1999 15 rans n of this book. which was published in nine ing a complete e volumes in 1976. Another researcher specialized in the problems of Arabic and Islamic world and working at the Institute of the Developing Countries is Maciej Zabek, Ph.D. An anthropologist, he is an author of a monograph Arabowie z Dar Hamid (The Arabs from Dar Hamid], Warszawa 1998. The Centre for Studies on the Developing Countries of Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) was founded in 1962 as Research Workshop for Social and Cultural Problems of Contemporary Africa; in 1975 it became Centre for Studies on Social and Cultural Problems of Contemporary Africa and was headed by an e1 sh sociologist Prof. J. Chatasitiski and, after his death, by Prof. A. Mrozek-Dumanowska and Prof. Edward Szymaiisk’ n turn replaced by the Centre for Studies ‘on Non-European Countries, whose head was, since 1980, Prof. A. Zajqczkowski (d. 1994). Since 1994 the head of the Centre has been Prof. Jerzy Zdanowski (MA in Arabic Studies and History. MGIMO, Moscow, Ph.D. 1978, associate professor 1993. Prof. Zdanowski’s studies concentrate on Islam as well as the political and social history of the Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, ‘The first book he published monograph sudmanie i inni [The Muslim Brotherhood and Others}, Szezecin 1986. His one-year scholarship in Kuwait yielded a rich on the history of Kuwait: Zarys historié i ch Kuwejtu [An Outline of the History ‘and Socio-Economical Development of Kuwait] (with G. Kofczyk, Wroclaw 1989; Ceymniki integracji spolecznej Kuwejtu w okresie integration in the Pre- Oil Era], Warszawa 1990; Poczqtki paristwowose: Kuweict 1896-1904 [Beginnings of Kuwait's Statchood 1896-1904}, Warszawa 1991; Kuwejt. Raj utracony (Kuwait, Paradise Lost], Warszawa 191. The history of the Arabian Peninsula is studied in yet another book by Prof. J. Zdanowski Emiraty wahhabickie. Z dziejéw Arabii w latach 1745-1932 (The Wahhabite Emirates. History of Arabia 1745-1932}, Warszawa 1993. J. Zdanowski, who is also interested in the history of the Arab-European ties, published as wel n of reports on the Arabian peninsula written by European travellers and scholars: Arabia w opisach europejskich nikisw i badaezy XVHI-XX w. [Arabia as Described by Europea to work MA 1956, 116 Studia Arabistyczne i Islamistyczne 7, 1999 Studia Arabistyczne i Islamistyczne 7, 1999 17 Department of Religious Studies, IFIS PAN 1962-1964; from 1964 in the Department of African Studies, PAN (later the Centre for Studies on Non- European Counties); post-doctoral degree (IFIS PAN) 1972; a professor 1975. Professor Mrozek-Dumanowska is the author of some books devoted to the Arabic and Islami including: Koran a kultura arabska (Koran and Arabic Culture}, Warszawa 1967; Il jardd w Afryce. Somalia, Sudan i Libia [Islam and Nation Somali, Sudan, Libya), Warszawa 1973; Migdzy —ascety reformacjq. Islam w Libii [Between Asceticism and Reformation. Islam in Libya], Warszawa 1994, Prof. Mrozek-Dumanowska is also editor and co- author of many other books, including: W kregu religii krajow pozaeuropejskich (Religions of Non-European Countries), Warszawa 1985; W poszukiwanin prawdziwe) wiary. Wspdtezesne ruchy odnowy religijne) w krajach pozaeuropejskich [In Search for the True Faith, Contemporary Movements of Religious Revival in non-European Countries}, Warszawa 1995; Kobiety krajéw — pozaeuropejskich wobec probleméw wspétczesnosci [Women in non-European Countries Against the Problems of Contemporary World} , Warszawa 1995; Islam a demokracja (Islam and Democracy}, Warszawa 1999. Edward $zymatiski, presently professor at Bialystok University (MA, Philosophy, UJ, 1954; assistant, Oriental Studies, UJ 1954-1955; assistant lecturer, Oriental Department, PAN 1956-1960; Ph.D., Oriental Studies, UW 1960; lecturer 1960-1970; assistant professor 1970; post-doctoral degree, Arabic Studies, UW, 1978), beside his scholarly career, served also as an UN officer (1970-1975), in New York and Africa. In the late 197 he worked, as an assistant professor, for the Centre for Studies of Non= European Counties, PAN, and then as as professor and professor (1983) in the Institute of Socialist Countries, PAN. Since 1985 he: professor in the Institute of Social and Political Sciences, University of L6dé and in the Institute of Religious Studies in Cracov. Prof. Szymatiski the field of Arabic and Islamic Studies: Islam pierwotny [Early Islam], in: Zarys dziejdw religit [An Out ‘ory of Religions}, Warszawal968. Beside the questions activity was stant n. the subject d ede la Peoples of North Africa), Krakéw 1994, is devoted, above of the Berber culture. Elabieta Podhorska-Rektajtis. who has been working for the Centre for Studies of Non-European Countries since 1964, [MA (Oriental Studies) 1963, Ph.D. (Institute of History of Material Culture PAN) 1971, post- doctoral degree (IO UW) 1976, assistant professor 1976] concentrates in her research, above problems and cultural anthropology of North Africa and the Middle East. Her publications include, beside of numerous articles and papers, the following books: Byé —narodem, Problemy kultury wspdtezesnej Algierii (Being a Nation. Problems of Contemporary Alge re], Warszawa 1971; Maghreb wspdtczesny Z badax nad kontaktem i wsps Kultur’ [Contemporary Maghreb. Studies on Contacts and Co-Development of Cultures], Warsza- wa 1976; Liban. Ko i prays Roots and the Future of the Plur Over the years of its acti cooperated with the Centre for Studies on Non-European Countries. These included Teresa Stajuda, Ph.D. (MA 1968), whose studies were concentrated on question of the beginnings of modern Egyptian state, Her study rea is a book titled U Zrddet egipskiego nacjonalizmu. Egipskie ruchy polityezne 1882-1914 [Sources of Egyptian Nationalism. Egyptian Political Movements 1882 -1914], Wroclaw 1984, Another member of the Centre’s academic staff was Bogu w-Pardus Ph.D., whose are: es of Iraq and the ity. She is un a led Problemy Bliskiego i Srodkowego Wschodu w polityce nej_republikariskiego I (1958-1980) [Questions of the Middle East in (1958-1980)}, Warszawa 1990. Francit also cooperated with the Centre, is the author of numerous 4 book titled 500 zagadlek ze Swiata arabskiego [500 Riddles about the Arab World], (PhD. 1985), who has to the history Traktat 0 ikkiyya] by the same 1995) Studia Arabistyczne i Islamistyezne 7, 1999 19 8 Studia Arabistyezne i Islamistyczne 7, 1999 -ewicka (Ph.D. 1999), who for short time also cooperated the Centre for Studies on Non-European Countries (from 1999 in the Department of Arabic and I . Warsaw University), worked on the ideas of Muhammad significant share in the developement of Arabic and I Poland. Rev. Jerzy Noso’ ty, 1986), the Academy's eminent scholar, is the author of four important works: Teologia Kor e Theology of the Koran], Warszawa 1971; Warszawa 1971; and Polska literatura pole XVII i XVIII wieku. Wybor tekst6 Anti-Muslim Literature of XVI, XV: nd Commentary}, Warszawa 1974. His last work is ish of Ar-Risdla al-Quiayriyya, Warszawa 1997, rzepisy prawne Koranu (The Law of the Koran], XVI, i komen Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow ‘The beginnings of Arabic and jc Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Cracov are connected with the person of Prof. Tadeusz Kowalski (1889-1948, Ph.D. in Oriental Studies, Vienna 1911; post doctoral degree Cracow 1914, prof. 1919), who in 1919 founded a Seminar of Oriental Philology. It was transformed, after the World War J, into the Department of Oriental Philology. In the years 1919-1948, when he taught ‘tthe Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Prof. Kowalski worked in three ‘areas typical of most of the European Oriental departments, i.e, Arabic studies, Turcology, and Iranian Studies. In 1927 he became a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAU) and in 1939 was appointed secretary general of the Academy. which he performed until his death in. 1948. The fields of his interest and studies were m: | Arab sources (edition of divans of Qays [bi Zuhayr (edited, after his death, by Prof. T. state in X century as we king, Mieszko I (Relacja Ibrahima ibn podréty do krajéw stowiariskich w przekazie al-Bekriego [An number of works on I the Paths of Islam], Krak6w 1935. In 1997 a selection of his studies, Arabica et Islamica, was edited by M.M. Dziekan. The post-war development of Arabic and Islamic Studies in Poland owes much to three of Prof. Kowalski’s students: Ananiasz. Zajqezkowski [q.v., part | of this icle, SAI 6] and J6zef Bielawski, both of whom moved to Warsaw, well as Tadeusz Lewicki, who remained in Cracow. Tadeusz Lewicki (1906-1992) was a student of Z. Smogorzewski at Jan Kazimierz University in Lvov. Later on he moved to Cracov, where he joined the faculty of the Department of Oriental Philology and, after the death of Prof. Kow: of the Department he continued to hold this post until his retirement in 1976). In 1972 the Department was transformed into the Institute of Oriental Philology. Ibadite questions (Ewes ibadites nord-africaines and, fo lesser extent, on historical geography (Arabic external sou the history of Africa south of Sahara, Wroclaw 1969); Enudes Maghrébines et soudanaises, Warszawa, vol. | 1976, vol. 11 1983). He was the first to study Arabie sources for the history of the Eastern and Central i kraje sqsiednie w Swietle Ksiggi Rogera (Poland and for for the History of Slavs). Tadeusz Lewicki was a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and of several her learned Academies. His contribution to the edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam cannot be ignored here: he was the member of it editorial board and the author of many of its entries. Prof. T. Lewicki was Iso the scholarly editor of the complete Polish edition of The Arabia lights (1974). After the ret Czapkiewiez 1976, of Prof. T. Lew ee ‘Ancient Egyptian and Coptic Elements rary Egypt (Krakow 1971), The Verb in Modern Arabic Dialects as an Exponent of the Development Processes Occuring in (Wroctaw 1975). He also studied contemporary Arab literary ¢ (Arabic Idioms, Krakéw 1983) and jews of the Medieval Arab Philologists on Language and in the Light of ‘As-Suyiiti's Al-Muzhir, Krakow 1988). Prof, Czapkiewiez, whose interests included co-author, a number of books devoted to the Arabi Poland (e.g. Skarb dirhemdw = Czechowa (Dithem Treasure from Czechéw], Krakow 1967); Beside his scholarly publications Prof. Crapkiewice was a co-author of two textbooks for students of Arabic: Nata‘allam al-luga al-‘arabiyya (with A. Makki, Krakow 1979) and Chrestomatia arabskich tekstéw specjalistycznych [A Chrestomaty of Arabic Specialistic Texts] with E. Gérska, Krakéw 1982). ‘Another academic of the Jagiellonian University to work on the problems of Semitic linguistics is Prof. Andrzej Zaborski. His interests fe not limited to Arabic linguistics only but include, for example, also Ethiopian languages. As far as his publications on Arabic studies are concerned, two of his books should be mentioned here: Dialekt egipski Jezyka arabskiego (Egyptian Dialect of Arabic Language], Krakéw 1982, ‘and [Arabic Conversation Manual. Egyptian Dialect], Warszawa 1988. In 1998 Prof. Zaborski published a translation (with introduction and commentary) of a book Wspaniaty swiat Oceanu Indyjskiego Sulajména Kupca, Abi Zajda as-Sirafi i Buzurga thn Sahvijéva. Od literatury faktw do przygody i fantastyki (IX-X w.) [The Wonderful World of the Indian Ocean by Sulayman the Merchant, Abd Zayd as-Sirifi and Buzurg Ibn Sahriyir. From Tatsachenliteratur to Adventure and Fantasy (IX-X Centuries.)}. The work constitutes an important contribution to Polish studies on classical Arabic literature, Elibieta Gérska (Ph.D. 1987) is another linguistics special Crucov. Of her publications dealing with this area one should mention her doctoral dissertation: Word Transposition in Multiattributive Nominal Phrases i A Cracow in 1991 jated by professors T. Kowalski and T. Lewick Kowalska (Ph.D. 1965. pr es on Arabic geog! works on the Toponymy of from ied, {0 some ext arabskiego podrétnika Pawla, syna Makarego z Aleppo (The Ukraine in the Middle of XVII Century - an Account by Arab Traveller Bilus Ib Makariyiis al-Halabi], Warszawa 1986. Another field of Prof. Kowalska’s interest is connected with contemporary Arab literature, which has been the subject of a number of her articles and studies. Barbara Michalak-Pikulska (MA 1991, Ph.D. 1994, post-doctoral degree 1998) specialises in the history of the modern Arab literature, especially that of Kuwait and other Gulf states. She published a smal Volume of short stories by Layla al-*Utmin (Krakéw 1991) and three books devoted to contemporary Kuwaiti prose (two of them in Arabic): Turay al-Bagsami bayna ar-risa: wa-dl-galam, Gadie Gatiri, Al-Kuwayt 1997 and At-Turdt wa-dl-mu‘dsara fi ibda* Layla al-"Upmén, Bayrat 1997. Her latest monograph, The Contemporary Kuwaiti Short Story in Peace Time and War 1929-1995, was published in Krakéw 1998, Other members of the academic staff at the Department are: Burbara Ostafin, PhD, and ‘Adam Bieniek, Ph.D, both working in the field of classical Arabic literature Arabic and Islamic Studies in Poznari The youngest centre for Arabic Studies is the Department of Near and ‘Adam Mickiewicz Universi Poznait. Though established 1994, its history goes back to 1973, when the Institute of Linguistics was established. In 1991 the Institute was divided and thus the Chair of Comparative Linguistics and Oriental Studies came into existence. In 1994 the renamed Chair became the Chair of Oriental and Baltic Studies; the Department of the Near and Middle Eas* is 0 is Prof. Henryk Jankowski, a specialist in Terkish studies. His interests include also the Arabic studies—he is the author of a manual titled Wprowadzenie do jezyka iracko-arabskiego. Czese 1. Rozmdwki [Introduction to fragi Arabic. Part 1. Conversation Manual], Poznath 1987 and editor of proceedings of the Sth Conference of Polish Arabi A 1e 1997: the publication is titled Z Mekki do Pos Mecea to Pozna), Pozi Adnan Abb: who scho rag 122 Studia Arabistyczne i Islamistyczne 7, 1999 rowanych [A Practical Guide to the Arabic Language Students}, Krak6w 1988). He is also a co-author (with George Yacoub) of (1996). Beside his resulted in the publication devoted do the Arabic metrics: The Band as a New Form of Poetry in XVI Century Iraq, Poznaii 1994 and Studia nad prozodiq arabskq. Band i muwa¥Saha [Studies on Arabic Prosody. The Band and the MuwasSaha), Warszawa 1996. Jerzy Lacina, Ph.D, a graduate of the Department of Arabic Studies in Cracov, specialises in Arabic lingt led Wspdlczesna —specjalistycena te stoworwdreze na preykladzie stownictwa 2 techniki {Contemporary Arabic Scientific Ter nd Formative Processes on the Example of Chemistry, Physics and Technology). Jerzy Lacina is also the author of the Stownik polsko-arabski [Polish-Arabie i procesy fizyki i muculmariskich [Ele 1994. Another scholar wor a specialist in the history of Assyrian community and teacher of Arabic. s who cooperate with the Department concerned, one should mention Andrzej Drozd, MA, an eminent spe% in the author of an inter tekst liturgiczne w proektadcie na jezyk polski XVI wieku [Arabic Liturgical ing and it monograph A Texts in their XVII Century Polish Translation), M.M. Dzickan and T. Maja] of the book Meczety i cmentarze Ta polsko-litewskich [Mosques and Cemeteries of the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars], 1999. Other Centres ‘Studia Arabistyczne 1 Isiamustycene ,.777 123, historian Ge Wroclaw Stupsk where, iny years, for Poza ies, Jerzy Hauzifiski finally moved to ce 1997, he hax been the Rector of the School. Prof. in of the Middle Ages and the author of nume important works: two antholo Islam w feudalnych pari XV ow.) {Islam in Feudal Arab States and their Neighbouring Countries (VIL-XV Century), Poznaf 1976 and Kraje i dddziemno [Countries and Cultures of the Me monographs: Muzuhnariskasekta_—asasyndw pisiniennictwie wiekdw Srednich (The Islamic Sect of the Ass: Mediaeval European Writing}, Poznaf 1978 and Burzlive dzieje kalifatw rwach skie Krakéw 1993. Anna Barska, Ph.D is the author of two books devoted to the problems of contemporary

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