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43286 LA FIGLIA DEL REGGIMENTO. Opera IW TWO aoe as BY DONIZETTI, WITH ITALIAN WORDS, AND A NEW ENGLISH ADAPTATION — CHARLES LAMB KENNEY. EDITED BY J. PITTMAN. BOOSEY & CO,, 295, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W,, 9, EAST 17th STREET, NEW YORK, co S Keawy & Coy Printnny 95 Caan Roan, Loxnox, NW. INDEX. No. 1—OVERTURE.. 4. oe No, 2—INTRODUZIONE .. we No, 3.—RECITATIVO No, 4,—SCENA » DUETTO on No. 5—CAVATINA .. 0... ee No. 6,—RECITATIVO No. 7.—CORO » CANZONE No, 8.—RECITATIVO 2 CORO .. \ No. 9.—RECITATIVO x DUETTO .. | No, 10,-RECITATIVO No. 11.—CORO.. No. 12.—FINALE Imo... oe No. 13,—SEGUITO per FINALE Imo. \. No. 14—STRETTA pet FINALE Imo. No, 15.—RECITATIVO woe No,16.—TERZETTO .. «we No, 17.—RECITATIVO . No, 18—SCENA ep ARTA... No, 19.—RECITATIVO 1 No, 20—TERZETTO .. “ § RECITATIVO v.21 TIROLESE “ RECILATIVO a No, 22,SCENA z DUETTO vas} No. 1.—CABALETTA s CORO No, 2.—RECITATIVO No, 3.—ALTRO FINALE «B Vora dell’ appello” «Talvolta, & un poco” ACT I. « Armiamei in 7 Tr silence preparing. “Deh! mi reggete” Ah! pray assist me. «Corpo di mille Diavoli” Strike me, a thoxsand musket bas « Eecomi finalmente” Soon shall 4 woertads them, «No, no, Maria” No, no, Maria, nzio “Ciaseun lo dice” -. oe None can gainsay it, Ava ee March forward? “Twill soon be time to muster. To dity’s stern controling “T’hanno condotto seco” ‘See they conduct hin, from me, «Da quell’ istante” Bien feom the moment.” «Lo dico con il cuore” Ye, fom my ory ta re « Rataplan” Rataplan. « Ma, chi diavolo viene” Whe the dece is this coming? * Suo padre me Pha data” Lo me her father gives her. “Convien partir”. “Dear frients, farewel, “ Ah se voi mi lasciate” —s Al, talk not of departure. ACT II. “Si, mio caro Sulpizio” ‘Yes, my good friend | Suis “ Sorgeva il di” At dawning day. Mintek = Te sens tome. iechezze” weve Fickle fortune, “Voi gn? ewe ae You Mire! «Stretti insiem” 6. Bound by lve “Naw” .. + Yet surely, “Vostra nipote” Where is your niece? * Eccola” ‘She is here. ‘In questosen” ww ww On this fond bosom. APPENDIX. “Che scena” Oo How strangely. “Ecco le carte” wwe Here are the papers. “Salvezza alla Francia” To France all good wishes. AGE. 162 176 179 192 197 207 208 21 213 222 LA FIGLIA DEL REGGIMENTO. DRAMATIS PERSON. Manta se 7 oa Soprano. La Mancerss ” o . ws» -Mezto Soprano, La Contesaa .., - “ Mezzo Sopranq Tox = oo - we Tenore. Suxprzio ” oy oa cH Basso. OBrENst0 ” oy - ww» Basso, CapoRaLe - a - we Basso, Notaro ws on oe os a» Basso. Surprzto, sergeant of the 11th regiment of the army of Napoleon, having found a little girl on the field of battle, brings her up in the camp, and she is adppted as the laughter of the regiment. A letter from her father, a captain, addressed to the Marcnioness or BERKEN- FELD, is found upon her. ‘The girl is named Marra, and follows the profession of a vivanditre, In the Tyrol she meets Tonto, a peasant, who saves her life and falls in love with her, which she returns. Tonio pursues the regiment everywhere, is apprehended as a spy, and threatened with death. This, however, does not deter him from tracing the footsteps of his beloved, nor from demanding her as his wife from the regiment. The 11th, faithful to its paternal trust, holds a consultation, and agrees to give Maria to Tonio on condition that he enlists in the regiment, Tonio jumps at the offer, and becomes a soldier of the Grand Army. He is, nevertheless, disappointed in obtaining possession of Maria as soon as he expected. Sulpizio, meeting the Marchioness of Berkenfeld, remembers the letter he found with Maria, and gives it to her. ‘The Marchioness declares the vivandiére to be her niece, the offspring of a secret marriage of her sister with a French captain. She commands Maria to be delivered up to her, in order to educate her for the society to which her rank and fortune entitle her. The 11th, much to their chagrin, are bound to comply, and Tonio discovers that he has joined the ranks of the enemy to no purpose, Several years clapse. Maria is domiciled in the Chitean of Berkenfeld. She is no ‘onger a sutler-girl ; she is now a lady, and has masters to instruct her in dancing, singing, and the languages. But Maria cannot forget old times, ‘The drums and trumpets of the 11th sound sweeter in her imagination than the bravuras of her singing-master, or the sonatas of her pianoforte teacher. ‘To Tonio she remains constant through all changes. The haughty Marchioness is indignant at the unconstrained hilarity and free opinion of her niece, and endeavours to instil into her mind a proper sense of decorum, and a due regard for her situation. One day the well-known sounds of a band are heard. It is the 11th regiment, which takes possession of the Castle, having for its commanding officer no less a person than Tonio, who has made his way from the ranks by his conduct and bravery. A. joyous recogni- tion takes place between Maria and Tonio, who, now entitled by his rank, demands her in matriage from the Marchioness. The old lady, however, has promised her to a son of a Duchess, and Tonio declares he will carry off Maria by force. ‘To prevent this, the Marchioness declares Maria to be her own daughter—a fact she withheld to conceal a marriage she had made with one beneath her in rank—and claims obedience from her as a mother. Maria can- not refuse her mother, and, though in utter despair, consents to marry the young Duke. This poof of affection softens the Marchioness, who consents to the union of Maria and Tonio, ‘The scene is laid in the Swiss Tyrol. _ 24% As thore aro different versions of this opora in existence, it has boen doomed advisable to add an Appendix, in ‘which'will be found certain pieces occasionally given in pluco of ‘hose printed im the body of the work. ‘The prosent ‘dition will therefore contain the principal features ofall tho Italian and French copies. Ist—In place of the Chorus * Che dire?” the Cabalotia and Chorus “ Ue scena” avo frequently substituted. 2nd.—Aftor the Tirolese, which is played in the entr’acte, the second act sometimes commoncss with the Racit. “ Zeeo le carte” aa far as tho Torzetto * Sorgeva il di." Srd—Instead of ending tho Opera with the Duet Jn questo sen” the Finale “Salvesza alla Francia” is frequently ‘Adopted ; or sometimes an aria di bravura ig introduced by the artiste playing tho rolo of Maria, ‘When the Finale “ Salvesza alla Francia” is performed, the Opora ia transposed one half tone higher from the placa Indicated by * p. 217. OVERTURE. == a ae . ape. ‘The Royal Ealtion,—" La Figlia del Reggimento."—(1) ‘The Hoyal Bdition,—"*La Figlia del Reggimento."—(2) Gree e ‘The Royal Baition— La Figtia lel Reggimento."—<3) ‘The Royal Raltlon.—"La Figtia del Reggimento.”—(4) ‘The Royal Baition,—" La Figha del Reggimento."—(5) Ta Figlia del Regiment.“ 8) —_——_ — ‘The Royal Edition —"Ta Figlia det Reggimento."—(7 ) ‘The Royal Raliton.—“ Ea Piglia del Reggimento."~<8) 2 2 2. a fief ete: feet t ttt 1 Perere ren eoppe ete renee SS tS: vg. ets sts at == eee et Feme ee === es ev ‘Te Royal Baition,—M La Figlia del Reggineuto.’—(10 ) No, 2. Cono. INTRODUZIONE DELL Arto L Tenori. PP_ von. ((G2C= S Andante mosso, ee PP Prano. = _ aed = == ee =fe SF - miam-ciin si - len > aio. vis lence pre = Be rings The foe ~ Cins- si- sta Var- dir. Cono. Chd Vo - steay-ver- sa - ria gi, sem - bra With _sktt "and with da > Fog Het make” hin —= eo = 3 = f 2. e—— To - steav-ver - sa - tia sem - bra ve - nin... Wak skit Sand with de > ring ‘make him re - treat 2 ae SS Base See Ss ase ae Tue Royal Edition. —'*La Piglia del Reygimento,"—(11) = diam, ci jo - ow — thelr is welt 5 E t E Cono pt Done, Larghetto, = a he Hoyal Kuition,—" La Filia del Regeimento.’—(12 ) ‘hear cie - lo io! we c8 = sen Re fore a 08 = sen Me = fore Hum iro - stra, lum = by a stia te. bend Pa pro - stra - tin ay al fo + — — SF = —£-# E i Se in tal pe - ri - glio dan - ne mer - cd a ew = glio; in tal pe - i - glio dan + ne mer - cd. e a ( 2 = = eo — eee as Cie lo cle - men - te dan - ne mer - cd, in tal - F —— oso ag = S Cie lo cle men - te dan - ne mer - Kind "hoo se her ay Ty dee “oh I oun + = ‘Phe Royal Baition,— La Fighia del Reguimento."—(18 ) to —— — =. Z = oe fepteeadl - H- glo ro-stra-tin te, chie-diam con - si - glio, aor Ss, ny all bale “Ao ce in = pore hee + + i = = —. iG ae — w: 0- strat te, thio-diameon - i = gl ” Wie ump toe a ee ao (eee reso. sss SS =e ee = : eee ff 2144 eee == ===: VJ 5 —- lv dinm mer ~ (8, chie-diam mer sind, “Thy” Shap te = = é * 7 = 3, chie-diam mer ~ 03, chie- diam mer send, Thy help (0 send, Thy help to 9 sae. } T T oe Orrensto. 0... a . os =a — = Ma si cal-mi, yi-a, — Mar-che-sa, si ri - Gay “dy gat sertee_ Sh, heres wo Meno mosso, és Ne é ee =. s escs eee 7 ‘Mancursa, i. —s ee eS Se = os x ez (exe = ete = Onto = - met - ta, fac-cia cor! Da’ ne - mi-ci, oh! Di toe fequte Sere! eee nao we — at 2 a ee ‘Phe Royal Baition.— fa Piglia del Reza lmento.” (14) ———_ = Allegro vioace. = Sr = SS ee — 5 a a a Tenor yy ce e == es GiXTo - steav-ver ~ Our sill and our ~ — Bask? ae e+e, Ie ——= E = 2 GiaY'o - stoay-ver - Our skit and our ee ee ee See se ——S—t SSC ees wadded vavseaed Da’ nemi-ci, oh! Dio, sor = ‘hasty so diers 0»! ver 2. 2 — a4 = = Masi cl - mi! Gomemy “ie - iy! | - \] | Hi —— = = = Coe ; a ae «4 . a a, idYo- steay-ver- sa a a Sra and war de ng, ¢ . a e. =a : t set way = ———] sm tit, giiTo - steav-ver te ra, rsh! and. our [Fears | le Mar - che- sa! ma fae-eia ‘ma fac-cia No danger it there, de no dan- ger, sempre orese, SN Nt sh + re wee te. a = = ‘un vero or - ror, Sun ve-roor - ror! Te rad Gg Pani a dre = =e ep 7 Se aes = Mar- che - 8a, via froreia cor! Siprins. a = es Cie - lo cle - Bnd fa. >= = 6 333] 33s = et ett i eel cheimpor - ta 1: i te seper - 808 I’o-nor. What < tare et ib ee hm = oer ww tome 339 99-9 9p be = 5 —— fy cheimpor - ta In vi - ta seper - 908 To-non Whatat - tore at ast ant, hon > our ue moe ‘The Royal Huition.— La Figlia del Regimento."—(16 ) ee | a a cP etetetetetet. ei pelt ile | potte Pte See cee eet Ritornando al Lo. tempo. te 10, tempo. Mancusa, - = . ee ; = = : JZ se Cie - Jo cle - mn - ty ee - Jo pos - sen = ty ind” hea = ten hea = find” hen Few” hear “ Ontexso, 'S = = ee = ws eae — E - lo cl - men - te cig - Jo pos - > te fica ton heer s fiat” hea hee 8 s = = " s 2 - - men - te - Jo pos - gen = ty heer s tea Ren” Kaor = ‘s = = = = 7 =i . - men = te cie - Io pos - sen - toy heer s find hes en” hoor " ‘Ss = = = 2 Se = = Se : == Cie = lo cle - mn - ty cio = Jo pos = sen maveuto assai, ‘The Royal Raition —“ La Figs del Reggimento."—(17) > > : =—- = ewes ———} pro = stra-tia te, chie - diam con-si - lio, Dn mh fd ‘hee ‘an = iy at ~ now Hen, = x => Sa = Sn fe se eee = fot ‘he “om = “iy at SSS == = = r pro - stm-tia te, chie = diam con-si~ ag vee. fre ‘he am ‘iy al = a : led TT pro + stra-tia 0, chie - diam con-si- Bee ‘hee on = ty all : eee ee ez = = pro - stra-tia te, chie - diam con-si- a eee thee ‘om = ‘iy alt Tay help “oh” send! t ee, = i — | = 6: Zz ££ Z St S= =| oo tal po - H - glo da - 2 mr - ea! White dangers ar I ny ap RT” sar = a a > Y = = 33 z ei #4 i ; tal -on - ric - mer - cd! whe tan - dere mace ma dap ah end ee 2 ="—-# — t E in tal -on - ri dan - ne mer - cé! White dae - firs ~ nase a Ty nip" aend ‘The Royal =" fa Piglia del Reggiiento.’—(18) chiediam Thy help = 2 >. — a — E : te, chiediam “ ‘Thy help Ee 7 ea E Cie - cle = men te, chiediam mer = + Kine fen hear « “Thy help re - ‘diam. help eeee fftfter ES ECE: =f . chiediam mer - = hon te fens un ‘Thy help ms chie- diam mer 8, ab, chie- diam mer > eal Gy ‘ielp) oh.” sendy Thy’ ‘hulp oh mead 2 # a ————— chie-diam mer - 03, ah, chie-diam = mer - = - ed! he A es Ty leak tend “7 = 2 —— as ——F chie- diam mer - ed ‘Thy ‘help "oh cedy — + = chie- diam mer - ah, ehie- diam mer - =e! Son_ a’ ne ~ “Tay dlp) “ah Tay a - = chie-diam mer - Ty help ah sf s “$_¢ 3 Sea 2 i monti ab-ban-do - mountarns the French are now 72 na-ti, c0- raggio ami-ei treatang, And we are lft sagenty siam sal - Friends at a i 5 ad | — AF —= =, ‘The Roya! Ration. —" Ta Piglia del Roggimento."—(20) Ehiniento pa - @ - ra, ma vi - vail pia “Al fear disap * pear - ug, Now wk = come be f >— > > ee hi wien - fo pa-u - rm vi - va il pia- eer, ry Al fer dis = tip - pear = ings Wa comerow “ee eye X egos ap 2 Ehl mien - te pa-u - ra, ma vi-va il pin- eer, a Al fear” is = ap ~ pear > ing, Wa" emerge Tie” Gon N ~, Eh! nion vi- va il pia- Al four” dis - tp pear = Wat cmenow Tbe say, fiecivo, ——— Eh! nien - te uo. moma Mi fear” be Oy par oe, mareato, la _lo-ro ven-tu-ra non No more hall their daring oer lo-ro ven-tu - moreahall thir da * oe lo-fo ven-tu-7a non des no) more shall ther da~ rng our sham To-ro von-tu more tall their da | . = Sa eh! niente ee ee AM fear da-ep ~~ "per "ame me Bae ae 2 ee - + z = mm om i= wal pi la a we omens p. 2 te opa-u ds - 5 =s=8 ore ert 25 =" te pa- as. os — ae} In lo- ro yen-tu-ra aon des No morethall their dz ring our clam lo- ro ven-tu no, no, non des sore shall their da cur’ shim - bers, slum non des ~ cur hm lo- ro vén-tu-ra non des ‘more shall their daring Our sham Jo - ro yon-tu no, no, non des ‘more ehall their da our am = bers slum ‘Phe Hoyal Esicin La Pili del Hogimwouto,"—1 22 y pa ‘o> gar more shat o = gai more shall 0 - gai more shad gai swore shalt ‘The Royal Kuvion— La Pigs det Reggimento."—(28) ei!nien-te pa =u 4B fear dia-'p - pur rm, ing, eh! nien-te AU fear ia = eh! nien-to pa - w Ai fear dis bp» pear = al a - mor, te foe, vi-vail pia = oer, Wateaome na be” Sa pa - u-ra, = pear ing, mia vi-vail cer, Wal come now eH pa & sal-vo T'o~ Our honour ve silyodl'o-nor, —_eal-vodT'0 -nor, Thomour toe vey honour wwe eave, Toter-ra salva - tay Ourlandshallnot per > ih, ly, ly, “ cs In ter-ra sal - va-ta ri-na-sce all’ a-mor, Our land shallnot perish, £0 eelcime be jay, ch!niente pa =u - All fear dis-hp ~ pear Ja, Ja, a, la, la, 1a tay ly la. Ua, ch! nien-te pa “All feardie-ap ~ pear = —, ‘The Royal Haitiun. Tater-ra sal-va - ta, Ja, 1a, le, 1a,la, la, aio per ah, 42) a ae lator ay 42 rer ae Pee Ja, 1a, 1a, 1a, 1a, a, ta) tet oe ch nien-te pa - AM fear dis tp > Ja,Ja,0,1a,19, Ia,...- a Ua ta ay tty ly le tanta fay? 1a, & sal-vo Yo - cur hon-our we Ja pa-ce bra - ma - ta ral-legrao-gni_ cor, ral ~ legra o-gni Sve heecweal cer - th omemettme tll nowt nce mst eal SS 5 : la pa-ce bra - ma - ta, ral-legrao-gni cor, ral - legra o-zni soot fence alt cher ih qmenoteenkadl Boe, oma rh = ae ie Ja, la, te a a — ——. Ja, Ia, la, Ja, Ja, Ja, la, Ja, Ia, Ja, ie ky (a) ia) te) tal et _ Jayla, Ja, la, Ia, la, Ja, la, Ia, 1a, Ia, ta, la, ta, ta, la, la, ta, la, ta, la, Ia, bes So 6 a : ! 5 = > ==> f. oe fF cor, la ter-ra sal- ya - ta ri-nasceall’a - mor, see, Cur land tale Jer thy oon tint ty the Jor cor, Ja ter-ra sal - va ta ri-nasceall’a - mor, ot, Grrl emat™ yor 7 thy dante ty the” for _———. wee = Ia, Ja, Ia, la, la, Ja, ay Tey a, Ia, In, 1a, Ia, i Te le data te tal ta? tat bet —— ore la, Ja, la, Ja, Ia, la, la, la, la, a, Ja, Ja, a, a 1a? ta lak et tal lat ln! tata —. ——— la, Ja, In, Ia, la, Ja, la, la, la, Ia, la, la, Ta, la, fa, la, la, la, ia, lay tay lay ba, ta, la, bay . > > =. 2 ee > now eet S, lo - ro ven - tu- more shall their daring our’ slum ra non des lo- ro ven-tu - more shall ther da = ae wt no, no, ir? shee non des bers, sum 7 7 lo-ro yen- tu + ra non des To-r0 ven-tu - 7a, sore shall their da = moreahat at Gacrog or see —— ——_——— no, no, non des oe det - tom aoe eet ——S= = SS Ea glia det Roggimento."—(27 se lo - 10 yen tu on des-si to Be mere dll der a ar sowie ae Ia lo -r0 ven - tu Ne more shall their da + mor, no,n0,n0, non des-si_ to--mor, Fay, m0, our shoners an = aay a non des-si_ te - mer, our slumbers an ~ ay, 2 22 = mer, no,n0,n0, = yo, m6,'20, non des-si_ to ~ met, tur aunbers an ey, J, 1a, Ja, Ia, Ia, Ia, 1 4 tay ta) be! ia? e lal ta? bs Ee lay “1, Ja, ta, fy, fe, la, ee iy ‘The Royal Kaltion.—" La Figlis del Reggimento,’—( 28) Pit mosso. Z rmer,n0,n0,n0,n0,n0, no,no,nondessi te ~ tee amyl na ny hh “more curcemberson = ring wr thm ‘met,n0,n0,n0,n0,n0, no,no,non dessite = ge ny ne oy moor our = ¥ 1s, ke Ia, Ia, —Ia,)ayla,la,l0,10, 1a, 19,0, 1a, 0,1 2 2 Renee tt tL a a a _——h ts, ts, Ie, lajlajtalo,lo,fo, 1n,1a,fo, 10,10, ta, a, la, lay ta, lay Ja, la, ta, ta, ta, 1a, la, la, ta, ta, ia, ta, za 44 : - cor,la,1a,1a, 18, 1a, 18, la, 1a,Ja, 18, la, See ea a aly? ti Ul te kgs Se sees - a oe (3 eed ‘The Hoyal Bato Ta Figlia del Heggirsento."~/ 29 9 th, down - trod ral - lo = grao-gni once more ‘Shall te ral = le = grao-gui once more "Shall “we ri + na - sceall’ down = erat ty the Ti - na - sooall’ y cor, sno, 7 na - sceall’ f- mor, 1a, Ia, In, 1a, Ta, ‘fr, by lay by tay lee SRR] eats 5 a na - seal! a- ¥- mor, la, Ja, 1a, 1a, Ja, oes i ia,” ta) ta Jn, la, Jay 1 ey la tay!) tay tay 1a, Ja, na - sceall’ a - ‘mor, la, Ia, Ia, In, 1a, oes" ta tag lay tay tay Ja, 1a, Ta, Ja, 1a, Ia, fay tay taf ay ta "a Figlia del Reggimento."—(30 SS cor, la pace bra-ma-ta ral-le-grao-gni cor,. ion Ino, SweetFeacewe all cherish oncemore salle rotten — _ Tal-legrao-gni cor,. neewortshalce no. all’ a- mor, ral = le - mai cor, ral le ~ graogni ce SEE ee, ae 7 mere Shee 2. 2 # 22 7 Te = grao-goi cor, Te = gra ogni ure” ‘ll’ Ke kare wore al Se cs na = sceall’ a = mor, ti na - sceall’ a - wel ~ come be yy wel = come be pa - sce all teal = come be Ja ee. ma ecealla- mor. ri = wel ~ come de oy, Ow See.ces. ‘The Royal Edition “La Figlia del Reggimento."—/ 31 = le - grao-gni ee ee a sore” ha na = sce all” Da - scoall” @ - mores weal = ome eel come Be perenne o na - sce all! na sceall’ & ~ mor, oye PY ees ‘Phe Royal Editlon.—"* fa Figlis el Reggimenta,"=-( 32) No. 3. RECITATIVO DOPO L'IINTRODUZIONE. MAncuEsa, Voice, : Deh! mi reg-go-te per pio- ta, ra - gaz-2i, deh! non miabban - do - ‘Ah pray aint me Tam faint: goad per pley “do maty pray, de —ouO4#ADJ@II[[——> OntExs10. -ua-tel _E chi po-te-va im-ma-gi-nar-si ma-i, chil giomoappun-to, in cui vostra Eecel: Tart me! Who in thevorld could im ittwould hap-pen the ‘ee ry horn-ing when your ta~ dy-ships = len-20, di La-uf-fen ri-spet-ta-bi-le Mar-che-sa, al n8-ti- vo Castel vol-gea le honour the Mar-chwon-est highand wor-ap-ful of Lauffer, to your na tive do-main was just re = spal-le, vo-les-ser le mi-li-zie di Sa-vo-ja, _abbando-nandoauntrattole frontie-re, le marcie ri -pi- «theming, hat the trope ofthe king = dom of Sap, sud-dem ly leaving. be-hind them the frontier, a gainshoudyo om ‘The Royal Bdition.— La Figlia del Regyimento,"—(88) Maneuesa. + gliar! Ma che far deg gio? andar in-man=zi, op = pur tor- na-read - Bore! wnat hat SERRE ohn Boe, PR or are OntENst0, ro . = = 7 aia + . ~dietro? Ma, Ee-eeblenza— _In-da- gate, ve-de-te, Soovsteps? Well, now,my la~dy—Thinkit 9 . Mancuesa, ee emma! la vettu-r, ditem Ortensio, eth pol si-cu-ra? In quantonquesto— Ancditoy firto pinion? —-Asout the carriage to, tell me, Ortensio, ts i quite in taferty ? Weld at that pont Then hasie a= nt t pre - sto, chd fra co = sto-ro ad a-spet-tar-viio re - sto! duck - yy while with these peo = ple Twill a wait your ean ~ ug! ‘The Royal Ratti “La Piglia et Reggimento-"~ 34 > SCENA E DUETTO. Suipizo. Gor = po di mil - le Strike" he, @ tow» mand Sriz-20-ri! camper ith! ff, £ errr > FF, fo Le: - Te-mo-nodel-la guer-ra, ed in-ve-co abbiam la War set themall a» trembling Nowthateo-ver and peace it a = apo pence, sul palm delta th osgni loco sor- titoeil ma~ni - Gn-quer'd, “at feat with core well grasp i. In eo v'ry quarto ‘appears the ‘mam > 7, te eR eee ~ fe-ato, ¢ tut-tiquelli che sdegnan di Savo. guitar Te bandie-ra, pos-so-no Fimarner-si, '@ buon 1 Ja toad all tose lies wh sl from Saroy’sbabmeroedkng dovnon its glares, May alitey tn thar homer nw, Bad ck go a = ————— Ma, chiar - 1 - va? Who! comes here now? ‘scom-met - “Tis some i ca- me - ma- ta, cour brave comrades, 7 e.# 2 > ye-ro, 3 Ma-ri-a, In fi-glia no-stra, Tas hen, ue Ma-re = ay our darling daughter, Ja perlaeTorna-men-to dell’ the pearl the precious jew-e of ‘un-de- cimo invit-to reg-gi ~ ur re = gomentcalld thebraves ~ RECIT, ee f—»—¢ 2 aa a fe =" = — 2 uh! veh!un poy wel Jad gon - fi - lof pit fe- l= oe esse puotoll mg-ei - re, Tat RTF ahare fair Gnd Tame "yet Ban tere eo sera) ret-hent onl atl poe = > Manta. ui a peciee cara ee eae Recor alot sprre-me s = men-to, che tal fi- glia pos - Tian ing Such a bere Ste Ne zy. a PP ZZ cremolo, ¢ - 0 cheha ve - glia-to con af-fot - to pa - ter-no aglian-ni miei Z ZW 2 Zz 3 a = : zZ Z 2 Fe. 2 : = = Ss a - mama 7 Ban ;. Nond ve-ro® E-gligol - tan-to miser-vii di padre, di fa-miglia @ pa = sii-hoad, —Trweat got pal! They ond they on sly weeremy watch-fal prevents, T° no o- ther. ith or SuLryzto. Marna. > = =ren-ti, Non 8 ve-r0? Ma poi, senzaa-du-lar - mi, di fargli ono-teio cre - do. demtred, True as gos prt? 1 dawtwant to be eoneatt - ely) but, come, I dont dirgrace them, ‘The Royal Edition —'"Ta Figlia del Regutmento."—(37 ) oe Marra. =e Sat = waa Z ; = Sen - za dub-bio! gen - til co-meun a - mo-re— © Dun mi- Rota doubt ont! Where find suoh a eect” beauty? What's more, a - te - io chiudoin pet - to il co - am eNom” sage at das Ap- par - vial-la la ce sul sounds of guer ~ rier del tam mio the po fit sew ight, Ava ‘the don was omy rat = ty my ‘The Royal Raition.— Ta Figlia del Reggimento.”—(981 Saf -fret - taal - Ia . Then haste wm z oe” “ing SSS _ ja, vit-to - = fea “woe eS - do do + nor, Sa-vo - - ey ng ony St = roy tia, vit- to % om sto 2g. a ‘The Royal Baltion.—‘La Figlis del Reggimento.”—( 89 ) ——— it _ ee nor, Bil ty gy Surem0. gti-do....,, do - nor, (lo Vhoedu - fal = iy mg ery. "Twas J who = =~ 2 . EE te —-#- o— ef fe 4, a [see f f f Se = ca - ta, non, e® che di - re, conquel sen - ti - re,coque vi - gor, u- na Du- teupit” her, "te this 2 brought ert how quik and reas dy’ “ie the and shart, No i= dled rau z f = = ES = = ‘i = + S Hoss Eg = rail —— “2: # 7 i. — a ay = ches - sa non pud van - ta - re pill no- bil ‘ean Ooast fa - ro, pitama-bil cor, no, no, no, of weer = ing "a ‘ao der det ~ fag, a gentler fort, name a a =a ee nonpudyan = ta = re pitmo-bil cor. eur ing, ba gentler heart, fn Wer iV a ap o> par + vial-la 4 mid sounds of = eae ae oe ‘The Royal Edition.—"La Piglis del Reggimento.’~( 40) : Se _ 1: 2 one ail eg estes he oes o_ gee SSF Fe > -parvealla lu- 1 cam-poguer-rier, sul eam- : AP eiat tots ae ‘the first tothe ght, she Sat deo the ———. o ep see fF SSS SS eet —— at fee. of. at off. -0f. 5959593 85 re ssaon del tam-bu = = ro 50-10 pincer, mio s0-lo pia ~cer, saf- ‘ron was my rat Hey ‘mg earthly Wevlight, ny earthly We ~ gh’ Then ; 3 —e. Ne eepes i eee oe = rier, @il suon del tambu- ro. suo so-lo pia-cer, sto so-lo pia-cer, i hedran wes her at ty fer cary Hes igh, har carly erg, fret + taal - Ia glo - ria in = tro - pi - doil haste we to glo ry with hearts at = ing staffret-ta, s‘af-fret-ta alla Then hastewe to glo ry, t0 cs ‘The Royal Baition.—s'La Figlia del Reggimento."—( 41) - jay vit - to iets ae glo-riacon fer-vi-do cor, ja, vi it eilgridod’o glory with heartsdeating igh fur ally tia, vit - to nor, vit = to-ria oh! quantod bella, a Ur emeey fl ta Pit moeo a : 78: r = =}-e 2 = 7 t — : a =$ - = = pall, <5 pee a temp ——~ = F =—=— be ee ee o — = oi = gm- do do - nor; Sa-vo - ja, vit-to - ia, Be ee ey een Bo Seley font —~. — "pp =e § = Ae Sa-vo = ja, vit-to = tia, ‘Sa - wy, yes, Sa ~ vay Faw't —_e = a { ——s Se olla pate, ao => s “2 3g. ete ao = ES + t rs i ‘Z ae ‘The Royal Haition.— La Figlia del Reggimento.”—(42) 7 Se ts — won pteee . ——— a4 - + Rail gidod'o = = = : fy shade our ra ying, = to-ria, ah! dil griedod’o-nor sto my te aur Fab ying ry ee eet Oh che bel ahi Blt for = eae aa =e ee of gor - no fuquelcheil ie - lo, an-cor fan -duh - la tobfer = sea ToT the day then ea” ven Thy on fant tures sent ———~ ~ # = ct eee = FSS 35 _ = aa ae == = Z a juandoil tuo pi - tuxbdil si - Jen = aio Sy pti -tce oat tay the sv=lonce Break ty —__ 7, So teen ‘The Royal Raition,— La Piglio lel Reggimento.’—C43) ro che accor - 90 a next > ee. ~ toad thee Marta. == cs setae tl pe iso. dre dol-ce a-mo - ther with fout af > > == SAE - = ae 7 o= eS fo eee eae 1 = s0 sul pro-prio. dor - so re-com - mi al - ory © me-rail tion, Cp Tim Mis) snow "dora thon bre mein turd 4 ater Ife ‘Suxpizio. SSS ae t ; Se ef se co di mu-ni = zio = ne @ognialtra cul - la ‘ben pid mi - sack for safe pro tet = ition Se at are dle to ght-ly ai i ae ee fe dol-es son-no gu-sta-vanl - lor, _ mentre il tam « ‘5 Here seas 7 crap i chon ter "pro fend, While the drone tnd Suupiao. 2s pp oe pe F Pee ee ——— =e ve E dolce son-no gu-sta- vial -lor, ‘men - toil tam - ‘There wera you wrapt in slumber pro fount, While drums and i ——_—— *- = = = i calla parte, oe 2. 7 wz == ‘The Royal Bilition.—" La Figlia del Reggimento.”—( 44) a RORSE Ras. = E* se Ta = mor, (Or poi che 80 - nO id gran-di - tag "pond, Bit koe Tm goon” ep Mee Sh mane = = See = -bu- ro fa-cea ro - mor, ‘rum © pete were rat = SBsssss Stsss ss —————— —— = G= Ea E i i -el = In cascunla ma - no por = teal bon - net— el ee eed eee of le = S = a & la con- se-gni 2k ee a Fe that, Ate e —— - *. a = «se > z “ i =I es = —, (ee e = pt va - gaz - mt ‘bel, = Ta,d que-stoo-mag - gio do -vu toa sr woe te Wee eS ie [eos] A > ae es a ay ar o 2 3s 3 5 = were te > eee > > Soa ie jou Y athare all in fous 0 oi di- vi - do stl eampo o; tne NEHOF, aaa fo- ste © buon a ~ ray! Dh atte tem pest meze= 19 Weese-see: a pe ai fe ti ti fireen-do ‘The Royal Edition," La Piglia del Reggimento,"—( 45) Quindial-ta se-ra_al-In can - Bio strives te please you when you'reca- cor, la. de-strastrin-gi del vin - ei - tor. + gues, Youcheorthe vie forwith ho = nied ame, —— pe Eee Eee, SSS te. 2. 2. 2 £2 0-0-0 Sgt ES et ——__= a tempo. ———— ae — c ——— te —— -ti = na, chi vin co-rag-gia? chiv'af-fe - sei-na? = row” ai! Wie song end jeotcing your opt -rit rousing? Scxpizo. _— 6 ee = = In noi chi de-sta le- ti-rine ar-dir? sei tu, sei tu, non ¢'8 che Who tids us sor-row and fear de = fy? "Tis you, ‘tis you, none can de yoo E qain-diin del mio ta - aie at en fad -ai - ra-ton, By we w a ‘The Royal Baltion.—"' La Piglia dle! Reggimento.”—( 46) Noh SNe ed os fe = picm “W reg-gi - mento sua vi-van-die-ra mi no- mi TLonnes and de dia > martin Twas p= pointed your wi oan - = nl ‘Ab, i reg-gi Yer’ ye, 1 wee ap = pontel your au 2e_¢_9_ De —- ae = ae = 5 sta vi-van - die-ra a vor W~ na-hi-mi il rex-gi - ‘ur ewan dice gee, by ele ms sy yeu ee op = = —— = vale ¢ ape: 70 fe = =e ; — St * a £ . — ess eet 2-| jaa E eee nd. Son persua - i-ma che al = feglia io pur co-glial-tri s - = dite, and Pathe tied noon woe Ndr Up Bi ny Bem: onde tre iy fe sehiop-pijo sein Bo ~ Jey bom-Bee mi « the mus helo flash, the can - nonts loud est ae §s-prie pu - gnes, Brave Pig) shee” i gnan = do Tria - dar Pe eile Je) = tra - glia, con voi pu - aut Man = ger sight, than = der,’ Fight = ong wit = = Boa on! sa- pria sf ~ a, dion = Ger wot = darie! Seun firglio al sight? Weer” took la glo-ria At night T ques? 8 1 uest par - lar, alt a+ fire! vo = glio, trom Se 7 ‘The Moyal Eaition.—" La Figlia del Reggimento."—(48) = diary ace sarc the ¥ =o oe g——s— 2“ = =s === i 2 ; vo. > ees ————— == = suol Yun - de = d-mo gr - Brae oe. le wenth be Ser fe £° Fz 2. es $ $$ euol Tun - de _ | ~ dar, # ony? ipl the > pel es aE ig ee geaeer] vee ‘The Royal Raition.—“Ta Piglia del Reggimento,”. ae oe (49) SSE lu- ee int He cam-po guerrier, sul cam-po guer-rier, al suon del tam-bu fit Ew The tht? She fiat a he gn The drum wat ter rat = ty eof le rf ass - os 3 =a a = s0-lo pia-cer, mio solo pia- ger, rm~ta-plan, ra-taplan, ra-ta - plan, ma-ta-plan, ra-ta-plan,ra-ta = corny Henaght, my er-a de~ light, ras taxplany pa ~taylan, rata ~ plan, raecta-play, ructaplen, ra ta = suo s0-1o, suo so-lo pia her ear ty her carly We = ‘The Koyal Baition.—"'La Figlia del Reggimento," 50) m, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan Tam Bion’ Siam’ Bien” bien? Wen” Bien bien o-taple plan, ra ta-plan,ra-ta-plan mee apap aaron iaaaae lan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, xa-ta-plan, ra-ta-p Parts len Pleat an plan! raees ae ents tlawtea® a pla n-trplan, ra-tanplan, Dn ne-ta-blen! peste en’ re-ta, plan, i plan, rata ~ plan, ra-torpl plan, ta-fo-plan, ro Eien’ vasta = plan’ rete ble, . = Btn ra plan re Fevta-plan, re-ta-plan, tata ~ plant ggg aap for Iv pectec plan rasta plon! a-ta ~ Blan! T go ty OT one = pet plan il suo gridoil suo gri-do Po - nor, Dolan! Re in bat tie our’ Fal-ty-ing ery, fra tor ‘The Royal aition.—* La Piglia del Reguvmento,"—(51} = nor! pro-sent ! a petal pee epee 2 | a ee eb oe A oe ee = nor! Vi-van-die ~ ra del rog-gi- mento, plan, plan,ra-taplan, ra-ta - plan, ra-ta-plan,en a-vant,en & - ‘Oy of the brace and gal-tent eleventh, lam plan rataplan, rata = plan, rata ples, forward, marchfortcord, fe oreo) geo es a a PT PTLD —s- se Ser-gen - te del reg-gi- men-to! en a-yant,ra-ta- Thebrave end gal-lante ~Te-venth! forswerd, match, rata 2S — = vant m-ta-plan.en avant, rata ~ plan, imiroh, rata plum, forward march, ree ~ plan, resent ! Went! ays a; ‘The Royal Kdition —“ La Figlia del Reggimento."—<&2) —— stringendo molto, plan,en a-vant,ta-ta-plan,ra-ta-planjen a-vant,en a-vant,en a - vant! Fnlan, in the wan, 'ra -(@-plen, rata ~ plan, in the wan, in the van, sn the tan! en a-vant,ra-ta-plan,ra-ta~ plan,en a-vant,en a-vanten_a-vant,2il suo suo gri-do d’o- forward, march, rata plan ro. taplan, forward, march,forward, march, inthe wan! Be in bat = tle our ral ly ~ ing strmgendo motto. mi chie - ma V'o- nor Te go ry TB Yo = nor, Sa-vo - jy vitto - - fa, Sevo - = ? Ay Savy ad Mets rial! Saceey - do @o = nor, Sa-vojaevit-toria, dilsuogri-dod’o-nor, Sa-vo-jac vit- ¥ ig ery Sacvey Wil ie - tors be our Fal = iy ing ery Soveor Hl wie ~ pit mosso, a a 20, f f pp e ‘The Royal Rattion,—" La Figlis del Reygimento,”—(53) z ~ torla, Bil suogrido d’o-nor, torioet Ye our Pally ing ony Nees rataplan,ra-ta-plan, ra-taplan, rata plan, ra-taplan rata ~ 10-1 plan ata pla, rata: plan rat 10-ta*planra-ta + fee ff = ci Ce Hi wee 7 vit - to - ria, ail mio | . owt, Sq - pl ra-ta-plan, rata - plan, ia, Bil suo ie Riese oe a a aera eee. 7 gee ‘The Royal Bdition.—"La Pigtia det Rexgiment."—: 54) mi- do do Eel ys tg do do y= ing 2 ee Woe nore ow ery 2 i a = do Wonor,... FW sing oy: a £ ye = ta-plan, ra - ta-plan, ra- ta- a > ta-plan, ex -ta- plan, raf © SS ‘The Royal Hdition.—'"La Figlia del Reggimento,"—(65) No, 5. CAVATINA, Allegro moderato. |g p> Sssesss: ‘The Royal Haltion —" La Wiglin del Reggimento,”—(58) REOIT. Ee-co-mi fi-nal-men-te, A quo-sta par-te si di - res-ser le trup-pe, ea ge-vol Soom shall 70> ter = take them, The tops are Vall in this ai ~ ree ~ ton now marching, but nimble Pp ~ a, for-se mi sa-rh di ve-der co-lei chea-do-ro, la mingen-th = Ma - hea 1 indeed must be toeateh sight of her I worship, My fair, ‘my oun = Ma - ia | | afenpon Quando vi-sta a - vid s'el-la ri-spon-de al la When at last we hove mit, if she renturns my fond af - p> — BECIT. ‘The Royal Edition.—"*Ta Piglia del Regaimento."- (57) fiam -ma che m‘ar-de; se da lei son nia-ma-to, senza cer-car di BB wi fo al - + fe tint hark if my love is “te qus tal, ‘not a_o 2 Se _ Se ee Til turn a Soor-so poi qual-che sada Bee, ene tem-po, spo-s0 la vi ein ap-pa- ren- 2a, ee - eo - mi Tuom pid awed, aly mp dr P taka” “hen” te? gute” the mat hep By f Se ma, se per ca-soin Ya? me YF ate rucs-sia ta - Ie, di su = lirsi-noad es- ser ge-ne - hase Brave)? tae Troe tothe vont hee at ‘The Roval Eiition.~“ Za Pigtia det Rezgimento,”—( 58 of le, al-lor co-me si fa? oe ee at least to something high, vievan-die - ra pit mi con - ver-reb-be, ein mez-z0 a mil-le evr om diere wld ot Jor ‘ne “be mit = ed? And while they alt paid you = o-mag-gi,o-n0 - ri, com-pli - men = tie fe - ste, ca-roilmio ge-ne- ral, (a) thousand com ~ pllements and gave you ban gueth, say my ge He Pal brave Allegretto, ‘acere. a a moments co= sa fa~r0 - ste? Fe-ste? pom-pe? o- mag-gi? o- shawl you oy pray? Ben gues, "yar ST at = tow tons, and Fee a nm a» _(Parlante.) ri? La mia sor - te can - ge Oi- bd! che cangia - eure?) Shall my for - tuner thus Cer Fie on the worideat = ‘The Royal Baition,—""La Figlla del Reggimento."—( 59 ) = men = 6! of - bd! che = mon - ti! che pom-poecom-pli - men ti! che pom-pee com- 2 Mtoe tims, on rank, om “Gs ee, pon = sens! Fie Von The worldsat = Yen's tons, “on anh ton “Rs rd dolee, > = men - tit Jo son un wom di cer - co in-cen - si @ pensions! T'm_ one howe how thie world wayh, 1 emt” nota Fas es In-scioi miei co - stu-mi eer would change my ta tom Mi - men - ti! oi- bd che can-gia - men - ti! oi-b0 cho fa-sti, the worlds at fen = tons! om rank, on th pen sions, fle on all’ pomp and pom-pe, can-giamen-ti, com-pli-men-ti! Jo son un uom di mon-do, Seasts, the world's attentions t= tet, pen= tone! T'm ont nce hows thie world wag, pet FF ‘The Royal Eaition,—" La Figlia del Reaagimente”—( 60)

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