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Business Introduction/Summary

We provide photovoltaic (“PV”) based power systems for the agricultural, commercial,
industrial and residential markets in California, Oregon, Texas, New Mexico, and Nevada. Through our
operating subsidiaries, we design, arrange financing, integrate, install, and manage systems ranging in
size from 2kW (kilowatt) for residential loads to multi MW (megawatt) systems for larger commercial
projects. Commercial installations have included office buildings, manufacturing plants, warehouses,
and agricultural facilities such as farms, wineries, and dairies. The Company provides a full range of
installation services to our solar energy customers including design, system engineering, procurement,
permitting, construction, grid connection, warranty, system monitoring and maintenance.

Technology and Intellectual Property

Generally, the solar installation business is not dependent on intellectual property. Research
and development costs for the development of the 3D cell ended in 2016.
In 2015, we spent $53,000 for research and patent work for a 3-dimensional solar cell. As the
price of existing solar modules has dropped, the risk and projected cost to further develop, test and
manufacture the 3-dimensional cell is not justifiable. The Company received a patent for the 3-
dimensional solar cell for China during 2016.
During 2015, we have invested in the development and implementation of Vista by
Viewpoint, an enterprise management system, to facilitate the integration and management of our
recent and any future acquisitions. We began working with the new software in 2016 for accounting.
Additional functionality will be added overtime.

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