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1. Position Level
This position is about Position and title. People follow because
they are compelled to follow. They do not give much effort or
It may be hard to get people to give much or be motivated in this
level as there is nothing pushing people to follow except for that
the leader has a title and salary to prove leadership.

2. Permission Level
At the permission level people follow you because they want to
follow. Solid relationships based on trust have been built in this
Leaders get to know their people and connect with them at a
personal level.

3. Production level
At the production level the leader leads by example, people
follow and do what they see. At this level leaders can motivate
people to a level where moral improves, goals are achieved, and
company profits grow.

4. People Development
The leaders invest in developing and growing others. People will
follow you as a leader based on your track record and what you as
a leader has achieved and how you as a leader has impacted their
personal lives.
When people feel understood and appreciated, they are willing to
go an extra mile and give more of their time, their abilities, and
their knowledge.

5. Pinnacle
The bases of this level are respect for being a knowledgeable and
experienced leader. As a leader in this level, you can see
opportunities of growth in others that other leaders cannot see.
The leader must be 100% invested in others and the growth of the

Mr. Steve Boloko is struggling with employees who are not pulling
their weight and struggling to motivate other employees, it is
evident that he is in the first level of leadership which is the level
of Position where people are not pulling their weight and not
giving 100% to their work.

Mr. Boloko may have been recently appointed into the position
and has not gained the trust of those he is leading. To make
progress in this level Mr. Boloko must invest in his own growth
and potential as a leader buy attending training session relevant
to his position, learning more about the position and the work he
is to be doing and start building relationships with a few people
who are willing to give him the chance this will assist him to get
an understanding with the whole team if he starts with the few.

As he develops himself personally first, he will be able to develop

others moving him to the next level of leadership.

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