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1. Friction is a … beetwen …. That are sliding and they must ….

With each other

2. What is less friction?
3. Friction occurs because?
4. what causes the greater amount of friction?
5. The amount of friction depends on 2 factors, they are?
6. When the tube is rolled over a rough or smooth surface Will the tube roll less over a smoother
surface or a rougher surface? Why?
7. Andi pushes a 120 pound box and Reza pushes an 80 pound box, who has more friction and
8. The amount of surface area affects ….. between objects in …. and …..
9. Why the amount of surface area in contact does not affect friction between two solids?
10. the friction between two moving surfaces is?
11. friction that occurs between surfaces in motion that are rolling in which one of the surfaces is a
wheel, roller, or ball is?
12. a friction force that opposes the direction of motion of an object that occurs when solid surfaces
slide over one another is?
13. When a force is applied to an object but the object is not moving it is called ….
14. How to reduce friction?
15. How to increase friction?
16. explain the advantages and disadvantages of friction?
17. Name three common items you might use to increase friction?

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