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Anagram generater.
Lip reading
Mary Beth wrote in and asked, “Do you have any Psychic Tools I can use to act like I can read
minds? Any psychic trick’s would be welcome.”
This website wasn’t meant to teach these tricks, but I’ll give it a whirl. I’ll also teach you how
to read lips at the same time because this was another question recently sent to me.
First a Party Trick
Would you like to be able to fool people into thinking you have a Psychic friend who is just a
phone call away? This trick will work everytime as long as the psychic friend answers the
phone? Tell the friend that when you call they should:
Start rattling off the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, … J, Q, K, A (with a slight pause between each)
You will say, “Hello psychic friend”, when they get to the right face card number
Now they will say, “Clubs, Hearts, Spades, Diamonds”
When they get to the right suit say, “Please predict my friends card” and hand the mark the
Note: You could also make a statement that begins with the letter of the proper suit to make
the trick that more amazing. Diamond – “Do you have the psychic there?”

Psychic Trick Speed Reading

Now, I’ll read your mind from across the internet:
You are often critical of yourself.
Some people find you hard to deal with. But, your a very nice person once people get to
know you.
You have a need to have other people like you.
You have considerable abilities that you have trouble using to get ahead
At times you have doubts as to whether you have made the right decision in the past or not
While you act as if your in control, you often feel very insecure
Your proud of the fact that your an independent thinker and don’t accept others beliefs
without proof
You prefer a certain amount of variety and change in life
You know deep down that some of your aspirations are unrealistic
You don’t like feeling as if you are restricted or limited from doing what you want
You have found it is a bad idea to tell people the truth all of the time
And, finally security is one of your major goals in life
It’s extremely easy to get someone to think you can read their mind. Just follow this script
and you’ll have them eating out of your hand. All I did here was state a bunch of truism’s.
What is Concerning You?
I love studying eye accessing clues. They tell you so much about how a persons mind work’s.
You could start off your psychic reading by saying:
“I want to get in tune with you.”
“I want you to either see now something you’ve seen that is bothering you?”
“Or, think about something you heard that might sound right?”
“Or, maybe you feel something that occurred to you is more important?”
“Make your choice, and I’ll devine which is more important.”
If you prod them to think about these situation’s intently, their eye’s will move in very
specific directions.
If they are remembering something they saw, they will look up and to your right.
If they are remembering something they heard, they will look sideways and to your right.
If they remember a feeling, they look down and to their left.
If in doubt focus on what they saw
Think of a Name : Takes Practice
Psychics ask people to think of a name and then go on to tell them who they are thinking
about. How do they do this? I’ll explain how this is done in a cold read situation. Of course
they could just:
State common names like: James, John, Robert, Michael, William, David, etc.
Gather the information ahead of time
If they did neither of these, they could just read your lips. When someone is trying to think of
a word they mouth out part, or all the word unconsciously. If you get them to sit up straight
you can clearly see these slight mouth and throat movements.
If you don’t catch them mouthing out the name the first time, give them an embedded
command by saying, “don’t …(pause)… say it out load.”
I’ll list every mouth and throat movement in a second. If you are having trouble, instead ask
them to think of a single digit number that is important to them.
Think of a Number from 1 to 9
More than likely it will be 7 because a high percentage of people pick that number when
they are asked this question. But, we are going to instead read their lip’s. Here is how:
1: The lips will round, like they are making a W sound
2: The tongue touches the back of the upper teeth and the roof of the mouth
3: The tongue appears between the teeth
4: Bottom lip touches the top teeth and they make a slight frown
5: Bottom lip touches the top teeth and they make a slight smile
6: Tongue lightly touches the roof of the mouth and they make a slight smile
7: Tongue lightly touches the roof of the mouth and they make a slight frown
8: The lower lip bends into a smile
9: You’ll clearly see the bottom of the tongue
Lip Reading
Below are the mouth movements used when speaking:
a: Tongue is pushed into the bottom of the mouth and eye browse raise
b: Both lips close and then reopen
c: Tongue is pushed into the bottom of the mouth and the eye browse don’t raise
d: Tongue touches behind upper teeth and then appears between teeth
e: Tongue pushes on the back of the bottom teeth
f: Bottom lip touches the top teeth
g: Tongue is arched in the mouth and lightly touches the back of lower teeth
h: Mouth moves as if person is exhaling
i: Tongue touches the top of the lower teeth
j: Tongue touches the roof of the mouth, teeth touch and then part
k: Tongue arches and presses into back of lower teeth
l: Tongue touches the bottom of the upper teeth
m: Lips pucker and then reopen
n: Tongue touches right behind upper teeth
o: Mouth makes an o shape
p: Lips pucker, mouth inflates and then an exhale
q: Tongue arches and mouth slowly starts to close but doesn’t
r: Mouth puckers but doesn’t close and then parts to form an upper case o
s: Tongue appears between the teeth as the jaw remains slack
t: Tongue touches behind the upper teeth and then falls to the bottom of the mouth
u: Similar to o, because they sound alike
v: Lower lip touches the upper teeth
w: Lips pucker but don’t close and then form an o shape
y: Face makes a slight snarl and eyebrows drop

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