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+e He istind of Monte Crile Le Dantas was carrying a knife in his hand, and he /managed to cal the sack open, But the stones ted to his foot were sil pling him downwards, so he searches forthe rope and cut i, Then he swasn powerfully upwards, and bis asad came up ot ofthe water. He went down again at once, tnd swam onder the water for dty metres. When he eae tap again, he saw a black cloudy sky above the black stormy ea azound him, Behind him, blacker than the sky oF se, stood the castle on ts rack. And on the cetle walls he could see the shapes of two men, looking down over the ea ‘Pochaps they've realized it wasn't a déad body that they Ure over the wall!” Danis thought He swam undeewater ‘Tong. way; and when he came up agnin, hé could not see ‘the guards any more. He went om swimming in the darkness, ‘and when his foot hit ek. he realized he was on land. ‘Although a strong wind wus Blowing and rain was falling, he vas very tired and he fl asleep on the ened, ‘When he woke up, he resized he was on Tbouln, a small ‘sland where noone tved. He noticed a smal ishing boat In the water, near the rocks He tied to warn the sailors, but ceosy they could not steer thelr bost away from the danger. ‘There ws tribe crash as thle boat it the rocks, and as ‘Bdmond watched in horor, our silrs ll into the water and were not Seen again. itl by litle the wind dled away and the sea became calm, Slue sky appeared between the clouds, and it was morning. "Soon the guards wil know that ve escaped” thought Danis. “thon the police and eustoms ollicers will search the coast, find al the Islands! Whore can I hide? Oh God, help met ust then he saw a small ship comiag towards ‘Mboulen ‘they're probably smuggler. he thought. ‘ll pretend to be ‘one ofthe sllore from the fishing Boot. then 1 be sae with them fr @ while’ He jumped Into the sea and swam powerfully towards the ship. The captain saw him in the water, and ordered bis men. ‘o help Hamond into the ship. They gave him foo, water and dey closes ‘Where do you come fom? asked the captain 1m a Maltese sailor’ replied Dants in Taian. “Our boat broke up in the stom lastnight My poot friends ae all dead “bo ya know the coast andthe poe round here? Yes, I've been sling ese seas all my hie “Well, perhaps you'd Uke to stay with ts and work for me ‘this ship. need someone like ou. Jat theo, they heard loud bang fzom the Chie “what's going on thre evied the captain. ‘A przonerprobobly escaped last igh s}d1Dants sll. "that’s the waening The cept Tookod quickly at Dantes, but the young man scemed very calm, and the captain did, nol think he could possibly be the eseape prisoner. "Vd lke to wark with you, captain,’ continued Dantes “By the way, whats the date ~ the: year? ‘Yon don’t know what year i is "1 was so frightened by last night's stem ~ Lnearty went rad! replied Danis, laaghing, ve almost forgotten my own rae! "Well, today’s date is February 28th, 1823. Fourieen years before, to the day, the police had arrested Daatts He had entered the Chateau at nineteen and Ie it at dsty-thre, Sadly he wondered what had become of ‘Mercedes, Then, with the light oflaetzed in his eyes he thought ofthe revenge that he would take on is enemies, Dang Fernand, and Vilefort . For the next three months he worked with the smugglers hoping therm sail in and oot of the ports along the coast, with 4 cargo of gd, jewels, tobaceo, and other expensive things. ‘They Rept away from the customs ofers, who ota allowed them and shot at them. (One day the captain sad to Dans, Wel my Maltese fren, Aamo Bad not told them his name, so that Is what they called him) "tomorrow we're taking on a cargo of sver and tobacco from another ship, atthe island of Monte Cristo ‘Bond ted to stay calm. ‘How log will we stay there? Ieaskod He hoped he would have eto search rth treasure ‘Only few hones. said the eapain, {eas an exciting moment for mond when the ship aeved ‘at Moute Crist that evening I was lly land, an its rocks ‘were trig pink and then Bue i the ight ofthe dying sun As te snuggles jumped onto the beac, Edmond took 8 gun, tellg ther he was gong to shoot wild got for supper. He managed to shoot a goat and gave It tothe sailors to ‘ook over a ke on the Heach, But as he walked away, be seemed {0 catch his foot on rock, and fll easly. with a loud ery of pin The sllors came running to help him. Bat Iie told therm he was too badly hurt to wall: dey woald have to leave him om the island for the night, and return to pick hima up the next day. They agreed. and In an hour's time they salled away with thelr new cargo. ‘As soon as they had gone, he jumped up and, on flat sone neat the fie, put together the two pieces of paper that, the priest had given him. Yow wit Bt po ij die i carne th iad of ork C88 estos a he each igh anda he tl 4 fe tick jm the sal re. ‘Taking @ buening stick Kom the fre, he went up the bill sand found dhe twenteth rock, Uindt i there was ge stone svth a rng in efor he tried to i t,he looked ll around, but no one wes watching. He pled the ring as hard as he ould, and very slowly the heavy stone moved, uncovering a hole in the ground, ‘The eaves! he thought i delight. He climbed down into the hole and fous himself in a kind of tunderground room, and there. in the darkest comer was lange wooden box. He herve to open it, and fll back when he saw whit vas nse. Tt was fal of shinng gold coins. Dwight jewels and valuable silver — It was indeed treasure! ‘The next morning he wat ready, with his pockets fll of gold, when the smugglers came to pe hi up He asked them to leave hla at the port of Marslle. Here he bought i ast salling boat and eturne tothe island, alone, to fete the rest, of his teasure. And when he sailed back to Marsalle again, the was one of the richest men in the word 1 wor id READING CHECK. Correct eight moro mistake in the chapter summary, Card no ad Ton pol he ross nh ar ‘alors ont tor a aml sip comes tvard Town an Edmond sis tt The ors nth ship ap Eran out ofthese on him many. water an ry ates, non te he om Mat. The cnt sh ao aslo. There 9 arin i rom the Chtau ett say hata piso hn. dimond ean rm the sh’ eetan math hasten npn fr ae ees. Aer hea years of waking ch thei. Edmond rie onthe nando iaen. He pretends ton est he to bart tsi wth he ter. tas an the en fre i, an, wth Aapleo' apes to alp him he ds hors tesa. dana Dts teams WORD WORK Match the words with the corsa pictures. 8 over gon 2 exe 4 stor teen ihe © smgiers tobeceo 1 customs ofeare ‘QUESS WHAT ‘What do you think happens inthe nxt chapter? Tick the boxes. 2 REE sat te Err. eee (eran é Si » rosacea of ne 6 ane. Arar ss GEREN pas tecome fama oa Frech omy ocr Fibanars (yrerana PE. oo ae abo 4 Mercado hs mari na mons. {Fdrced hlps onscur Marl by 3 ephan ofthe Pharaon.

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