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Here are seven letters (virtually copied verbatim) I wrote.. ("crafted"!).. August 2011;
based on "eleven specific".. "mental machinations".. "presented(!) to me"; as recorded
in my journal.. 'over two-weeks'.. in what I've called.. "The Marie-Francis Affair" ..!
They provide "insight", (a sort of.. "bird's eye view").. into a very persistent "human"
phenomena.. in which, virtually "all humans" have their "existence".. thus, this affects
the whole of humanity. Insights into the way, "human-nature" has evolved.. that limit
human-potential; "to a mere existence".. "stunted", by conformity to an implied "com-
mon-wisdom".. (– a "collective" "understanding" by "mere mortals".!).. a combination
– of "the blind".. being led by.. the "blind"; and – "the blind".. "leading".. "the blind".!
It's about "too much" governance.. and, paradoxically.. "not enough" governance.! Or,
what is now being referred to, as "the Goldilocks principle".. at every level in society.!
"Parent-Child".. "Child-Parent".. "relating".. – instead of a mature.. Adult.. to.. Adult.!
The "style" of these "letters".. I've been told.. 'makes for difficult reading'.. one cannot
"approach" them, as one would.. "normal".. writing –– [ but it "has" it's own purpose:
Metaphor.. ambiguity.. prose.. (phraseology).. "code".. right-hemisphere "language"!]

One's 'left-brain' will want to scream out in protest.. may even "refuse" to "allow"
"you" to read it.. –by 'insisting' this is just pure rubbish.! So be it.. for that is as it
should be.. thus "protecting" "you" from "what is written here".. "a truth".. "your"
'left-brain' will not want you to "hear", for it would "unseat" it's "control" of you.!

If so.. you are now.. being held captive.. by it's own inability.. to see past itself.. and..
you will "never" then.. be allowed.. to "expand" to your full "potential" as a Human.!

The "story" doesn't end here. This is merely an "introduction" by way of an "exposé"
– hence the title.. "The Marie-Francis Affair".. – for it is.. Marie.. that has.. "aided"..
me, by being the "focus" of what is written here. It is a story of modern "marionettes"
(today's "agents" of the 'collective'), and "iconoclasts" (the 'me's'), in the 21st century.!

– Thank Christ – " for " – Frank Christ –

fransus © Aug.2011
[ be warned.. not.. for faint-hearted.. souls – " and " – this.. could.. make one.. a madman ]

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