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The Night before Christmas

December is one of the most awaited time as the year comes to an end. Not because of
the cold weather and Christmas vibes but also, it’s the season where people forgive each
other, gather and celebrate together after a long time of not seeing one another and the
most important thing is remembering the birth of our Savior.

In a small home not far from the main cities lived Jack and Lily. A happily wed old couple
with no children. In the warmth of their own home they lived happily for years. As
Christmas eve is nearing, Lily already started to prepare a special homemade Christmas
dinner. Jack was in the living room when he heard something fall in the kitchen. He went
to the kitchen and was shocked to see Lily lying on the floor, unconscious.

He called the emergency hotline. Soon after, the emergency response team arrived and
found that Lily had a stroke. Jack told the emergency response team to take them to one
of the best cardiac hospital in the city (The Medical City).

At the hospital, the doctors told Jack that they will do the best that they can to save his
wife. He was appraised that Lily will have to undergo surgery and the results will be
determined after the surgery. Jack was so confused with everything that was happening.
It was supposed to be Christmas Eve and they were supposed to be together celebrating
and having dinner in their little home.

While Jack was sitting down in the lobby, a The Medical City staff wearing a red jacket
noticed that he was uncomfortable, stressed and uneasy. The person offered him a drink
and sat down to keep him company. Jack then started to share what happened. He felt
relieved that he was not alone during the time he was uneasy while waiting for his wife to
go out of the OR. The stranger assured him that everyone is doing their best for his wife
and that his wife was in good hands.

Midnight struck and there were still no updates. Jack was at the sacristy fervently praying
for his wife. A couple of hours later Jack received a call. It was his doctor telling him that
the surgery was done, and he should go wait in the OR waiting room lobby.

Nervous, Jack went down to the lobby, he saw that the doctor was waiting for him. It was
like time slowed down as he was walking; the moment of truth was coming. He had to
expect the worse.
The Night before Christmas

It was like a stabbed knife was removed from his heart when the doctor told him that the
surgery was a success. Yet, they still need to wait for his wife to wake up and continue
monitoring her. Jack thanked the doctor and the team for the successful operation.

Lily was transferred to a hospital room. Jack was waiting at her side, holding her hand as
he waited again when will her wife regain consciousness. Nurses visited from time to time
to monitor Lily as well as check on Jack to see how he was doing. Even if Lily was
unconscious, they would talk to Lily and encouraged Jack to also talk to her. They took
the extra mile to provide the emotional support that Jack needs. The nurses also involved
Jack in making the plan of care for his wife.

After few more hours, suddenly Lily was able to open her eyes. Jack was crying with joy
and called the nurse. The nurse did an assessment and informed the doctor.

When the doctor arrived, he did his own assessment to Lily. She was groggy but she was
able to move all extremities. Jack was extremely pleased and ecstatic with the results.

After a few more days Lily was able to talk normally. While the assigned nurse was doing
his normal rounds, Lily grabbed his hand and thank him and told him “I heard what you
said to him while I wasn’t able to move. Thank you for taking care of me and my husband.
Despite what happened, this is one of the best Christmas gift I ever had” The nurse
responded: “You’re welcome Ma’am. Here, you’re not just a patient but you are also family
to us. As our slogan says, “Where patients are Partners”! Patient successfully

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