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Introduction to Mathematics

Internal Assessment (IA)

The Exploration
Internal Exploration Year 12 Year 13
for Students

Introduction 23rd May, 2021 N/A

Topic Proposal Due 19th June, 2021 N/A
Title/Plan/Aim/Rational 19th June, 2021 N/A
e and Mathematics
Data + Maths Processes 12th September, 2021
+ Calculations + Graphs

First Draft Submission N/A 14th November, 2021

Final Version Submission N/A 2nd January, 2022
Planning – Mind Mapping
sport archaeology computers
algorithms cell phones music
sine musical harmony motion
e electricity water
space orbits food
volcanoes diet Euler
games symmetry architecture
codes the internet communication
tiling population agriculture
viruses health dance
play π geography
biology business economics
physics chemistry information technology
in a global society
Choose a stimulus and create your
own mind map here.
The Assessment Criteria

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