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My first paycheck

When I was 19 years old I got a job at my

university department. I used to work as a
laboratory assistant. In my university we
had a Language lab, where students could
go and listen to audio cassettes in English
for practicing listening. I never worried
about money because; I used go to school
by walking and never took taxis nor bus.
I used to have lunch at the university dining
room. So I never spent any money.

By the time I finished my third month of

work my first paycheck arrived with three
times the money I expected.
I was really shocked, because I had never
received a check under my name and I
never expected to be this much.

I took the money and opened a bank

account, I didn’t use the money until a year
after I used it to travel to Tarija, then
Argentina and Paraguay. That first paycheck
was special because it taught me the value
of saving.

By: Ronald Quezada

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